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Chapter 870: Waiting for an opportunity

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Su Mo stared at the ship coming from a distance. As the distance got closer, his eyes gradually narrowed. After entering a certain distance, he said.

"Do it."

At this moment, the forger, the Devourer, suddenly spoke up.


"What's wrong?"

Su Mo was slightly startled.

"There is a fleet of ships approaching."

The fake owner, the Devourer replied in a low voice.


Su Mo was very surprised. He didn't expect that there were still ships approaching.

"It's the ship of the Star Ring City." Remember the URL m.xbequge. com

"Damn it! How does this work?"

As soon as Su Mo's face darkened, he knew that the 1,000 billion star coins were not easy to earn. Shouldn't the old man let himself be eaten under the eyes of Star Ring City?

The fleet of Star Ring City appeared here at this juncture, no matter how stupid people think with their toes, they know that they must be staring at the same thing.

"Don't do it first, just wait and see the changes, it's really impossible to do it together!"

The fake owner, the Devourer, replied with killing intent Ling Ran.

"Are you crazy? Is that someone from Star Ring City?"

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched, this forger, the Devourer, is really crazy, and he is not afraid of piercing the sky. He has never heard of anyone who dares to kill the city of Starlink.

"It's not that I haven't killed it. I devoured it, and I can't count it."

The forgery owner, the Devourer, gave a hideous reply.

After listening to Su Mo, his heart was like a stormy sea, and it was ups and downs. What kind of light brain did he start with?

He dared to wait for the fake owner, the Devourer, to never lie. It seems that he must hide this guy in the future so that he cannot expose it.

In particular, it is impossible to let the people of Star Ring City know that the ghost knows whether the blood debt it has committed before will hang on its forehead.

At that time, the city of Star Ring will be investigated, and the Federation will not be able to protect itself, and will become a wanted fugitive in minutes.

Just when Su Mo was thinking.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light in the distance pierced the starry sky and hit the Tier 5 flagship at a super long distance.


The energy barrier of the 5th-level flagship was like that of Paper Lake, which was destroyed in an instant.

At the same time, the beam hit its hull power system, and the entire ship was directly paralyzed, and the whole process was clean and neat.

Like a father beating his son.

"Star Destroyer!"

Su Mo's eyelids twitched, and he blurted out subconsciously.

In the starry sky in the distance, a standard Star Destroyer, twelve Tier 5 battleships, and a fleet with the flag of Star Ring City appeared.

Inside a paralyzed level 5 flagship.

A member of the Church of the Fallen Angels got up. They looked at the images from the radar scans, looked at the flags on those ships, and shouted angrily.

"It's the fleet of Star Ring City! We've been discovered."

Derveau's expression was extremely ugly, he didn't even think about it, he gave the order directly.

"I ordered everyone to fight back with all their strength. Now is the time to be loyal to the Church of the Fallen Angels."


All the cultists at the scene replied madly, and they did not pay attention to the fleet of Starlink City at all.

But it was normal. The lower-level members of the Church of the Fallen Angels had nothing to fear. After all, they all survived the fall of negative energy, and they were no different from lunatics.

But the senior members are different, although they are also degenerate. But they have evolved to be more cunning and evil, and still maintain a certain sense of self.

Immediately after that, Drive turned to leave the cab to get the slate, ready to escape alone.

He had no desire to resist.

In fact, his flagship was not destroyed immediately, it is estimated that the other party wanted to capture it alive. Otherwise, the power of that cannon could be strengthened, and it would be enough to send them all to the west.

And Driver knows better than anyone that the city of Star Ring is the real monster, and the city owner is the real demon.

"Fairy Wood"

Anyone who falls into his hands will meet a dreamlike end.


In the starry sky, Su Mo hid behind the meteorite, peeping at the battle in the distant starry sky.

The fleet that was attacked by the interstellar pirate flag did not sit still, but released a large number of mechas to attack the fleet of Star Ring City. At the same time, the other two Tier 5 battleships did not escape, but instead recharged their main guns and prepared to attack.

This kind of behavior is no less than a moth to a flame. It is either heroic or a group of lunatics.

"There are still such brave interstellar pirates these days?"

"What interstellar pirates, these are people from the Church of the Fallen Angels. All of them are depraved and evil people. I feel strange, how could the City of Star Rings appear here."

As soon as the counterfeit owner, Devourer, scanned the mecha that was in battle, he found the problem.


Su Mo touched his forehead and felt that his head hurt even more.

"Wait and see."

The fake owner, the Devourer, kept calculating, their chances of winning.

At this time, the fleet of Star Ring City released a large number of mechas to fight. It seems that they did not intend to destroy this interstellar pirate with the momentum of thunder, but wanted to capture as much as possible.

Mobile units from both sides collided quickly.

The whole starry sky is one piece.

Although the members of the Church of the Fallen Angels were very sluggish, it was a pity that the battlefield situation was still one-sided slaughter.

After all, the fleet of Starlink City, regardless of the quality or quantity of weapons, crushed the fighters of the Church of the Fallen Angels.

Not to mention so many tier 5 battleships and star destroyers for fire support.

In an instant, the troops of the Church of the Fallen Angels were killed and their armor was discarded.

At this moment, a pseudo-V-generation insect-type biological mecha rushed out of the paralyzed level 5 flagship and fled in the opposite direction without a word.

The fake owners, Devourer and Su Mo, immediately locked on the abnormal biological mecha.

Regardless of the fact that the members of the Church of the Fallen Angels were killed one by one, none of them escaped.

All are like lunatics.

At this time, it was very striking that someone escaped.

Looking at it carefully, it is more than 60 meters high. Two-thirds of the body is embedded with green biological carapaces, and one-third is embedded with special armor. Its head is like a fly, and four pairs of green wings are embedded in its back. Pseudo-V biological mecha with hands like scythes.

The most critical point is that this pseudo V-generation biological mecha has a specially packaged metal box hanging on the waist.

The database of Su Mo's V-generation biological mecha, the Light of Sin matched the corresponding model instantly.

"The data is successfully matched, and the target is the pseudo-v-generation biological mecha Greenfly."

Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he said to the forger, the Devourer, "I feel like we're going to have **** luck. Did you see the box on the waist of the mecha? Does it look like what we want?"

"Like! But don't worry, let him escape for a while and stay away from the troops of Starlink City as much as possible."

The fake owner, the Devourer replied in a low voice.

"I think so too."

Su Mo nodded in response.

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