Plug-in Player

Chapter 632: wondering

Fall in love with you, plug-in player

Su Mo clicked on the post, and there was no end to the messages on both sides.

He shook his head helplessly, it was really a group of people who didn't stop.

So Su Mo clicked the post and continued to browse other posts.

At this time, Su Mo saw a very popular post, which was posted by a well-known person called Iron Will.

Su Mo clicked on the post to browse, and frowned.

The content of this post is very simple, the main meaning is that the weak eat the strong, the law of the dark forest, the weak should never live in this world, they are like herbivores, destined to serve as food for the strong, may I ask if it is necessary Have mercy on those foods?

Su Mo was speechless when he saw it, so he replied.

"Yes, the rules of the world are indeed the weak and the strong, but will the real strong bully the weak? Besides, the empires that attack people now are not necessarily stronger than the countries that were attacked, and they are not afraid of teeth. It’s broken. Everyone just came to this world, and it’s not good to dig their own resources. If you come up and grab them, isn’t that a robber? Since you want to be a robber, don’t say it in such a high-sounding manner.

At this time, Xiao Wen's voice sounded in the communication channel. After Su Mo sent it out, he didn't care anymore.

"Is Su Mo here?"

"Yes! What's wrong?"

Su Mo put the phone aside.

"We have searched a part of the area and haven't found any large-scale mines yet. However, we found that there are many entrances to worm nests here. I am a little doubtful that a mine will be deep underground."

Shawyn explained.

"What you said makes sense, so let's continue the surface survey first. Then mark all the entrances to the worm nest, and indicate the size. After the first round of survey is over, we will consider the next action."

Su Mo thought about it and said.


Xiao Wen responded in agreement.

Just as Su Mo and Sean were chatting, the phone on the side kept buzzing.

Su Mo picked up the phone in doubt and glanced at it, and was slightly taken aback.

Seeing that Su Mo didn't speak suddenly, Xiao Wen asked in doubt.

"Su Mo, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Xiao Wen, go do your work first, if there is anything else, you can tell me later."

Su Mo opened his mouth to end the communication.

"it is good."

Xiao Wen also said more, and then interrupted the communication.

Su Mo then twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the background program of his Star Ring Forum.

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Dear Mr. Su Mo, you have 883912 unviewed reply messages, please check them as soon as possible.

Dear Mr. Su Mo, you have 521111 private messages, please check them as soon as possible.


Su Mo looked at the prompts that kept popping up, and he was about to be stunned.

what's the situation.

Su Mo tried to expand the reply message.

I saw a reply message popped up,

"After the identification, this person is the Virgin. When the doomsday comes, kill the Virgin first, and the dog's head is stretched out."

"What is the maximum utilization of resources, what do weak people do with those resources? It's better to contribute to the strong people and contribute to the civilization of the strong."

"I like to rob, you have an opinion, if you have the ability to apply, I will rob you first!"

"Arrogant, you dare to arrogantly refute the truth of the landlord, who is the landlord, and what are you?"

"Humble keyboard warrior."


Su Mo was speechless when she saw these unsightly replies.

Good guy, I didn't expect that one day I would also be harassed by the Internet, and it was so fierce.

It looks like I have stabbed a hornet's nest. The host who posted this post has a lot of fans.

One spit will drown oneself.

Su Mo frowned and typed in a series of words, and replied to these guys uniformly.

A prompt box pops up.

"Reminder, the card of the Star Ring City you bound has insufficient balance and cannot send a reply. Please reply after 23 hours and 28 minutes."

Su Mo's face twitched fiercely, this forum is really **** up.

At this time, the forger, the Devourer, said in a low voice: "Even if you have more money, it is useless to reply, and your words are meaningless. If I were you, I would strengthen my strength and use their favorite creed. Deal with them, slaughter them, and enslave them forever. When you reason with them, they will only play hooligans with you. When you play hooligans with them, they will reason with you. Your human nature is so bad. "

The muscles on Su Mo's face twitched slightly, and he gave a thumbs up to the forger, Devourer.

"Fortunately, it's not you who offended them, but I really have to mourn for them."

With this guy's temperament, he definitely does what he says.

The forger, the Devourer, replied in a low voice, "How are you going to fight back?"

"There's no time and energy to manage them, let's mine first."

Su Mo touched his forehead, and replied with a little pain in his head. He secretly thought, next time it's okay, don't reply, it's just too embarrassing.


The fake owner, the Devourer, was too lazy to say anything.

Su Mo took a few deep breaths and suppressed the displeasure in his heart. It was also because of his strong heart. If he were a normal person, he would not be able to bear it.

Unfortunately, Su Mo wanted to be generous, but those guys didn't seem to intend to be generous.


Su Mo's phone still kept vibrating, and more and more information about him was private.

Look at each other's endless messages.

Su Mo felt more and more that something was wrong. Normally, he should not be the only one to refute, why are you targeting him.

So he reopened the post.

It turned out that the problem was that there were a lot of people who liked his comment and supported him, and sent his comment directly to the top of this post.

And the owner of the post also specifically replied to Su Mo.

"I don't agree with your point of view, the rules are made by the strong, just like the current rules are made by the city of the star ring, if it is not the city of the star ring that prohibits each other from attacking each other, do you think you are still qualified to speak here? Strong? The weak will always be the strong, and the weak will always be the weak, if you don’t get rid of the weak, then it will be the nourishment of others, whether you agree or not, the reality is like this.”


Su Mo In fact, although what the poster said was very ugly, it also made some sense.

But if the world really runs according to his ideas.

Su Mo sneered, then the unlucky people are definitely the people at the bottom, that is, the most vicious people they support now.

Suddenly Su Mo thought of a question and asked the forgery owner, the Devourer.

"Has anyone really become the master as they say?"

"There are many historical deeds that use force to achieve domination, but I have never seen such a naked use of force to act as domination. How can you wear a layer of hypocrisy? As for those so-called power empires, they are a group of mental retardation!"

The deep words of the forger, the Devourer, were full of disdain.

Su Mo coughed and said with a smile.

"I found that your IQ is quite high."

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