Plug-in Player

Chapter 660: Miracle

At this critical moment, the Type IV biological mecha, the reloaded apostle, bit the bullet in front of Su Mo. He raised the superalloy giant shield in his hand and unfolded the AT stand barrier at the same time.

The inside driver, Gateway, roared with bloodshot eyes.

"Damn bastard, don't even think about it!"

Su Motong's hole shrank, and he drove the pseudo V-generation mecha, Youwei, and slammed into it!

In an instant, the two AT positions touched, and the position barrier of the instant reloading apostle was instantly disintegrated.

Gateway was like being hit by a car.

In the next second, the pseudo-V-generation mecha and the super-alloy giant shield with particle light blades pierced directly into the hands.


The entire giant shield was cut with two terrifying cuts, but because the giant shield was too thick, it was not cut open.

But the terrifying impact immediately acted on the reloaded apostle. The whole mecha flew backwards like a cannonball, slammed into the Kunkan, and smashed a shocking hole.

At this time, the blue-scale mecha and the night guard mecha attacked at the same time like lightning.


The weapons of the two mechas slammed heavily on the AT position barrier of the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youwei.

The entire stand barrier shook violently, causing serious distortions.

Its weapons pierced into the position barrier of the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Nether Abnormal.

At this time, the welding part of the center of the body of the pseudo V-generation mecha · Youwei also began to appear one after another crack lines.

The blue-scale mecha pilot Ali was keenly aware of the difference, and he shouted in the communication channel in surprise.

"This guy is not invincible, his mecha is not fully repaired, there are signs of collapse!"

As soon as these words came out, Deji and others instantly ignited hope.

"Come on together! Kill him."

At this time, in the cab of the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji, after a frantic panting, Su Mo raised his head, let out a low roar, and his dual blue particle light blades pierced towards Lanscale and Yewei.

Bluescale and Ye Wei subconsciously wanted to dodge.

As a result, at this time, the weapons in their hands were stuck on the position barrier of the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youwei, and its originally crumbling position barrier suddenly became indestructible!

They reacted immediately and quickly released the weapons in their hands.

It is a pity that this tenth of a second of dullness has become the most fatal factor!


The two particle light blades instantly penetrated into the bodies of the blue-scale mecha and the night guard mecha, and came out through the body.


Deji, who rushed over, roared in shock.

Su Mo also threw the two mechas down, Dark Hunter and Night Guard.

Immediately afterwards, the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youwei turned into a dim light and attacked the Kunkan. At this time, the forgery owner, the Devourer, presented the dialysis structure of the Kunkan in all directions in Su Mo's mind, and Su Mo glanced at it. Lock its power center.

He controlled the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji, to open his mouth, accumulating terrifying power again, and preparing to send it to the west with one shot.

The command room of the USS Cancun.

The piercing alarms sounded incessantly.

"Warning, the Kunkan is targeted!"

"No, the opponent's locking angle is the power room!"

The operator shouted in horror.

"How is it possible, why did he find the location of the power room so accurately? Order Deji and the others to stop him at all costs."

Dan Luer roared angrily.

At this time, in the starry sky, in the cab of the pseudo-V-generation mecha·youji, which was accumulating power, Su Mo's heart contracted violently. His whole body was like being eaten by ants. The pain caused by the high-intensity pollution made his face All distorted.

He felt like he was running out of steam.

"Hurry up!"

The fake owner Devourer urged in a low voice.

At this moment, a giant figure collided from the side.

Su Mo turned his head to look over, and it was not someone else but the reloaded apostle.


I saw that the reloaded apostle was like a cannonball smashing on the position barrier of the pseudo V-generation mecha, Youwei. Su Mo's head shook suddenly, as if someone had hit him with a hammer.

The twisted pain that had been suppressed at first exploded in an instant.


Su Mo couldn't help but let out a low growl in pain.

For a time, the energy storage of the pseudo-V-generation mecha·youwei was interrupted instantly.

Su Mo turned to look at the reloaded apostle with a twisted face.

In an instant, Gateway seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

The pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji folded, and its metal tail vertebra swept toward the reloaded apostle.

Jieweixin was startled and quickly raised the giant shield in his hand to block.


Accompanied by a dull sound, the entire giant shield was torn apart, and the metal tail vertebra was thrown directly on the heavy apostle.

The whole reloaded apostle flew out heavily.

At this time, the night guards who partnered with the reloaded apostles attacked at high speed.

The world in Su Mo's eyes kept turning red, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, revealing a penetrating smile, and then he laughed nervously.

"Ha ha!"

The entire pseudo-V-generation mecha, Nether Abnormal, floated in place.

In an instant, the attacking Night Guard's sword penetrated the AT position barrier of the pseudo V-generation mecha, Youji, and directly attacked the body.

At this moment, Su Mo let out a distorted fanatical voice.


The stationary pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji raised the particle light blade in his hand to strike the night guard directly.

Ye Wei was startled in front of him, so he quickly interrupted the attack, swung the prismatic shield in his hand horizontally, and tried to block it with a defensive stance.


The pseudo-V-generation mecha·you deformed double light blades penetrated through its prismatic shield and penetrated into its body.


The whole mech exploded.


Seeing this scene, Deji and others rushed up with incomparable anger.

At this moment, the low voice of the fake owner Devourer sounded like a thunder in Su Mo's mind.

"Wake up, don't continue to sink."

Su Mo also woke up. It was like someone who was about to fall asleep when someone suddenly shouted, and the whole person woke up in an instant.

He knew what was going on and was not wasting time.

Immediately control the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youwei, and accumulate energy again.

"Don't try to succeed!"

At this time, the dark hunter and the night guard mecha rushed up desperately. They waved their weapons and went straight to the pseudo-V generation mecha, the ghost head.

"Get out of here!"

Su Mo shouted violently.

The pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji, waved the two particle light blades in his hand, and swept towards the attacking Dark Hunter and Night Guard.

Three mecha weapons collide together!


The weapons of the Darkhunter and Nightguard were cut off.

The end of the particle light blade swept across the chests of the Dark Hunter and Night Guard, cutting out a ferocious wound, and at the same time swept them away.

The next second, Su Mo let out a low roar, he endured a violent backlash, controlled the pseudo V-generation mecha, Youji, and a beam of light blasted towards the Kunkan power room.

At this moment, the reloaded apostle Meng appeared right in front of him and blocked it with his body!

In the communication channel, Gateway roared frantically.

"For the Durman Empire!"


A small sun rose, and the whole heavy-duty apostle was blasted into slag.


Deki was completely furious.

Su Mo saw that his attack was blocked, endless anger rose, and his face became more and more distorted.


But in the next second, he covered his left eye, the nerves in his skull twitched violently, and the extreme pain made Su Mo's face full of blue veins, and he twitched wildly.

"hold onto."

The fake owner, Devourer, encouraged Su Mo in a low voice.

Su Mo suddenly let out a roar similar to that of a beast, and forced the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji, to open his mouth and recharged energy again.

However, at this time, the pseudo V-generation mecha, Youji, suddenly had electric sparks on his body.

A prompt pops up on the virtual screen in the cab.

"Warning, power T32 circuit interrupted."

"Warning, the main structure is broken at C21."


A warning prompt box keeps popping up.

At the same time, Su Mo became more and more breathless, and he felt that there were countless tentacles entangling him. And these tentacles tried desperately to get into his body, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Deji roared: "He can't do it, let's go!"

The Dark Hunter and Night Guard rushed up like crazy, as if they were going to be smashed to ashes.

However, at this time, Su Mo completely ignored their attack and let out a wild beast-like filial piety.


The entire pseudo-V-generation mecha, Nether Abnormal, accumulated energy frantically, and blasted towards the Kunkan power room with a single shot.


The huge explosion exploded on the hull of the Kunkan, and the power room of the Kunkan was destroyed in an instant, completely paralyzed.

"No! I'm going to kill you!"

Deji roared with his eyes wide open when he saw this scene, and he madly attacked Su Mo.

At this time, inside the entire pseudo-V-generation biological mecha, the ghostly creature, the lines were also broken, and it floated motionless in the starry sky, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Seeing the dark hunter's attack, it is about to hit.

At this moment, a figure slammed hard from the side, knocking the Dark Hunter straight out.

At the critical moment, Qianchengxue drove over with silver wings.

Deji's attack failed, and he roared hysterically.

"Stinky motherfucker, I'm going to kill you!"

At this moment, Shuris drove a dark warrior to attack from the side, and he slashed at Deji with one hand with a short blade.

Deji immediately dodged in embarrassment.

At this time, Qianchengxue keenly seized the opportunity, and controlled the silver wings to rush up extremely fast, and the silver spear instantly penetrated the abdomen of the dark hunter.

Another Night Guard mecha was just about to rush up to attack Su Mo, when Wang Hai rushed up with the Apostle of An'E, directly blocking his path.


Inside the cab of the pseudo-V-generation biological mecha.

Su Mo looked at the scene in front of him, his face was full of hideous smiles, and he let out a harsh laugh uncontrollably.

"Ha ha!"

The vision in Su Mo's eyes has turned blood red, at this moment he is like a bloodthirsty beast.

At this time, a very strange phenomenon appeared in the entire V-generation mecha, Youwei, and the body kept calling the police. However, its biological response is constantly soaring, and the breath it emits is also more and more terrifying, and it is about to go wild.

At this moment, the fake owner, the Devourer, shouted in a low voice.


In the next second, Su Mo suddenly disconnected the neural link with the V-generation mecha, Youji, and the whole mecha suddenly went out.

At the moment of disconnection, Su Mo's head shook violently, extreme nausea and pain erupted in an instant, and his eyes suddenly went black. The whole person is like falling into the abyss, and the infinite darkness hits him, and he suddenly faints.


In the command room of the Kunkan, Dan Luer saw that the Kunkan was completely paralyzed.

He stood up without hesitation and said through gritted teeth.


However, it was time to evacuate.


I saw the scarred shadow of the light appearing outside the transparent glass at the head of the ship. A punch hit it, and the entire glass was partially cracked. It seemed that the strength was well controlled.

At this time, Wen Luosi's tired voice said with a hint of excitement.

"Raise your hands, you are captured. If you dare to resist, I will destroy the command room and send you to hell."


Hei Yao command room.

Putmi excitedly reported: "The Kuncan is completely paralyzed!"

In the command room, everyone cheered!

"Very good!"

Li Ruiqi had an excited look on his face.

At this moment, Wen Luosi's virtual image popped up.

"Lord Li Ruiqi, I have successfully captured the other senior commander."

"Well done, if they dare to resist, they will kill them."

Li Ruiqi said without showing any affection, the other party wanted their lives, and there was no need to be polite to him.


Wen Luo replied without hesitation.

At this moment, Putmi said ecstatically: "The opponent's fleet and troops collapsed and began to escape. We won!"

In the starry sky, the remnants of the Demuen Empire saw that the Kunkan was paralyzed.

Like losing the backbone, morale completely collapsed and fled everywhere.

The V-generation mecha·youji is like a demon, making them infinitely fearful and unable to generate the will to fight.

"we won!!"

In an instant, everyone in the command room was boiling, and everyone's face was full of ecstasy. At this time, their mood, it is not too much to say that there is a change between **** and heaven.

At this time, the virtual image of Wang Hai emerged, and Qihui reported.

"Report, we have successfully won the opponent's last two generation IV biological mechas, but the pseudo V generation mecha, the ghostly mecha collapsed, and Su Mo is now in a coma. We will immediately bring the mecha back together, Medical help is urgently needed now!"

Wang Hai hurriedly reported.

"I know."

Li Ruiqi's heart shrank, and the original joy suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Qianchengxue controlled the silver wing mecha, grabbed the fake V-generation mecha, Youji, and flew to the Heiyao. At the same time, she shouted anxiously in the communication channel.

"Su Mo! Wake up!!! You must hold on!"


Soon after, the GT division hangar of the Hei Yao.

Spade waited anxiously with hordes of soldiers and a dozen doctors in hazmat suits pushing equipment.

The silver wing mecha rushed in from the login entrance with the pseudo-V-generation mecha, Youji.

"Drag out the biological cabin!"

Spade immediately gave the order.

Qianchengxue quickly pulled out Su Mo's biological cabin and carefully placed it on the ground.

The non-commissioned officers present rushed up and quickly carried Su Mo out.

I saw that the third-generation mechanical armor on Su Mo's body was corroded, and black blood vessels appeared on the exposed skin. The entire face is extremely pale, if not for breathing, it is no different from a corpse.

The doctors present rushed up, put Su Mo in the mobile treatment cabin, picked up anti-pollution medicine, and injected it into his body.

The leading female doctor shouted sharply, "Push it away!"

Qian Chengxue also followed anxiously, but was stopped by the head of the medical department.

"Please stop."

In this way, Qian Chengxue could only look at Su Mo sadly, and was slowly pushed away by everyone.


Three days later, in the distant starry sky, a fleet of battleships marked with different flags of Yamak Freedom, Heike Freedom Country, and Yanas Kingdom were heading towards the Laiyin Star Territory.

With an uneasy mood, they were ready to fight to the death with all their might.

In fact, they deliberately converged on the way they came.

It's not that they are afraid of death, but according to the information, the imperial fleet is really too strong. If they come to support with scattered shares, they are more cannon fodder.

But after meeting, they were also frightened.

Several captains united with virtual images.

"The front is Laiyin Star Territory!"

"I don't know if the Federal Expeditionary Force can hold up."

"I see enough."

"Forget it, no matter what, just go and see it."


At this moment, an operator stammered and shouted: "Report, the radar scans the Imperial Kuncan and the Federal Black Yao."

"Prepare for battle!"

The captain present froze and said quickly.

"No, not the captain, there's something wrong with the situation."

"What's wrong!"

"The Kunkan was motionless, and surrounded by a lot of Federation mechas and battleships, it seemed to be captured."

"You're not kidding."

"I'm really not kidding."

"Turn on the optical imaging device to capture images from a distance."



Soon a holographic image was displayed in front of everyone, and in the starry sky, ships and mechas such as the Black Teeth surrounded the entire Kunkan.

The captains of the various countries present were dumbfounded, and they didn't know what to say.

It's absurd. The Federal Expeditionary Force asking for help has captured the other party. Who is ambushing who?

"What shall we do now?"

"What else can I do, send a communication request to the other party! It seems that we are lucky, there is a super presence in our alliance."

The rescue captain of the Heike Free Nation said with a complicated expression.


The operator below quickly replied.

Soon the communication channel was successfully established, and Putmi appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello, we are a troop that came to support at the request of the Federation. I take the liberty to ask, what is the current situation?"

Putmi coughed and replied, "I'm the deputy captain of the Hei Yao, Putmi. The battle is over. We have defeated the enemy, and we sincerely thank you for your support."

"No thanks, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, our support fleet will arrive in a few days. Before that, please help us to guard the periphery. Our ships have suffered a lot of damage and need to be maintained. Thank you very much."

Putmi replied politely.


The captains present responded.

A transparent independent medical room in the GT department of the Black Glory.

Su Mo lay quietly on the hospital bed, with catheters tied to his body. Some of these catheters were connected to medical equipment, and some of them were constantly inputting therapeutic drugs.

At this time, Li Ruiqi, Spade, Augustus, Qianchengxue and others stood outside and watched.

The lead doctor came out from inside.

"Doctor Venter, how is it?"

Spade asked.

"Master Su Mo has been polluted to a super-strong degree, and has been eroded by negative energy viruses. But fortunately, his physique is very special, the strongest I have ever seen, and his resistance to pollution is surprisingly high. Normally, this kind of physique is very special. The level of pollution is enough to turn a normal person into a monster, but I have checked and there is no mutation in any of the organs of Mr. Su Mo's body, so the situation is considered stable for the time being."

Dr. Venter said somewhat incredulously.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good."

"But don't be too happy. Although Mr. Su Mo has not mutated, it is true that he is contaminated. It is very difficult to treat if it sounds bad, and there may be sequelae."

Dr. Venter explained worriedly.

"It is very difficult to treat and it needs to be cured. No matter how much it costs, it must be cured. It is really impossible for people to go to Starlink City to buy the best medicine."

Li Ruiqi said without hesitation.

"That's right."

Augustus also agreed.

At this time, Qian Chengxue hurriedly asked, "Then why can Su Mo wake up?"

"It's hard to say, it's estimated to take a while."

Wente shook his head and replied, he didn't dare to say too much now, after all, it was the first time he had treated a person with such a high degree of pollution.

To tell the truth, no one has died yet, and he thinks it is a miracle.

At this moment, a subordinate rushed over to report to Li Ruiqihui.

"Lord Li Ruiqi, reinforcements from allied countries have arrived."

Li Ruiqi replied in a deep voice, "I see."

At this time, Augustus suddenly came back to his senses and said, "Oops, I forgot to report the battle situation to Long Ming. Now the Federation is estimated to be similar to ants on a hot pot."

Li Ruiqi thought for a while and said, "I'll report."


Spade and Augustus nodded.

At this time, Qianchengxue said respectfully: "Lord Spade, Lord Augustus, just leave Su Mo to me to watch. You should still have a lot of things to do."

"Okay, if anything happens, let us know as soon as possible."

Spade wasn't polite, they really were a bunch of stuff to deal with. The battle is over, but there are too many things to deal with.


Qianchengxue answered solemnly.


The Earth-Star Federation special operations conference room.

Long Ming sat on the commanding chair, his face extremely tense. The other federal MPs present looked anxious, but no one said a word.

Because it is useless to hurry, the Third Expeditionary Corps has already gone to support, but even at full speed.

Don't even think about arriving in six or seven days?

Although he had already asked for help from the troops of the Allied countries, to put it in a nasty way, it was not his own troops who were attacked, and who would rush to support them desperately.

"Lord Councilor, you haven't slept all day and night, why don't you take a break?"

The subordinate next to him walked to Long Ming's side to persuade him.

Long Ming raised his hand and waved it, and said in a low voice, "No need."

At this moment, Tang Qin walked over quickly, she whispered a few words in Long Ming's ear, and then took out a declassified communication letter.

Long Ming's face suddenly showed shock, and then he picked up the communication letter to watch.

The councillors around saw Long Ming's abnormal behavior and looked over curiously.

Some MPs couldn't help but ask.

"Lord Longming Councilor, what's the situation now?"

Long Ming raised his head excitedly and said, "A miracle, a miracle! The Black Glory actually defeated the Kunkan, and captured the Duke of Danluer, as well as a large number of people."

"Long, President of Longming Council, are you kidding me, we won?"

"how can that be?"


The members present were a little doubtful whether today is April Fool's Day?

"Even though we paid a heavy price, we did win."

Long Ming was silent for a few seconds and replied repeatedly.

After a brief silence, everyone in the entire battle room burst into deafening cheers.

"Very good."


However, Tang Qin noticed that there was not much cheer on Long Ming's face, but more solemnity.

She has followed the president of parliament all the year round.

It is very clear what this means, which means that Long Ming is There will definitely be a series of big moves in the near future.

She suddenly felt like a storm was coming.


The special cell of the black and white institution of the Black Glory.

Danluer was wearing a black and white striped prison uniform, with special electronic restraint bracelets on his hands and feet.

He sat in the corner with his head down, if you looked closely.

You will find that he does not have a trace of fear and fear.

At this time, Spade and Varifa were standing at the door, watching the situation inside through the observation port.

"How was the interrogation?"

Spade asked in a low voice.

"If you don't cooperate, don't say a word if you are useful, just repeat a sentence. Let's let him go, otherwise the Demuen Empire will not let it go. And the other party has been asking us to treat him and prisoners of war preferentially."

Varifa frowned and replied.

Spade sneered: "The dead duck has a tough mouth, don't worry about it, and when it is brought back to the Federation, the Lord Longming Council President will deal with him personally."

"No problem, I know what to do."

Varifa nodded in response.

"What about the rest of the senior prisoners?"

"The situation is almost the same. Even the IV generation mecha pilots who are receiving treatment on the other side are not cooperating."

Warifa will explain the specific situation.

"The bones are quite tough."

Spade frowned.

"Their folk customs are indeed sturdy, but it's not entirely because of this. It's more that they have a law in the Demuen Empire. Once someone rebels, they will sit together, which is very disgusting, so they are more afraid."

Varifa, more or less, pried something out of the captive's mouth.

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