Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 1995.1 Want to play together?

Latest website: As a Chinese, when the words ancestor worship ceremony are mentioned, the first thing that usually comes to mind is the ancestor worship ceremony held on the third day of the third lunar month every year for the Yellow Emperor, the common ancestor of the Chinese nation. Ceremony.

Of course, you may also first think of the scene when you return to your hometown during the Spring Festival every year, and go to the ancestral hall with your clan companions to worship your ancestors.

In short, ancestor worship rituals are not unfamiliar to Chinese people. It’s the kind of thing that ‘even if you have never participated in it yourself, you will definitely see it on TV’. As long as you don't live in the mountains and forests and live an isolated life, you will have some impression.

Comparing the ancestor worship rituals in Chinese people’s minds, the Wakandan ancestor worship rituals are similar.

Although there is no such thing as burning incense and kowtowing, the contents such as reading out the sacrificial rites and presenting tributes are the same. Coupled with some unique traditional customs here on the African continent, such as swinging your arms and jumping vigorously to the accompaniment of drums, performing special dances for ancestors like dancing gods, etc... Generally speaking, it is probably ' There are some differences in specific links, but the overall process feels pretty much the same.

From start to finish, there are a total of eight or nine steps that need to be followed one by one. Some steps can be completed quickly, but there are also two or three steps that take a long time and require a lot of physical strength or energy. As the leader of the entire ceremony, T'Chaka must participate in the entire process without any leisure.

Fortunately, he has been king for decades and is already familiar with this entire process.

Just like veteran singers have many ways to be lazy on stage when they hold concerts, T'Chaka has also summed up some tips to find some opportunities during the ancestor worship ceremony and take time to think about other things.

Yes, although it was a bit disrespectful to say it, T'Chaka did take a break during the ancestor worship ceremony this time and was not as focused as in previous years.

The reason why there are some small omissions is here.

All in all, after the initial anger subsided, T'Chaka had taken the time to think about it. He had a general idea in his mind about 'how to deal with Namor who showed up uninvited' and 'what attitude to use to face the Sea Tribe next'.

"Although the first contact was somewhat less than ideal and may have left you with a bad first impression, I still hope to have more contacts in the coming days and deepen our mutual understanding through communication. "We have enough understanding." Looking at Namor sitting on the sofa opposite, T'Chaka said with a sincere expression.

"Well..." Namor did not respond immediately, but fell into thinking.

Although they are all in a state of isolation and have little contact with the outside world, in the final analysis, the situation in Talokan is still different from that in Wakanda. There is a big difference.

To put it bluntly, Talokan, located deep under the sea, has not yet been discovered by other forces or countries. Unlike Wakanda, many people have already inquired about their relevant information, and the veil is gradually being lifted, showing its true side to the world. Moreover, Talokan has a natural barrier of the ocean. Even if its existence is known to other countries, it will not immediately fall into passivity like Wakanda.

As the leader of the Sea Tribe and the king of Talokan, Namor is also very aware of his advantages.

I don't think other countries or forces have the ability to threaten Talokan, which is located deep under the sea. When considering the matter of 'contact and communication with the outside world', Namor's attitude is definitely not very proactive.

Yes, until this moment, Namor was still more inclined to "you walk your sunny path, and I will cross my single-plank bridge", and had no intention of continuing to contact the Wakandans and further deepening the relationship.

"I believe you should have realized that the world is changing and is about to usher in a rapid development." Seeing Namor's hesitation, T'Chaka continued to persuade: "Under the tide of the times, if we continue to stick to the same old routine, ...Haha, there are many precedents in history. Facts have proved that that is an undesirable idea. "

"If you stop moving forward, you will eventually be eliminated by the times. Neither we, Wakanda, nor your beloved Talokan can fight against this tide on our own. Yes, I am very sure of this. Let's put it this way...if you are like me and know something about the things he has experienced, you should have the same idea." As he spoke, T'Chaka pointed at Shi Xiaolei.

"Um, is there anything I have to do here?" Unexpectedly, the topic suddenly involved him. Shi Xiaolei tilted his head in surprise.

"Of course." T'Chaka turned to look at Shi Xiaolei, smiled and nodded: "It was you who obtained more advanced technical information from aliens, and it was you who established the first outpost on alien planets. It was suggested, wasn’t it?”

" mean the trading post on the Asgard side?" Shi Xiaolei raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm~. Although it is a commercial site, its significance is obviously not limited to 'foreign trade'." T'Chaka said with a smile: "As far as I know, through that site, not only We obtained a lot of raw materials needed to build space equipment, and also collected a lot of intelligence information related to aliens, right?”

"Hmm... I don't know much about the information. But according to SHIELD's style, it should be a nine out of ten things."

"So." Nodding, T'Chaka looked at Namor again: "Just passing that trading post will speed up our understanding of the universe and aliens countless times. Plus some other ways. ...It is no exaggeration to say that we are likely to enter the interstellar era in a short period of time and usher in earth-shaking changes. And I believe you can understand it without me telling you."

"In the past hundreds of thousands of years, relying on vibranium, we have indeed been ahead of other countries, but that does not mean that we can always stay ahead. When everyone enters the next era, relying on vibranium The advantage gained by Jin Er will be quickly shortened, and it may even be directly eliminated. By then, will we be able to remain on our own as we are now? Haha, I don’t think it is possible anyway.”

"So, if you don't want to be left behind, it's best to act early. As I said just now, only by being prepared in advance can we withstand the impact of the changing times and avoid those sad endings. . In short, Lord Namor, I sincerely hope that you can carefully consider my proposal and make a right choice."

"Well... I'll think about it carefully." Regardless of whether it was sincere or not, Namor nodded anyway, which was regarded as a response.

"I hope to hear a happy answer. Of course, you don't have to rush for a day or two. It can be ten days and a half month, or longer. It doesn't matter. This is a question that needs to be carefully considered. It is not a matter of time and a half." Time can decide.”

T'Chaka stood up, walked to Namor, and stretched out his right hand: "It's too late to think about it slowly after we go back. As for these few days, you can walk around here with us. Check it out and shop around. It’s a rare occasion to have an annual celebration, so since it’s here, why not take advantage of this opportunity to spend a few days.”


"Or you can go back first and invite more people to come and play together. The celebration will last for four days in total, excluding today, there are still three days." T'Chaka said with a smile: "In previous years, we closed the door by ourselves. We’re here for the holidays, but there aren’t many guests. Something happened this year, I mean…”

Pointing to Shi Xiaolei and Stark again, T'Chaka raised his eyebrows: "In order to entertain them, we have made sufficient preparations in advance and arranged everything. If you are willing to accept the invitation, come and experience it. Happy holidays... Haha, I don’t need to make any other preparations here.”

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