Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 1938. The blue star that landed on the earth

Latest website:    Low Earth Orbit, Aegis, inside the bridge.

Nick Fury was flipping through a document that Antonia had just sent, when suddenly he heard a cry of surprise.

"What's going on?" Putting down the document and looking in the direction of the sound, Nick Fury's sight fell on a staff member who suddenly stood up.

"Report to the Director." Hearing Fury's question, the man turned around and reported immediately: "The Blue Star, which is parked on the back of the moon, has just taken off and left the moon. By analyzing the route, it is approaching the earth at a speed of about 20 kilometers per second."

Since being brought back by Shi Xiaolei, the Blue Star has been parked on the back of the moon and has hardly moved.

Getting used to this situation, it is inevitable to be a little surprised to see it take off and leave suddenly.

What's more, it is not heading into the universe at this time, but flying towards the earth.

"Are you sure?" Standing up, Nick Fury questioned the staff member again while subconsciously taking out his mobile phone.

"Yes, unless it suddenly changes its course next."

"I know, keep paying attention." Nodding, while giving orders, Nick Fury looked up a number and made a call.

This call was not made to anyone else, it must be Shi Xiaolei.

After all, the Azure Star is his property, and no one else can control it except him.

The prompt tone for waiting to be connected sounded twice, and Shi Xiaolei's voice came from the phone: "Fury? Why did you suddenly think of calling me? What's the matter?"

Paying attention to Shi Xiaolei's tone, he found that there was no fluctuation. Both the speed and tone of speech were no different from usual. Nick Fury was slightly relieved.

"It's not that I have something to do, man, this is exactly what I want to ask."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just want to ask about the Azure Star." Controlling his tone, Nick Fury asked casually: "I am now handling some work here on the Aegis. Just now, someone came to report to me that the Azure Star, which had been parked there, suddenly took off and left, and it seemed to be going to the earth. Locke, are you summoning it? Or are you on that spaceship now?"

"It's me, there's something small, and I need to ask it to come over." Without thinking of hiding anything, Shi Xiaolei admitted it very straightforwardly.

"Then... can you explain the situation a little bit? Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning, I'm just a little worried. After all, it's too big. If it appears in the sight of ordinary people, it will most likely cause a commotion and cause unnecessary panic." "Don't worry, the situation you said won't happen." Shi Xiaolei smiled and answered: "In a while, it will activate the cloaking device. Except for a few institutions that have mastered cutting-edge technology, no one can find its traces. As for why it came to Earth, it's actually no big deal..." "In that case, you should not mind telling me a few words, right?" "It's like this, I plan to help my 'hometown' a little. I came from outside before. Didn't you make a copy of the technical data you brought back and send it back to China? I think you should still have some impression of this matter. "

"Hmm, then what?"

"Then? Then during the research process, we encountered some insurmountable problems. So, in order to help the experts overcome the difficulties, I decided to temporarily lend the Blue Star to them for research for a while. "After a half-beat pause and a breath, Shi Xiaolei continued: "Don't worry, the Blue Star is just here to pick people up, it won't stay on Earth forever. When the experts get on the spacecraft, it will return to the back of the moon again."

"Just pick people up, okay, I get it."

While Nick Fury was relieved, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

For example, with the help of Shi Xiaolei, China's scientific and technological strength will surely usher in a breakthrough again, and then, with the increase in strength, will China dominate and threaten other countries on Earth.

For example, after China's aerospace technology ushered in a leap-forward development again, will it take the lead in entering the universe, suddenly widening the gap with other countries, and then, without intention, causing panic in other countries.

To be honest, from Nick Fury's perspective, he really doesn't want to see Shi Xiaolei do this, nor does he want China to suddenly become powerful and far surpass other countries including the United States in a short period of time.

However, Nick Fury is also very clear about one thing - if he protests at this time and has to stop Shi Xiaolei, things will only get worse.

After all, Shi Xiaolei has made his position clear without any concealment, and has put it into practice more than once, providing China with a large amount of funds and materials, and also sending various technical materials. To put it more bluntly, from beginning to end, he has not concealed the slightest, and has clearly expressed his recognition of China and a sense of belonging without any distractions.

Asking a patriot to abandon his position and give up his love for his motherland is tantamount to directly denying his principles of dealing with people and denying him as a person.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you will know that this is obviously an act that will inevitably cause hostility.

And with Nick Fury, or the current strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is obviously not enough to confront or restrain Shi Xiaolei.

As smart as a braised egg, he would certainly not show his innermost opinions at this time and risk falling out with Shi Xiaolei to stop him from doing so.

Of course, a few reminders to do the next best thing are still indispensable.

"Don't blame me for talking too much, Locke. If possible, I still hope you can restrain yourself a little and try not to make the situation too big. You know, if you cause too much trouble, it will be quite troublesome to clean up. "

"Don't worry, I know what's going on and I won't forget the appropriateness."

"OK, I believe you."

That's what the phone call said, but after ending the call, Nick Fury did not hesitate to give instructions to the staff on the Aegis, asking them to lock the Blue Star heading for Earth and continue to pay close attention. ...No, it should be said to be monitoring its every move.

And on the ground.

Shi Xiaolei put his phone back in his pocket, knowing very well that Nick Fury would continue to stare closely at it.

After all, he is the kind of suspicious person who can't help but become suspicious whenever something is slightly out of his control.

‘But, no matter how reluctant you are, what can you do? ’ With this thought flashing through his mind, Shi Xiaolei shook his head and returned his attention.

Look up at the sky again.

There were white clouds floating in the blue sky. Although there were not many in number, there happened to be one that blocked the sun.

Suddenly, as if hit by something, a big hole appeared in the middle of the white cloud.

The sun shines through the hole and shines on the flat and wide wilderness.

Immediately afterwards, an almost imperceptible buzzing sound sounded in his ears like a whisper. Along with it, there was a strong wind that was not too violent but seemed very sudden.

Knowing that this was the reaction caused by the Blue Star landing, Shi Xiaolei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised his left hand and brought the communicator to his mouth: "Blue Star, remove the invisibility."

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