Plug-in Player

Chapter 357: Discover

Although many people were extremely afraid of their fourth-generation mechas, but looking at the victory that was about to be won, everyone also gave a thunderous cheer.

Long Ming and his group of presidents officially set foot on the city of praying for dragons.

"This is the City of Praying Dragons, and we finally won it."

Fujiwara Valley (President Amaterasu) said with emotion.

"The price to pay is not so heavy."

Putmi was not happy at all, the fourth-generation mecha that Augustus went to open. After this battle, the lifespan will definitely be cut by one section.

Long Ming was in a very good mood: "Don't be discouraged, take the City of Praying Dragons, and we can take over the weapons left here. At that time, we can set off for the lost continent and complete the Cup of Earth. All sacrifices are worth."

"President Long Ming is right..."

"Yes, the victory is ours."

The presidents on the side echoed with laughter.

The corner of Putmi's mouth twitched slightly, and there is a kind of mute who can't tell the bitterness of eating Coptis chinensis, and can only follow with a wry smile.

Just then suddenly the earth began to shake.

"what's the situation!"

Everyone was also surprised.

The smile on Long Ming's face also stiffened.

At this time, metal pillars rose from all directions in the City of Praying Dragons.

A cuboid transparent CDW-02 nuclear mine is embedded in each metal column.

There are eight in number.

Seeing this number, Long Ming and others suddenly fell directly from heaven into hell.

The expressions on everyone's faces were extremely horrified, and these eight high-intensity CDW-02 nuclear mines were enough to completely wipe out the City of Prayer Dragons.

Even the IV-generation mecha Kvassis would not necessarily be able to survive in such an explosion center.

"It's over!"

Long Ming shivered all over his body. He never expected to be pecked blind by birds.

I saw the eight metal pillars, and at the same time, red lightning flashed out, ready to activate the high-intensity CDW-02 nuclear mine.

Just when everyone's heart came to their throats.

Suddenly, the eight metal pillars flashed out lightning and went out at the same time, like a power outage.

Seeing this scene, Long Ming's heart suddenly lifted up again. With such ups and downs in life, his heart was aching faintly.

But his first reaction was to growl.

"Go and dismantle all the nuclear mines for me!"

This roar immediately made all the dumbfounded people react and rushed forward like crazy.

"Quickly dismantle!"

When Putmi and others reported it, they were also jumping up and down in a hurry!

Augustus, who was driving the fourth-generation biological mecha Kvassiz, was also shocked by the sudden scene, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Originally in a state of frenzy, he instantly woke up.

There is no better tranquilizer than death.

Auguras hurriedly controlled the fourth-generation machine to rush to those metal pillars, pulling a metal pillar directly from the ground with one hand.


The control room of the underground central center of the City of Dragons.

A prompt popped up suddenly in front of the artificial intelligence · whole body.

"Warning, the energy spar is lost, and the base energy is interrupted!"

"Base defense weapons disabled."

"The nuclear mine detonated and terminated."



In the underground base of the city of dragons, all the equipment stopped for a moment, and the lights went out one after another.

The artificial intelligence · Full God is getting more and more crazy, and the thunder light emerging from his body is getting stronger and stronger.

His spirit seemed to be getting more and more deranged.

"Damn mouse, I'm going to tear you apart!"

"It's scary, Mom, I'm scared!"

"To die, to die..."

"Is the world going to end?"


"Turn on backup power immediately!"

"Starting up alternate nuclear fission pool..."

"Start the countdown."




Qianchengxue and Xin Yang followed Han Min around the pipe below the base, and soon came to an open area.

There are more than 30 famous people hiding here, including men and women, old and young.

Qianchengxue was a little dumbfounded.

"Han Min, you guys came back safely, have you been rescued?"

The crowd gathered around.


Han Min said very happily.

"This is the real person."

Immediately, everyone surrounded Qianchengxue with great novelty, as if looking at some national treasure.

"You are?"

Qianchengxue was full of puzzled questions.

Han Min said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, and introduce yourself. We are the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom and the survivors of the free organization. Guests from afar welcome you."

Xin Yang said on the side, "I know them. They were the group of people who opposed the mechanical ascension the most. I didn't expect that there were still people who survived. I thought they were all wiped out by artificial intelligence."

When Han Min and others heard Xin Yang's words, their expressions suddenly changed, and they subconsciously raised their guns to face Xin Yang.

"You are the puppet of artificial intelligence."

"Don't attack, he's not bad."

Qianchengxue quickly explained.

Xin Yang turned his head and pointed to the back of his head.

"I used to be part of A.I. Full God, but then my transmission was broken. So I'm an independent personality now, don't worry."

Hearing Xin Yang's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see."

At this time, Han Min warmly stretched out his hand to hold Qianchengxue.

"I don't know what your sister is called?"

Qianchengxue's expression became a little strange when she heard Han Min's enthusiastic question. In terms of age, these people might all be her ancestors.

Now call her sister back.

Qianchengxue calmed down and bowed to Han Min and the others.

"Thank you for saving me. I introduce myself as Qianchengxue."

"My name is Han Min, his name is Gao En, his name is Zhang Nan..."

Han Min began to introduce everyone present to Qianchengxue.

Qianchengxue stretched out her hands and held them together one by one, and the surviving people present were all excited.

"Is this the feeling of flesh and blood? It's really different to hold."

"Good look, it's actually warm."


Qian Chengxue felt a burst of sadness inexplicably when she saw what these people said.

For fear of scaring Qian Chengxue, Han Min explained apologetically, "I'm sorry, we haven't seen a real living person for too many years, so I'm a little too excited."

"May I take the liberty to ask, how did you escape the control of artificial intelligence and omniscient? And what the **** is going on?"

Qianchengxue asked suspiciously.

"Actually, if you don't ask us, we want to tell you everything, because we have something to ask you."

Han Min replied sincerely.

"You say."

"In fact, the voice of opposition to the matter of mechanical ascension was not low at all. However, under the suppression of the upper aristocratic parliament and the brainwashing propaganda, most of the opposition was quelled. For those who took a firm stand like us, they adopted Cleaning and arresting, leaving only us who survived, knowing that we could not resist. Before the start of the mechanical ascension, we secretly invaded the reserve, looked for our corresponding body, and set up a back door for physical automatic destruction. Break the link with the artificial intelligence and the full god, and escape from the assimilated claws."

"But we can only survive like mice, until we see your arrival. From the moment you entered the base and triggered a series of alarms, we knew that there were living people coming, but unfortunately we are very powerful and have been I can't find a chance to save you."

Han Min will probably explain.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"We want you to help us eliminate artificial intelligence, all gods, return everyone's consciousness to everyone, and save the dragon country!"


"The only one we can rely on is you, and we can't get close to the artificial intelligence, the omniscient. As long as we get close to it within a certain range, we will be invaded by its powerful force and eventually assimilated by it. Only flesh and blood can ignore it. It's assimilated, and we don't have much time left, and AI Full God is now on the verge of madness."

"But I..."

A bitterness appeared on Qianchengxue's face, not because she didn't want to help, but because there was little hope.

Just when Han Min was about to

Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded, and everyone was a little unsteady.

At this time, a hole was blasted in the metal wall above the head, and then the killing mechanical puppets jumped down one by one, while the mechanical spiders climbed out one by one.

The giant mechanical spider headed by it's eyes turned red and made a hoarse mechanical synthesis sound.

"Finally found you, a bunch of mice!"

"All God!"

Xin Yang looked terrified.

"Protect Qiancheng Snow!"

Han Min gritted his teeth and gave an order, and many robots present protected Qianchengxue behind him.

Qianchengxue bit her lips and bleeds, her hands clenched into fists, a feeling of extreme powerlessness rose from the bottom of her heart.


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