Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 2033. Momotaro meatballs

Latest website: When redeeming in a designated area, a gourmet tablecloth can be redeemed for only 300 check-in points.

Based on the rate at which he accumulates ten check-in points every day, Shi Xiaolei only needs to clock in and wait for a month to get such a tablecloth.

Not to mention a gourmet tablecloth for eating whatever you want, even an ordinary tablecloth with nothing special, given Shi Xiaolei a month, he might not be able to spin one. From this perspective, the cost of purchasing a gourmet tablecloth can be said to be extremely cheap.

It's no wonder that Shi Xiaolei would give a piece of it to the Stark family of three without feeling any distress.

Having said that, since the gourmet tablecloth worth 300 check-in points is not exclusive, it goes without saying that the exchange price for bamboo dragonfly and Momotaro meatballs is even cheaper.

"Here, there are some more, you can put them away too."

After eating the 'changed' food, Pepper began to clear the table. Seeing Stark helping to fold the tablecloth, Shi Xiaolei took out some things from his backpack and pushed them in front of him along the table.

There is nothing special, just two bamboo dragonflies and two small bags with slightly crude packaging.

"What is this?" Because he had already seen bamboo dragonflies, Stark ignored them without hesitation, and his eyes fell on the two small bags.

Picking up a package and looking at the contents inside through the plastic packaging, Stark raised his eyebrows: "It looks like some kind of snack. If I remember correctly, I traveled to China with you last time. We seemed to have eaten something similar when we were here, right? What was it called? Let me think about it, Yuan Xiao?”

"That's called Yuanxiao. The word behind it is pronounced the first time, not the fourth time." Shi Xiaolei corrected him first, then pointed to the bag in Stark's hand and continued to introduce him: "It just looks a bit similar. The two are completely different. This thing in your hand is used to tame pets. "

"So, this thing is actually animal feed?"

"Humans can also eat it, but it won't be effective." Shi Xiaolei smiled: "If it were an animal, just feed it one and it would be completely tamed."

"Is it so magical..." After hearing Shi Xiaolei's introduction, Stark couldn't help but look at the small bag in his hand again.

"Magical? If it only has this effect, how can it be considered magical." Shaking his head gently, Shi Xiaolei continued to introduce: "Even if you have offended the other party and made the other party's eyes red, you only need to take out one of these When the thing comes, the opponent will immediately stop being hostile, just like a stray dog ​​that wants to beg for food, slobbering and wagging its tail at you, assuming that guy has a tail. "

"Secondly, in addition to the most basic taming effect, it also comes with a very powerful training effect. For example, if you encounter a wild North American brown bear in the wild, and then feed it a pellet... then swallow it At that moment, the brown bear will not only recognize you as its owner, but also complete the training in an instant, just like the bears in the circus that have been trained for a long time and learn to obey various commands. "

"Of course, the key to how well it can cooperate depends on how smart it is. If a species is born with no brains, such as fish or insects, even if you feed a few more, it will definitely not be as good as a pet. The dog that ate a pellet.”

"Finally, and most worth mentioning, is the scope of application of this thing. No matter whether it is a vegetarian animal or a carnivore, whether it is a bird, reptile, amphibian, or mammal, no one can resist its temptation. In addition, living in All kinds of wild dinosaurs in the Ark, the Pegasus we saw in Asgard before, and the alien animals we saw when traveling to Xandar, can all be tamed with it, and they are all one It works.”

"Let's put it this way, whether it is existing animals on the earth, alien creatures, or those monsters that only exist in fantasy, they are all within its scope of application. Fundamentally speaking, there are only two situations that can be immune Its effect. First, the other party is a human being or other humanoid creature. Second, the other party's IQ is equal to or higher than that of a human being."

The next time you want to get it, you don’t necessarily have to wait until when.

Worried that Stark would waste it, Shi Xiaolei deliberately spent more time and explained the relevant information of 'Momotaro Meatballs' in detail.

It is precisely because he introduced it in detail enough that...

"Dear me~." A little shocked, Stark unconsciously raised the bag to his eyes, his eyes shining brightly: "Is the effect so exaggerated? This is amazing, right? ”

"You can think of it as a very special magic potion, the kind whose production method has been lost." Smiling, Shi Xiaolei changed the subject again and pointed at little Morgan who was still enjoying the little pudding wholeheartedly: "But having said that, I will take it out because the little guy told me last time that he wanted to keep a little pet. So, you don't have to hide it until you encounter some particularly rare monster. Take it out and use it.”

"Haha, no wonder the little guy pesters you every day. You are quite competent as a godfather." After weighing the bag, Stark nodded to Shi Xiaolei with a smile on his face: "I understand, look back. I'll ask her carefully to see what kind of little pet she wants. Let's talk about it first. Don't feel sorry if she plans to use it on cats and dogs. "

"No, as long as she really likes it." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei did not forget to remind him: "Remember to explain it to her several times, don't get tired of it after a few days of taming it, and then throw it aside and ignore it. "

"Don't worry, with Pepper here, there will definitely be no problems with tutoring." Suddenly remembering something, Stark asked one more question: "By the way, does this thing have a shelf life? It won't be the same as ordinary It’s like food, it will go bad in a few days, right?”


This question seemed to hit the point. Shi Xiaolei showed hesitation and scratched his head unconsciously: "To be honest, I'm not very clear either."

"Then..." Silently pursed his lips, Stark continued to ask: "If you freeze it and save it, then take it out and thaw it when it is needed. Will this freeze affect its effectiveness? You also know that after food is frozen, there will be some changes in nutritional value, taste and texture.”

After working in the kitchen for several years, Shi Xiaolei has long been familiar with this common sense.

"Um..." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to stretch out his right hand and open his palm to slap Stark: "To be on the safe side, it's better to store it with me first. There is no concept of time in my 'space backpack', no matter what It will be the same as when you put it in, no matter how long you keep it.”

"Tsk~." With a slight tsk, Stark tossed the bag back into Shi Xiaolei's hand: "Then keep it with you first. When I find a suitable person to use it, I will come to you to pick up the goods. Let’s talk about it first, don’t forget that this is reserved for the little girl and then accidentally use it.”

"Don't worry, I specially prepared the things for her. How could I make that kind of mistake?"

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