Plug-in Player

Chapter 888: tricky

Facing Su Mo's decisive head-on blow, the other party was dumbfounded. His short blade is not as long as the blade of sin, this is the rhythm of certain death.

"It's over!"

In an instant, the eyes of the other party expanded, and the whole person was like falling into a biting winter.

Just at this critical moment, a giant hand as powerful as steel suddenly attacked from the sky. He grabbed Su Mo's neck with one hand, and slammed into the huge metal pillar beside him!


The entire metal column is recessed.

The Blade of Heavenly Sin in Su Mo's right hand fell directly to the ground.

I saw a height of four meters, wearing a red heavy-duty armor, with distinct muscles, like a piece of steel, even if it was covered by the colonial armor, it was still obvious. A giant man with a violent aura all over his body suddenly killed him.

After the guy with the short blade was relieved of the crisis, his heart was beating wildly, and he almost died.

Su Mo's expression was extremely painful, he raised his hands to grab the other's giant hand that was pinching his neck, and struggled to break it apart.

"Looking for death, dare to resist!"

Immediately, the giant raised his other fist and smashed Su Mo's face with a right uppercut.


Su Mo's head was almost embedded in the pillar, which shows how powerful his fist is.

But even so, Su Mo still fought hard, trying to break the opponent's left hand. However, the opponent is a power-type player, and it is really not as strong as the opponent.

Seeing that the other party still had the strength to resist, the giant man hit Su Mo's stomach with another violent right hook.



At this time, two sounds sounded at the same time.

Su Mo's whole body was almost embedded in it, and the giant man was also kicked in the waist, but unfortunately it was of no use.

At this time, the giant man was also provoked, raised his fist, and punched Su Mo fiercely.

The violent attack is like hitting a sandbag, punching to the flesh.

In the end, the giant roared, let go of the hand that was pinching Su Mo's neck, and kicked Su Mo fiercely with a whirlwind foot.

Su Mo flew out like a streamer, and slammed into the alloy wall!


A large area is recessed throughout the alloy wall.

Su Mo casually fell to the ground.

"Okay! It was possible to take so many punches from the big man before falling down. If it were me, I would fall down with one punch."

The slender figure couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"He hasn't fallen yet."

At this time, the giant replied in a deep voice.


The thin figure also hurriedly looked over.

I saw Su Mo put his hand on the ground and stood up slowly, looking at the two with killing intent Ling Ran's eyes.

Su Mo was already cursing in his heart, who owns this fortress? It’s okay to have one of the other party’s accomplices, and another one. All the strengths are still so perverted, and none of the guards of the city of Star Rings have come, they are simply eating rice.

But forget it, it just happened that the guy committed suicide, took down these two accomplices, and tortured them together.

The giant man and the short-blade man, both of them saw this scene, their eyes changed slightly, it didn't fall, how strong is this guy?

At this moment, the giant man and the short blade man looked at each other. Immediately, the giant man broke out first. If the violent lion rushed towards Su Mo, it would appear in front of Su Mo in an instant. The burly body enveloped Su Mo like a giant, and the violent fist made a terrifying sound of breaking through the air. , smashed hard at Su Mo.

Su Mo stood there and didn't move, but tilted his head, his fist just brushed past his ear and hit the metal wall behind him.


A pit was smashed into the thick metal wall.

In an instant, Su Mo moved instantly, the blood in his whole body became more and more boiling, the blood stains of pollution continued to appear, and violent negative forces emerged.

The muscles in his right hand swelled, and he punched the giant man's abdomen with a punch, and his thick colony armor was somewhat sunken.

The big man's eyes almost protruded, and the blood was dripping instantly.


After a roar of filial piety.

He actually resisted Su Mo's attack abruptly.


This also stunned Su Mo.

At this time, the giant man didn't give Su Mo time to react, he raised his fist like steel and smashed it head-on towards Su Mo.

Fortunately, Su Mo reacted quickly, dodging agilely, avoiding the violent attack. At the same time, he dodged behind the big man, preparing to give him a shot from the back, but just when he was about to launch a second attack.

A short blade struck precisely from the side, hitting the aorta of Su Mo's neck.

Su Mo's eyes narrowed, and his swift body avoided the short blade, then turned around and swept over with a sharp kick.

The man using the short blade raised his other hand to block.


The whole person flew out, with a terrifying look on his face, this guy's strength has skyrocketed to this point.

Su Mo didn't stop, and after he succeeded, he rushed up immediately. He has to deal with this lingering guy first. If he doesn't get rid of him first, when he fights with that giant guy, this guy will sneak attack at the most critical moment.

In an instant, Su Mo appeared beside the short-edged man, ready to start.

However, at this moment, a giant man appeared behind Su Mo, his hands were crossed, and he slammed head-on.

This speed is also bizarre, which surprised Su Mo for a while. UU reading www.

However, at this time, Su Mo dodged as if he had eyes behind his back.


Sheng Meng's fist hit the ground, and the entire metal ground cracked.

Su Mo supported the ground with one hand, turned his body 180 degrees, and kicked the giant man's abdomen with his right foot like a thunderbolt.

Under normal circumstances, the abdomen of the human body is a relatively fragile position.

Once kicked, it is easy to lose mobility.

With a dull sound, Su Mo's right foot kicked the giant man's abdomen.


The giant man also snorted, but he didn't take a half step back.

The intense pain did not make the giant man lose his ability to move, but made his eyes more and more frantic.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo was also slightly startled, is this all right?

You must know that Su Mo's kick has the blessing of the fifth-generation colonial armor and negative energy, even the second-generation black steel mecha can kick you to pieces.

At this time, the giant man also ignored the pain in his body and kicked Su Mo fiercely.


Su Mo flew out like a cannonball and hit the ground. He crawled up with a slap in his hand, his bones throbbing faintly.

This kick is really strong.

However, before Su Mo could buffer him, the short-blade man also appeared on Su Mo's side like a ghost, and the short-blade swiped sharply towards Su Mo's neck.

Su Mo tilted his head back, and the short blade swept past his face.

Then Su Mo suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the opponent's wrist.

"not good!"

The expression of the short-blade man changed slightly.

Su Momeng folded his wrist and grabbed the particle short blade. Then he kicked the opponent on the waist and kicked him out fiercely.

At this time, a huge shadow also enveloped Su Mo.

Su Mo was slightly startled, and raised his head subconsciously.

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