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Chapter 477: intuition

Qianchengxue couldn't help but take a few more glances at Karinsha. From before Karinsha had dinner with Su Mo, and then Karinsha trusted Su Mo so much, she felt that the relationship between the two was not normal.

Karinsha also seemed to be aware that Qianchengxue was watching her, she smiled and then said.

"Lin Ming, let us go over and discuss."

"Okay, let's go."

Although Qian Chengxue felt regretful and couldn't communicate with Su Mo privately, she still knew the occasion.

Then Su Mo and the others gathered together again.

Lin Ming said with a tense expression: "I don't think we can just sit still, we need to do something."

"You are right, but there are so many of us that if we act together, we will definitely be exposed."

Su Mo expressed his opinion.

"Then act separately."

Witco suggested.

Qianchengxue looked at each other and finally nodded.

"This proposal works."

"How do you divide the work?"

Su Mo asked.

"Well, I will personally lead a team and try to find a way to get back to the ground to see if we can use the fallen spaceship to contact Heiyao. We can't just rely on Heiyao to find it, but we must also respond. ."

Lin Ming expressed his thoughts.

"It's too dangerous."

Su Mo took a breath, and he also admired Lin Ming a little.

"I know it's dangerous, but no matter how dangerous it is, someone has to do it."

Lin Ming's expression was very firm, and he did not waver at all.

"Okay, Lin Ming said so, and we're not talking nonsense. Let's go, I'll take a group of people to find supplies, especially food. If MD doesn't find some supplies, there will be iron bumps everywhere. We will starve to death sooner or later. Although Su Mo was right before, there are traces of artificial design in the architectural style here, but now we have not seen a single living person. It is estimated that this food is not so easy to find. Look for it before you run out."

Witko said voluntarily.

"In that case, I will also take a team to search to see if there is any gain, and the rest will stay here."

Su Mo felt that what Witke said made sense, and now is not the time to be concerned about danger.


"Then do it."

Lin Ming and the others quickly reached a consensus.

They went to organize the personnel for the action. At this time, Qianchengxue walked to Su Mo and said softly, "I'll come with you."


Su Mo did not refuse.

At this moment, Karinsha suddenly came over, she asked with a smile, "Su Mo, can I go with you too?"

Hearing Karinsha's words, Qiancheng Xue subconsciously looked at Su Mo.

"Uh... this."

Su Mo didn't know why she felt a little guilty for some reason, but this is obviously a normal thing.

"If you don't object, then there is no objection. Sister Qianchengxue, you should not object."

Karinsha smiled and turned to look at Qianchengxue.

Qianchengxue's expression didn't fluctuate too much, and she replied indifferently: "I have no opinion, it's up to you."

"That's great."

Karinsha was very happy.

Soon after, Su Mo formed a five-person team, which involved Karinsha, Qianchengxue, Finland, and a major named Guo Ping. This major was from the reconnaissance team before, and his ability in exploration is very good.

They went deeper along the tunnel, and the visibility decreased the further they went.

Gu Yu </span> But fortunately, their mechanical armors are equipped with night vision goggles, so there won't be too many problems.

But the further they went, the crowd felt as if they were moving deeper into the ground, and different tunnel forks began to appear along the way. And it is not a simple cross fork, but an intricate fork, and there is more than one.

Every time he reached a fork, Su Mo would stop and carefully observe the tunnel leading to the fork.

These tunnels are large and small.

In the end, Su Mo chose the big tunnel to walk.

"This way."

Su Mo said in a low voice, and led Qianchengxue and the others inside.

Finland asked curiously, "Su Mo, have you been here before?"

"How could it be here."

Su Mo was also stunned for a moment and replied.

"I don't think it's possible, but when you led us to escape, you felt as if you were familiar with this place."

Finland asked in confusion.

Hearing the question asked by Finland, Qianchengxue and the others all looked at Su Mo. They also have this illusion, but Qian Chengxue and the others will not deliberately ask about it.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched slightly, his thoughts turned quickly, thinking of a reasonable excuse, and finally replied calmly.

"You are delusional, I just rely on my intuition to lead everyone to escape."

"Intuition, it feels ridiculous."

Finland replied with a low emotional intelligence.

"Isn't there a saying that a woman's sixth sense is very accurate, and my intuition is similar to this ability."

Su Mo replied with a smile.

"You're not a woman."



After Qian Chengxue heard this, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker.

" is not just based on intuition. For example, now, the forks of the various tunnels we are in, you look carefully at these different tunnels, although I don't know where they lead. But these tunnels are still There is a difference, and its difference can give us some hints. For example, the tunnel on the left, you see that the volume is so narrow, it is obviously provided for individual soldiers to walk. In addition, the medium tunnel here, in terms of size, It can support the passage of medium weapons, similar to chariots. The passage we are taking now is a large passage, which is used to support the passage of weapons such as mechas. Normally, it should lead to more important areas. Okay , don't talk about it, focus on exploring, be careful of the enemy."

Su Mo decisively changed the direction and changed the concept, and ended the inquiry at the same time. He didn't know how to explain it any more.

Just when Finland wanted to keep asking, Karinsha stopped her.

"Finland, don't ask, and explore."

Finn raised his mouth and muttered unhappily, "I'll just ask."

However, Finnish complained, she still followed Su Mo's instructions and carefully observed the moving tunnel, and suddenly felt that Su Mo's words seemed to make sense.

It looks like this guy still has the ability.


A few hours later, Su Mo was cautiously exploring the passage.

Then they walked to a slightly open bronze door and looked in through the open gap.

The inside of the gate was pitch black, and it seemed to be a repository.

"It's a warehouse, and the door hasn't closed yet."

Finn said excitedly.

"Shh, be careful."

Su Mo reminded vigilantly.

Qianchengxue and several others raised their automatic pistols to be vigilant.

Su Mo took a closer look, and soon discovered several hidden surveillance devices.

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