Plug-in Player

Chapter 715: rescue

At this time, on the edge of the battlefield, the hidden pseudo-V generation pure mechanical mecha Shadow cab.

Arles watched the Blue Whale's self-destruction indifferently. From the moment it was attacked, the fate of the Blue Whale was doomed.

His eyes have been on Su Mo, after watching his battle with the pseudo-V-generation mecha Bone Eater. There was a smile on his face as he witnessed his conjecture.

"Golori, now, compared to five years ago, do you think Su Mo's strength is stronger or weaker."

Without any hesitation, Gloria replied firmly: "Stronger."

"Hey~ it's a pity that he was so polluted by negative energy that his body couldn't bear it, and he couldn't fight for a long time."

"Yes, it's a pity."

"Okay, things are over here, let's go! The front line is still waiting for us."

Arles gave the order calmly.

In fact, Arles chose to take the Blue Whale to the front line, the big reason was to meet Su Mo. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is nothing to stop.


Gloria controlled the mecha and left silently.

At this moment, Su Mo took a few deep breaths and controlled the shadow of thunder to speed up his escape.

Soon he caught up with the fleeing frigate.

At this time, the forger, the Devourer, said to Su Mo in a low voice, "Concealed magnetic mines ahead!"

In the distant starry sky in Su Mo's eyes, red dots appeared one by one.

So he accelerated to the front of the frigate, and Lin Xiaoyu followed.

Su Mo controlled the Shadow of Lightning to accumulate the Lightning Cannon and swept across it along the way, sweeping away the magnetic mines that could threaten the frigate.

Lin Xiaoyu reacted immediately and controlled the mecha to dash forward to help clean it up.

They broke through all the way.

However, the ships of the Imperial Army did not intend to let them go. Several battleships locked on the frigates and tried to catch up.


At the third space base site and the fourth space base site on the Starway.

After a starship is assembled.

It is moving anxiously towards the location of the Blue Whale accident.

The commander's roar kept ringing throughout the communication channel.

"Hurry up!"


In the Earth Star Federation, Long Ming took Tang Qin and the others towards the special conference room with a very ugly expression.

"Is the news confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed that the signal of the Blue Whale has been completely interrupted. According to the information transmitted by some surviving personnel from the Starlink Forum. It can be confirmed that the Blue Whale has blown up, and all the members have basically died."

Tang Qin quickly replied

"What about the fleet of nearby space bases?"

"They are all going to the incident area non-stop, preparing for combat and search and rescue missions. Under normal circumstances, the Imperial Army should choose to evacuate and will not fight with us if they can't get any benefits. Therefore, the fleet that rushed to will The main task is search and rescue.”

"Let them do their best to rescue them."

Long Ming said hoarsely.


Tang Qin nodded in response.

Soon Long Ming and the others walked to the door of the special conference room, and the guarded soldiers respectfully opened the door.

Long Ming walked in alone, while Tang Qin and others waited outside and did not follow up.

Entering the special conference room, a round conference table comes into view, and there are five chairs on the entire conference table.

Long Ming went straight to the middle chair and sat down.

At this time, the holographic simulation image system was automatically deployed, and figures appeared in various positions.

On the far left is the king of Yanas, Memikas, wearing a silver high-necked corset, arrogant eyes, and a crown.

The second figure was an old man in a loose robe, with a tight old face and eyes full of anger. He was the parliamentary president of the Caucasian Republic, Lufat, who was attacked this time.

The first figure on the right is a woman in a blue skirt, with long blue hair like a waterfall, her skin is shatterable, and she is very outstanding. She is Amy, the great wise man of Heike Free Country. Lo.

The figure on the far right is a middle-aged man dressed in V-generation colonial armor, with a calm expression and a noble temperament.

At this time, everyone in the conference room was not looking very good. They urgently held a joint meeting this time because of the attack on the Blue Whale.

Long Ming said in a deep voice, "Everyone must have already heard the news that the Blue Whale has fallen."

"I don't understand, why would something happen to the advanced Blue Whale, it shouldn't be!"

Emilo said inexplicably.

"This matter is indeed beyond all our expectations. How strong the performance of the Blue Whale is, everyone can see it, and its super-light flight mode, even the Star Destroyer may not be able to intercept it. History has come There have been no problems in so many transportations, but I didn’t expect it to fail this time. There must be a series of problems such as cooperation between the inside and outside, negligence of duty, and leakage of secrets. Although the Blue Whale is on our own route, but the route is so big, How they precisely locked it is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack."

Long Ming said in a deep voice.

"Needless to say so much, these guys in the Imperial Army are nakedly provoking a war. This is a provocative act!"

The President of the Caucasian Republic, Lufat, roared angrily.

"That's right, the most common conflicts are petty fights, but this time it actually touched our life. Since they dare to do this, then we will start a war with them. There is nothing to say."

Maodor was also angry. The Blue Whale was attacked, and he lost the most supplies.

"calm down."

Long Ming reassured.

"How can you calm down, our ship was bombed, everyone's supplies sank, and there was a problem with frontline supplies. If you don't fight them, they really think we're a mess."

Rufat replied angrily.

"You can't fight, you can't fight if your name is not right."

Long Ming vetoed again.

Emilo was also very angry and said: "President Longming, what you said is wrong, why is it not right? This is obviously what the other party did. This kind of thing can't be covered up by pretending to be an interstellar pirate. of."

"I don't think they are covering up, but rubbing our IQ on the ground. Which interstellar pirate has Tier 5 ships and so many fourth-generation mechas? Which interstellar pirate dares to attack us? On our shipping lanes."

Memikas said angrily.

"Then have you ever thought about why they pretend to be interstellar pirates?"

Long Ming asked in a deep voice.

For a time everyone was speechless.

"Although we know that they did it, but we don't have any solid evidence that we start a war without a name. At the beginning of the war, the morale will be very good, but it will be weak in the later stage. On the other hand, the morale of the opponent will definitely be high. You must know that the imperial army itself is better than us. They are brave and good at fighting, and they have one more member country than us. Do you think there is a chance of winning? You are afraid that you have forgotten how the participants of the previous Tianzhi Cup were destroyed. How many died in this kind of thing , and one more thing, each of us now owes Starlink City a huge loan of more than 100 billion Star Coins, and the end of the year is the time to repay the money and interest. Now we are at war with the Imperial Army, and we will not be able to go to Starlink by that time. City money, are you planning to let Star Ring City take care of us?"

Long Ming's eyes swept across the crowd.

"Then what should we do? This breath is so swallowed? Our frontline troops will be out of supplies soon."

Rufat asked with gritted teeth.

"How could it be like that? This incident is blatantly trampling on our bottom line, but it's just that we can't start a full-scale war. But since they like to play yin, we also play with them."

A trace of coldness flashed in Long Ming's eyes and said.

"How to do it?"

Everyone present asked.

"My informants buried in the major empires reported an important piece of news. The supplies shipped by the imperial army to the front have not yet been dispatched. Since they dare to be the first year of the first year, we will dare to do the fifteenth. We also dispatched a large number of ships to dress up as interstellar pirates. , as long as their transport ships are out of the range of Starlink City, they will attack them. It is best if they can grab them. If they can't grab them, they will be killed. Our frontline soldiers are starving, and they will also starve. We will change at the end of the year. If they don’t pay, they don’t even want to pay it back, and if they don’t want to live a good life, they don’t let it go!”

Long Ming said fiercely.

"Yes, let the Imperial Army know how powerful we are, our people are not dead in vain."

Rufert almost shouted with a roar.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"


The people present expressed their opinions.


Three days later, in the frigate command room, Qian Chengxue and others gathered to discuss the current situation.

Among them, Su Mo has been escorting outside the frigate with the shadow of thunder, but he has been using the holographic projection of the mecha to participate in the discussion.

Ziqing began to briefly report on the current situation.

"Our current situation is not optimistic. Most of the supplies we originally carried have been put on the transport ship. The materials on the frigate are very limited. We have crowded in so many people. It is estimated that it will not be long before the survival materials will be in a hurry. ."

"Then how far are we from the third station?"

Qianchengxue asked.

"When the Blue Whale left the third station and flew at super-light speed, it took about seven days to fly. Our frigate did not even fly at sub-light speed. If it was purely on its own, it would have to fly for at least a few months or half a year. And the worst part, because we didn't dare to escape to the main channel in order to avoid the pursuit of the imperial ships, now we have deviated from the main channel for a long distance, and it will take longer to actually sail back."

Zi Qing probably did some calculations and said with great concern.

After hearing this, Su Mo said with a headache: "It's been too long, we would have starved to death long ago."

"Then we can only count on asking for help and rescue, but this is also a big problem. The communication performance of our frigate is limited, and there is no way to directly contact the checkpoint site. We can only say that we are lucky along the way and do not use the radar to send the distress signal. Let's see if we can hit the rescue fleet. But even if we do, it is still a question whether the other party will give priority to rescue us."

Zi Qing said a little less optimistically.

At this time, Qianchengxue raised her head and said calmly: "Ziqing, you can control the ship to move forward normally, search for and rescue ships along the way, and I will find a way for the rest."

"it is good."

Ziqing didn't say much, this is the only way so far.

"Everyone has been patient as much as possible recently, with a minimum intake of food and water. I believe we will be able to withstand it."

Qianchengxue said to the crowd.

"Sister Xue, we trust you."

Although Sun Li and the others were in a low mood, they still cheered up one by one.

"Okay, this is the end of the meeting, everyone should go to rest."

Qianchengxue said that now basically when everyone is fine, they lie down and rest as much as possible to minimize consumption.

"it is good."

So many sisters left one after another.

At this time, Qianchengxue turned her head and said to Su Mo, "Su Mo's safety is up to you."

"Small meaning, I will do a good job in this regard, so you don't have to worry about it."

Su Mo pretended to be relaxed and replied.

"Well, okay, then I'll take care of the injured sister."

Qianchengxue nodded and left.

In the cab of the Thunder Shadow Mecha, Su Mo cut off the communication and stretched out. At this time, a prompt popped up on the operation interface in front of him.

"Warning, the remaining 20% ​​of the nuclear fuel rods in the shadow of thunder, will soon fall below the warning line, please pay attention in time!"

Seeing this message, Su Mo sat up abruptly and looked at the prompt with an incredible expression.

"Isn't it? Running out of fuel so soon?"

"What's so strange."

The fake owner, the Devourer, is not surprised at all, it seems that everything is expected.

"This is too rubbish, why don't the gluttony mecha be strong??"

Su Mo couldn't help but complain.

"Of course it's not as good as gluttony, the gluttony mecha can at least barely catch the eye. Although these two mechas are IV generation mechas, they are not at the same level at all. The new gluttony mecha is sold in Starlink City. The price can reach at least 500 million star coins. This is why, when they compensated you for gluttonous mecha, I felt that they were begging for food.”

The forger, the Devourer, said.

Su Mo coughed and said: "This is not what you think, do you know what it means to be confused? You are only considering whether it is rationally correct, but you have not considered the world. The federation will never deduct me if you have money. Compensation, you have to think about the combat pension five years ago. The president of Longming will not be able to pay the full amount until the compensation is paid. It can be imagined that the federal finances are not as good as they appear on the surface. "

Su Mo just paused for a while, and then said: "One more thing, didn't the President of the Longming Council give me a huge sum of money, which has long exceeded the gluttony mecha. And anyway, I used to be in the GT department. Yes, I can't always go with my department, some things are almost fine."

Su Mo had indeed guessed right in the matter. The federation's economy was even tighter than expected, and every sum of money was planned.

No extra money at all!

What's worse is that the Federation has also borrowed a lot of star coins from Star Ring City, and has to pay high interest every year.

Of course, you can also choose not to pay it back, but no one dares not pay the money back to Starlink City these days.

After listening to the fake owner Devourer, he just said in a low voice: "Then what are you going to do next?"

"What can I do, only 20% of the energy is left, of course it is returning."

Su Mo controlled and flew towards the frigate. Although there was a set of nuclear fuel rods included with the purchase of Lightning Shadow before, that group was on the transport ship.

Of course, I didn't think about replacing it before, but this time it really sucked.

On the frigate, Qianchengxue took out her mobile phone and logged into the forum of Starlink City. She hesitated and then sent a message to an anonymous person.

"Father, I'm Qianchengxue. I'm escaping the Blue Whale in a frigate. Now I'm deviating from the starry sky coordinates of the main channel (21121, 1252, 1423). The ship's supplies are seriously insufficient..."

Not long after the message was sent.

A message popped up immediately.

"How are you now? Has the crisis been lifted? If you can, find a place to hide, and I will find a way to coordinate the rescue."

"I have nothing to do here. I have gotten rid of the pursuit of the imperial army. When we escaped, we separated from Lin Hai and the others. Is he okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with him, you just need to pay attention to your own safety, and we'll talk about the rest when you come back."

Lin Yaotian immediately gave recovery.

"Okay, I see."

Qianchengxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Fifteen days later, the frigate docked on a desolate planet.

Su Mo sat on the floor of the command room, leaning against the metal wall.

Sun Li and others were also half leaning weakly, they were so hungry that they didn't want to say anything.

They save as much food as they can and divide it up to take care of the injured sisters.

After all, they can bear it, but the injured sisters can't.

"Su Mo, you said that when we are found, will there be only bones left?"

Zhao Han joked with Su Mo.

"Theoretically not, at most the corpse stinks"

Su Mo replied with a wry smile.

"Then when I die, you'd better throw me into space, what a shame it stinks."

Zhao Han couldn't help but say.

"It's a pity to lose it, or we'll just suffer and cook you."

Sun Li squeezed out a weak smile and joked to Zhao Han.

"Sister Sun Li, you are going too far, you can say that."

Zhao Han replied angrily.

"Okay, don't make trouble, just bear with it if it's all right, maybe the rescue will come soon."

Su Mo quickly relieved.

"After I am saved this time, I will never lose weight again. I must eat enough."

Zhao Han gasped weakly and replied.

"It's okay, we'll have a good meal when we go back."

Su Mo immediately got up and walked out.

He saw Qianchengxue inspecting each of the sisters, asking them about their status one by one.

"You go to rest for a while, and I'll help you inspect."

Su Mo said with some distress.

"It's okay, after all, I've also been injected with high-level genetic medicine, even if I don't eat anything for ten days, it's fine. Not to mention that I still ate a little nutrition bar, it's them who are really suffering."

Qianchengxue shook her head, these sisters had followed her since childhood, and she couldn't let them have an accident.

Su Mo also sighed slightly, if this made him fight, he would not be afraid at all.

But let him change food, it is estimated that there is no way to kill him.

Where can I find it in this vast sea of ​​stars?

The most important thing is that there is not much fuel left in the shadow of thunder, and it is difficult to go out and try your luck.

If the boats on the vast sea have no food, maybe they can also try to catch fish in the sea. If there is no food and supplies in the sea of ​​​​stars, you can't fight those mutant monsters, right?

Therefore, many advanced ships have built-in ecological circulation systems in order to avoid this situation.

However, Su Mo quickly adjusted his mentality.

"I'm here to help."


Qianchengxue nodded slightly.


A few days later, the last remaining food on the frigate was completely consumed.

Su Mo, Qian Chengxue and others all gathered in the command room.

With white lips, Sun Li said to Qiancheng Xue: "Sister Xue, what should I do now? I really have nothing to eat. We can last a while longer, and those injured sisters might not be able to last. already."

Qianchengxue also didn't know what to do.

Lin Yaotian had already started to help them coordinate the rescue, and it stands to reason that the rescue was long overdue.

But no trace has been seen yet. Nine times out of ten, there are too many people asking for help.

Seeing that Qianchengxue did not speak, everyone bowed their heads, and their morale was even lower.

Su Mo was also scratching his head, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, the sound of babble came from the public communication channel of the ship.

Then came the intermittent sound.

"This is the Search and Rescue-026 ship, may I be able to receive the signal!"

Hearing this voice, Sun Li and others got up in surprise, Zi Qing immediately walked to the communicator and replied.

"This is the frigate with the federal registration number C-2541. We are the **** personnel of the Chenxi Group. The Blue Whale was attacked and fled here. We are now asking for help."

"Understood, the message has been received, please be patient, we are approaching you quickly!"


After Qianchengxue heard the reply, she finally let go of her dangling heart.

Su Mo also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the rescue spaceship finally arrived.


-------------------------------------------------- ---

More than a month later, a frigate ship landed at the Imperial Capital Interstellar Airport.

Su Mo, Qian Chengxue and the others got off the ship.

Tang Yao and many other sisters immediately greeted her. She said with red eyes: "Sister Xue, you guys are finally back, we are all worried to death."

"Okay, nothing to worry about, we're not back."

Qianchengxue stretched out her hand and hugged Tang Yao.

"Well, when we heard about the Blue Whale accident, we were almost scared to Tang Yao quickly nodded and replied.

"I know, it made you worry."

"Sister Xue, what happened to the Blue Whale, what about our goods and orders?"

"We'll talk about this later, let's go back to the company first."

Qianchengxue said to Tang Yao.

"Okay, the car is ready."

"let's go."


After a while, Su Mo and Qianchengxue got on Tang Yao's speeding car.

Tang Yao drove the flying car into the sky and left according to the designated navigation route.

Just after driving out of the interstellar airport, Su Mo and Qian Chengxue looked at the scene outside the window and were slightly startled.

I saw that on the road, there were residents holding red flags everywhere, and they angrily accused the Imperial Army.

"Villain, butcher!"

"The source of all evil, the savage Imperial Army."

"eye for eye."


"This is?"

Su Mo asked Tang Yao in surprise.

"The Blue Whale incident has spread throughout the Federation, although the Imperial Army deliberately disguised itself as an interstellar pirate. But no one is a fool, and everyone has been completely angered by their despicable actions. Recently, this has been the case. This kind of protest has been going on for a long time.”

Tang Yao probably talked about the matter.

"What's the reaction from the Imperial Army now?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

"What can you do? Not long ago, the five allied countries sent the most severe question in history to the Imperial Army. But what's the use? The Imperial Army's attitude is very arrogant, and its spokesperson took the opportunity to mock us, saying that we It's too **** to be intercepted by interstellar pirates and beaten up! You haven't seen that press conference, or your lungs will be blown up."

The more Tang Yao talked, the more angry he became.

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