Plug-in Player

Chapter 373: evacuate

Su Mo didn't talk nonsense with him. He simply said to Lei Jiang: "It's not that I don't support the above planning and decision-making. But everything must be handled properly. There are so many tenants here, and always give a satisfactory one. The solution. I don't care how much compensation I can pay. I care very simply, how to properly arrange all my tenants. The interstellar airport is not built in a short time, there must be a process, you go back and think about it , give me a satisfactory solution."

From Su Mo's point of view, no matter how much money is given to him, it is still a pile of waste paper and data. The tenants here have more or less feelings for him. He couldn't bear to see them being driven out and displaced.

Some people may not understand it, but if you change the angle, you may be able to understand.

"Mr. Su Mo, this..."

Lei Jiang's expression is also like eating a big dung, so many people are properly settled, this is not to kill him.

"Don't tell me anything else, the previous conflict is over, you should compensate for the compensation, and apologize for the apology. But if you continue to mess up before a reasonable plan is given, don't blame me and sue you directly. Don't say that you have a lawsuit, and you don't even want to demolish this piece of land."

Su Mo stood with her hands on her back, her tone was flat, but unusually tough.

Lei Jiang replied bitterly, "Mr. Su Mo, we understand..."

Su Mo turned his head to the dark neighbors behind him and said, "Everyone is gone, don't gather here."


Everyone responded, and then the dark crowd began to disperse.

Zhou Gui looked at Lei Jiang.

"Director Lei, what should we do now?"

"What to do, take out all the work machines. Before an agreement is reached, don't start another conflict."

Lei Jiang reprimanded angrily.


Zhou Huai responded quickly.

After a while, the people on both sides were almost evacuated, and Uncle Zhao was relieved.

He said apologetically to Su Mo, "I called you back temporarily, didn't it delay your business?"

Su Mo shook his head and replied, "It's okay, I just happened to be going back."

"You're not going back to the imperial capital?"

"I won't go back for the time being. When the matter here is resolved, I'll go back and have a look when I have time."

Su Mo looked in the direction of the imperial capital and said with a sigh.

At this time Uncle Li also came over, he said with a smile: "It's good to stay, while Su Mo was away, I have followed your instructions to expand the Internet cafe, and the business is still very good, if you feel bored, why not? Come to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet. The game cabin you asked for has been reserved. It is too lonely at home alone, and it will be lonely after a long time. It is better to come to the Internet cafe, the atmosphere is still lively, and it will not be boring. "


Su Mo thought for a while and agreed.

When Uncle Li heard that Su Mo agreed, the old face was very happy. He didn't expect anything at all.

Unexpectedly, Su Mo was really willing to come out.

"That's great, I'll go back and prepare it for you."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, let's do it. After all, this Star Travel Cafe also has my share. Anyway, I'm fine if I'm idle, so why don't I just be an idle network manager and help me."

Su Mo said.

"Don't you play games?"

Uncle Li was also slightly startled.

"My game is dead."

Su Mo explained.

"Look at my memory, the Star Ring game is indeed no better than ordinary games, and the mortality rate is too high, but it doesn't matter, it's the same as watching others play."

Uncle Li quickly comforted Su Mo, he could clearly feel that Su Mo was not the same as before, she was too cheerful.

"I know."


-------------------------------------------------- -------

A few days later, Su Mo was sitting at the bar of the Open Source Internet Cafe.

The original old Internet cafe has now been renovated with a new look.

Rows of helmet machines are located in squares, and when Uncle Li was decorating the Internet cafe, he deliberately referred to the Star Tour Cafe next door, and built a small and medium-sized holographic image projection device in the center to play it in real time. Various Star Ring battle footage and footage from celebrity anchors.

Although this Internet cafe is much smaller than the other side, it is cheaper, so the popularity of the gathering is also very strong.

"so cool!"

A burst of excited cheers rang out.

Su Mo subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the video on the central projection screen.

At this time, the battle video of Li Dongen, a professional player of the Gaoli Guild, was playing, driving the II-generation Cheetah Mecha.

The operation is also like a cloud and flowing water.

The cheetah mech shuttles through the group of alien monsters, and the alloy blade in its hand is like a harvester, reaping the life of the monsters along the way.

Blood splattered.

In the corner of the video, there is a brief introduction to Li Dongen's information and resume.

Li Dongen is the captain of the Mecha Brigade of the first ace unit of the Gaoli Guild.

Famous record: In the offensive and defensive battle of Huangshi Base, he once killed seven type II elite-level alien monsters and one type III general-level alien, laying the cornerstone for the Gaoli Guild to capture the Yellowstone Base, known as the nickname Hunter.

Immediately afterwards, the central image changed again.

Appeared as a hot and **** girl, driving a III-generation mecha, a blaster armor.

Falling straight from the sky into the monster-like tide.

Its sharp sickle swept away, and the pieces of alien monsters were cut in half like tofu.

The black pressure battlefield was immediately cleared out into a vacuum area.

. …

The crowd of onlookers shouted excitedly.

"Kasari!!!" The Captain of the Second Ace Army Mecha Brigade of the Storm Bear Guild.

Title: Blood Reaper.

Famous record: In the Blackwater Battlefield, single-handedly slaughtered 162 mechas of the Mythical Guild, and then went to the Blackwater Land to kill 3 Type III generals and 32 Type III elite monsters... .


Su Mo lowered his head and continued to browse the forum website. With the opening of the Cup of Earth, the Star Ring game also reached a new climax.

At the same time, the Federal Parliament announced the declaration of an offensive and defensive alliance, and all internal battles were cancelled, so the surviving stragglers all joined the regular army formation.

Because of this, they also got first-hand information, and the historical records of the official professional staff of various guilds have been revealed.

In the original battle rankings, there were only roaming masters, but now they are basically wiped out by professional players and regular troops.

After all, compared to the combat skills of professional staff, roaming is extremely mediocre. Take that Li Dongen as an example, the ace pilot of the Gaoli Guild is not as good as the ace pilot of the Tianlong Guild and the Free Victory Guild. But if you throw it out casually, it is also an existence that presses the top free swimmers out of breath, and it is not comparable to ordinary star anchors.

This strong sense of gap instantly detonated the star-chasing of the whole people, and countless players found new idols.

Unfortunately, Su Mo has no interest at all. He continued to search for information about the Dawnbreaker Guild on the forum.

However, the result of the search made Su Mo frown.

I couldn't find any relevant videos or information at all. It seemed that Qianchengxue and the others were following the Tianlong Guild, and all the information was covered up.

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