Plug-in Player

Chapter 401: result

It has to be said that this group promotion lineup is indeed extremely powerful.

In less than an hour, the percentage of approval reached 59.6%!

The guests at the scene became more and more excited, and shouted in unison with the progress value.





"It's done!"

The audience cheered, and at the same time, the video areas were broadcasted, and some people could be seen taking the lead in shouting excitedly.


In an instant, the enthusiasm of the people was ignited, and fanatical shouts began to appear in the streets.


Of course the statistics are still going on, after all the deadline is not over yet.

Long Ming and others stood quietly on the stage, watching the soaring percentage ratio, until the last second, the value was fixed.

"97.1% approve of the Star Ring Sky Cup, 2.1% disapprove, and 0.8% abstain!"

Long Ming took a deep breath and bowed to everyone.

"Thank you for your support. Our descendants will be very proud of our choice today! I officially announce that the decision to fight for the Star Ring·Sky Cup has passed!"

In an instant, everyone present stood up and applauded warmly.

The cheers in the city were deafening.

Cheers and applause lasted for more than ten minutes, and everyone's hands were blushing.

At this time, Long Ming raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and he said tightly: "Dear people, in order to unite and win the Cup of Heaven. Let our civilization continue, and the heads of parliaments of our countries officially announce here."

In the next second, all the heads of parliaments of all countries came to the stage to stand together and announced in unison.

"We announce that we will abandon gaps, estrangements, greed, interests, and unity. Adhering to the principles of justice, fairness, light, and freedom, we will jointly establish a complete federal government. From now on, all troops will be integrated and unified, and the boundaries between countries will be abolished."

Hearing this exciting news, all the people were even more excited, and many people shouted loudly.

"Long live the Federation!!"

Su Mo watched the TV and heard the news, and his brain was buzzing.

Today is really destined to be an extraordinary day, and it was merged into a federation.


At this time, Long Ming took a deep breath and announced to everyone: "I, Long Ming, officially announced as the President of the Federal Parliament that the Cup of Heaven will be officially opened on the first day of spring next year, that is, there are two more Months. During this period, I officially announced that the federal government is vigorously recruiting troops. I hereby appeal to all players who have participated in Starlink and those who have achieved certain results to actively sign up to participate!”



Two months later, Su Mo was walking on the streets of Modu, playing the declaration of the festival everywhere.

At the same time, a conscription point was set up on one street.

Not to mention, there are really many people lining up to join the army, of course, the requirements are quite high. Now the entry and filter conditions are very clear, just provide the resume report and achievement report in the star ring.


The casual restaurant on the street and the players sitting are also discussing the Cup of Heaven.

"You said, when we fight for the Cup of Heaven, will we obtain super-high technology and prolong life?"

"Maybe, you think, the Cup of Earth is so magical, the Cup of Heaven is definitely better."

"It makes sense, do you want to join the army?"

"Uh, forget about it. I plan to set up a development company, specializing in gold panning, and miss the tuyere of the Cup of Earth, so I can't miss the Cup of Heaven."

"Is this kind of company easy to set up?"

"It's easy to set up, don't you know? The federation is now liberalizing many policies and allowing private establishment of development companies. Now many development companies are poaching people, and the wages are very high."

"So good, then don't all go to work in the development company."

"What can I say, each has its own advantages..."


Su Mo also walked past, found a corner seat to sit down, and ordered a cup of coffee.

He looked at the people coming and going, and was a little confused.

Just then his cell phone rang.

Su Mo looked down and glanced at Chen Shan, so he picked it up.

"Chen Shan?"

"Haha, Su Mo, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing, are you still in the imperial capital?"

"No, I'm back to the magic capital."

"It's really a pity that you have returned to the Devil's Capital."

"what's the matter?"

Su Mo asked with a smile.

"What can be the matter? It's not that we are recruiting troops recently, and I just wanted to ask you if you want to come. Our brothers will work hard together."

Chen Shan sent an invitation letter to Su Mo again, and he kept thinking about La Su Mo joining the team.

Su Mo smiled and replied, "No, I still prefer freedom."

"Hey, aren't you thinking about it?"

"No, I want to rest for a while."

"Well, since you said so, I don't force it anymore, call me if something happens."

Chen Shan said boldly.


Su Mo nodded.

Then Su Mo hung up the phone. At this time, the waiter brought the coffee and gently placed it in front of Su Mo.

"Your coffee, sir."


Su Mo took the coffee and was about to take a sip.

At this time, his mobile phone rang again, and Su Mo was also a little surprised. Usually, his mobile phone hadn't rang a single call for hundreds of years, but it was so lively today.

He glanced at it and saw that the caller ID was from Sun Duoxiang.

Su Mo sighed and picked it up without waiting for him to speak.

Sun Duoxiang shouted excitedly, "Big Brother!"

"What's the matter?"

Su Mo shook his head helplessly.

"Look at what you said, big brother, I can't call you if I have nothing to do. Didn't I miss you?"

"speak English."

"Hey, that eldest brother, I've been following Lin Ming recently, and the results are getting better and better, and I've already gotten into the top management. Isn't this a good thing, so I can't forget about good eldest brother? And I heard that eldest brother you are in the tenth daybreak group. The branch is not disbanded. How about you coming to me, brother? I will definitely support you. Besides, I can feel at ease with you here! Otherwise, I will panic. "

Sun Duoxiang is looking forward to sending out the invitation.

"What's wrong, you haven't been doing very well recently, just mix it up normally."

Su Mo reluctantly complained.

"Oh, big brother, you don't understand, it's not the same as before, the old man of the five dragon heads has come out. I don't know about the other groups, just the senior management of our Wushen group, it was a shocking change of blood, and a group of awesome people was airborne. I can't be a high-level person. All of them were trained from the military. I used to have a small relationship. It's also because I followed Lin Ming. His skills are strong enough. Many of the other people who followed the Lin family's children were sent down. Return."

Sun Duoxiang said with a wry smile.

"Just stay at ease. Your ability is not bad now, but you lack a little self-confidence. After the Cup of Heaven starts, you have to be careful about everything. If there is anything you are uncertain about, you can discuss it with me as much as possible. I will give you the corresponding opinion, this time is different than usual."

Su Mo thought for a while and explained.

"Okay, okay, I'm relieved if I have the words of Big Brother."

Sun Duoxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"One more thing, you are considered a high-ranking person now, take good care of Zhang Hao, and Lan Xi."

Su Mo instructed You can rest assured, there is no problem with me, but brother, are you really not coming? Without you, I always feel like something is missing..."

Sun Duoxiang patted his chest and said, but halfway through, he became discouraged again.

"Okay, don't be ashamed, come on! I'll cover you."

Su Mo replied helplessly.

"Okay, okay, then don't bother eldest brother. I'm going to greet eldest brother on New Year's Day."

"Forget it, you don't have to use it. The first day after the new year is the opening of the Cup of Heaven. What are you here for?"


"that's it."

Su Mo hung up the phone and looked at the street in the distance, his eyes became more and more determined.


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