Plug-in Player

Chapter 843: sad face

Countless people of the Imperial Army commented on the post to revel.

"Have the dogs of the alliance seen it, our Star Destroyer will come out soon, and when you look back, it's time for you to cry."

"Haha the Gomotos Empire is awesome, this time the alliance helps the villain dare not say a word."

"When the Star Destroyer comes out, we'll be able to sweep through all the garbage."

"Tremble, rubbish, it's still too late to surrender, otherwise, we will destroy your planet with one shot, haha!"


On the other hand, the people of the five major alliance countries were also talking about other posts in the Star Ring Forum at this time, and everyone was full of worries.

"How come the Gomotos Empire has a Star Destroyer so soon."

"It's too fast."

"How can we go out in the future?"

"The Allies are eating shit, why don't they have a Star Destroyer?"

"Don't you want to talk to me?"

"Negotiate your ghost, are you stupid? Do you think they are going to have a good peace talk?"

"This is not a good thing. On the eve of the peace talks, I showed my muscles, and I clearly didn't plan to talk to us. Nine times out of ten, it was either to pressure the Allied countries to make concessions, or to be aggressive."

"Hey, I guess it's not easy to talk about."


Although no one has ever seen a Star Destroyer so far, this does not prevent everyone from learning about the Star Destroyer.

Everyone knows how terrifying the Star Destroyer is.

A Star Destroyer can easily swept over a dozen Tier 5 battleships, and if commanded well, it can be harmless.

The reason is very simple. The radar of the Star Destroyer crushes the Tier 5 battleship, and at the same time, the attack distance and firepower far exceed that of the ordinary Tier 5 battleship. The sailing speed is also super fast, and the energy shield and armor are stronger and tougher.

The most important point, the Star Destroyer has an extremely terrifying iconic ability, that is, it can destroy the star!

Its main gun is fully charged and can destroy a standard planet.

The two are completely different in quality.

"It's a bit of a skill, but it's nothing special, what they buy is just garbage."

The forgery owner, the Devourer, said coldly.

"No one has announced the model, how can you be so sure? What if you get a more powerful one, the strength of this Gomotos Empire is really not ordinary, not only the loan is repaid, but also the money to buy it. ."

Su Mo did not dare to completely despise the other party.


The fake owner Devourer snorted coldly and did not answer Su Mo.

Su Mo continued to look at the forum, and the entire forum was swiped by the Star Destroyer of the Gomotos Empire.

Seeing that Su Mo's head hurts, he feels a little troublesome.

Forget it, don't watch sleep, the sky is falling and there is a tall man on it.


Inside the Federation Building of Star Ring City, Arles looked dignified and walked towards the conference room, with Haiyue following closely behind him.

"Are they all here?"

Alice asked with a frown.

"The President of the Lufa Special Committee and others have already rushed to the conference room, and the situation of public opinion is very bad now."

Haiyue probably explained the situation.

"I see."

Arles immediately quickened his pace.

Soon Arles rushed to the conference room, only to see Lufat and the others sitting in the parliament room with very ugly expressions.

He walked straight in and said, "Sorry for being late with something."

"It doesn't matter, these things don't matter. President Arles, you should have seen the announcement of the Imperial Army in the Starlink Forum."

Maodo said a little irritably.

"I see, the situation is a little bad. I didn't expect that on the eve of the peace talks, the Gomotos Empire would be so organized."

Arles nodded.

Rufat had a worried look on his face, and said, "It's not bad, it's terrible, that lunatic is about to have a big killer."

Emilo sighed and said, "I originally wanted to have a good talk with them, let's stop for a while, and let everyone develop well, seeing this posture is enough!"

"Don't even think about it, the other party's high-profile propaganda for weapons is obviously to force us to make concessions by force and sign some unfair overlord treaties during the peace talks."

Memikas said irritably.

"What are you afraid of, if they ask too much, it's a big deal. It's great to have a Star Destroyer. They can't really use a Star Destroyer to deal with our main star, right? Does he have the courage? One won't let him go."

Lufat said irritably.

"He doesn't have the guts to hit our main star, but he can block our ship so that we don't even want to go out."

Mahodoro said in a deep voice.

"It's really that things are not going well. How did the Gomotos Empire contribute? With such a fast speed, we are still a long way off."

Emilo shook his head and said with a sigh.

Arles thought for a long time and said: "Everyone, calm down first, don't mess yourself up, this time we really miscalculated. I didn't expect the Gomotos Empire to prepare this move, but don't panic, although the situation is very unoptimistic now. But it’s not too bad. The Imperial Army is showing off its muscles at this time. In a sense, they shouldn’t want to fight with us anymore. They just want to use this method to gain a powerful position in the negotiation.”

"What you said makes sense, but the key point is that our current situation is very passive."

Maodor's eyes also flickered, his face full of sadness.

"As the matter is, we can only accept the status quo. But we can also do our best to narrow the gap."

Arles explained calmly. UU reading www.

"any solution?"

"Tomorrow we will also go buy a Star Destroyer."

"However, our contribution value is completely insufficient."

"If you don't have enough, you have to buy it, even if you buy it first and store it as scrap metal."

"Makes sense."


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The next morning.

Sun Duoxiang lay on the bed and fell asleep.



A knock on the door directly woke Sun Duoxiang, and Sun Duoxiang sat up from the bed in a jerky manner.

He looked at the alarm clock next to him, it was only four in the morning, and he shouted angrily, "Who, what are you doing early in the morning?"

Immediately, Sun Duoxiang scolded and walked to the door, opened the door, saw the person standing at the door, his expression was stunned, and immediately changed a hundred and eighty degrees, changing his face.

"Boss, why did you get up so early, did something happen?"

"Don't sleep and change to mechanical armor, bring someone with me."

Su Mo said in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, I'll change it."

Sun Duoxiang responded quickly.

Not long after, Sun Duoxiang assembled more than a thousand fierce elites, and appeared in front of Su Mo, ready to go, and then asked Pidianpidian.

"The bosses have all called, is it enough? I'll call again if it's not enough."

"Enough, come with me."

Su Mo probably glanced at it and was quite satisfied.

Although Sun Duoxiang's subordinates looked complicated, they were very good in terms of combat and ferocity.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Sun Duoxiang asked very curiously.

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