Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 947. Where did the spaceship go?

They all burn diesel, and the engines installed on heavy-duty trucks for engineering use are much more powerful than the diesel engines on agricultural pickup trucks.

By the same token, the effectiveness of a curvature engine installed on a large spacecraft is far from comparable to that of the pocket-sized curvature engines mounted on a small or micro spacecraft.

Generally speaking, the curvature engine mounted on a small or micro spacecraft can only support the spacecraft to initiate a jump within a short distance, and its upper limit is probably between half a light year and one light year.

In addition, after each jump, it takes a while for the engine to cool down...

Why do those wealthy businessmen in the universe prefer to use large spaceships to transport goods? The main reason is that the jump engine of a large spaceship is more powerful, and the distance of each jump is farther, which can reduce the time required for delivery in the shortest possible time on the road.

As for carrying more equipment, being larger and being able to load more defensive facilities, etc., these are not the key reasons.

After all, there are as many pirates as there are in the universe. The more cargo you carry, the easier it is to be targeted by interstellar pirates. As for defense facilities... Not to mention that ammunition costs money, every defensive battle will offset part of the profit. The key is that no defense facilities can be foolproof and 100% guaranteed not to be breached by pirates.

That's a bit far gone.

All in all, the curvature engine installed on the Minerva is not powerful enough to support the spacecraft to jump at will. Taking this journey from the earth to Proxima b as an example, it is impossible for Shi Xiaolei to reach the destination in one jump in the spacecraft.

The most practical, time-saving and labor-saving method is to first jump out of the solar system, go to the nearest wormhole, take a shortcut to an exit closest to Proxima Centauri b, and then make another short-distance jump to reach Proxima Centauri. near b.

"If it is a large spaceship, there is no need to go to such trouble." While adjusting the course and controlling the spacecraft to move towards the wormhole, Shi Xiaolei replied to Leo Fitz, who was as curious as a baby: "Just take the Kree Let’s take the spaceship as an example. Ronan the Accuser’s vehicle, the Dark Star, including other spaceships in his fleet, are often dozens of kilometers long..."

"The larger the spacecraft is, the larger the engine on board will be, and of course the power will be higher. So, they don't need to go through the wormhole at all, they just rely on the performance of the spacecraft itself, just swish, and then Appeared near the earth."

"Oh, I forgot, this matter should be considered a secret in your bureau. With the prudence of your director, it is probably well hidden, and few people should know about it." At this point, Shi Xiaolei turned his head. He went and looked at Coulson, who was sitting at the back: "Man, didn't you hear a lot of secrets from me that day? What did Fury say after you went back to report? I guess he should have already finished the file Unlock it, take it out and show it to you, right?"

"I saw it, but I'm not sure if that's all." Coulson nodded.

"Are there any records in the data about the spaceships that the Kree sailed outside the earth?" Shi Xiaolei pointed back at Leo Fitz and said with a smile: "Come on, prove it to him, I'm not talking nonsense."

"The information only mentioned the large size of the spacecraft, and the introduction of the curvature engine..." Colson shook his head: "Unfortunately, I didn't see it."

"Huh? Didn't you collect the wreckage of the spaceship after it crashed? If I remember correctly, there must have been at least three or five Kree spacecraft that were destroyed at that time..." Recall the plot of "Captain Marvel", the final battle. Son, Ronan's fleet should be over Nevada or California. Shi Xiaolei smacked his lips: "Did they all fall into the Pacific Ocean? No way, there are several ships. No matter how crooked the crosshairs are, they won't all miss the target, and none of them will fall on the ground."

"The same question was raised in the information the director showed me." Colson said: "I asked the director that day, and he said he didn't know either and felt very puzzled."

"Didn't he do it?" Shi Xiaolei raised his eyebrows: "Given Fuli's character, I think it might have been hidden by him."

"Probably not." Colson smiled: "According to the time on the file, he was not the director at that time. Moreover, if the wreckage really fell on the ground, it would not be so large. It can be hidden.”

"Hey, this is strange. Where did such a big wreckage go?"

"Either it's like you said, they all fell into the Pacific Ocean." After a pause, Colson came up with another guess: "But I think it might also be the work of the mages."

"Magics? Do you mean... the magicians of Kama Taj?"

"Yeah." Colson nodded and expressed his analysis: "You told me personally that the magicians of Kama Taj have always been on the front line of protecting the earth from intrusion from the outside world, and will do their best to protect the earth from intrusion from the outside world. It is necessary to eliminate all x factors that may interfere with the normal development of human beings, isn’t it?”

"So? I remember I should have said that mages will not easily interfere in things like alien invasion."

"Yes, you said it, I remember it very clearly. I mean..." Colson smiled: "If the wreckage fell to the ground and eventually fell into our hands. Then, according to what we have always said The way to do this is to study the wreckage and then introduce some era-changing alien technology.”

"I think they may not want these cross-generational alien technologies to appear. In order to ensure that technology develops and improves at the normal pace, they secretly intervened, interfered with the falling route of the alien spacecraft wreckage, and threw them all into the deep. In the unreachable sea.”

"Perhaps, directly prevented the crash of the spacecraft? Throwing them into the depths of space with a backhand?" Following Coulson's train of thought, Leo Fitz thought for a while and proposed another possibility.

"Hmm..." After thinking for a moment, Shi Xiaolei smacked his lips again: "With Master Gu Yi's ability, it can be done. I'll ask her later, maybe she really did it."

While they were chatting, the artificial intelligence Minerva suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"The jump is about to end. Next, there may be slight vibrations. This is a normal reaction, no need to worry."

"How long until the jump ends?"

Turning around and sitting upright again, Shi Xiaolei looked at the dashboard and confirmed to Minerva.

"It is expected that the jump will end in fifteen seconds. There are still 13, 12, 11, ten seconds countdown, 9, 8..."

"Guys!" In line with Minerva's countdown, Shi Xiaolei greeted the 'passengers' behind him loudly: "Concentrate, sit tight and hold on!"

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