Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 955. It’s better to be careful

Being able to fight for such a big name and join the ranks of the three major empires shows that the Kree people have very strong military strength.

However, the reason why the Kree have such strong military strength is not because of the mental toughness of the Kree. In fact, in terms of the quality of the soldiers alone, especially their desire for victory at the spiritual level, they are not only far inferior to the Asgardians, but are even inferior to the villains who appeared in the original plot, such as the Frost Giants and Dark Elves. .

After an in-depth analysis, it is not difficult to find that the strength of the Kree people is actually very similar to that of the United States on earth.

Invading other planets or races can bring huge benefits. Driven by interests, the Kree people have developed a behavior style like bandits and bandits, always launching wars at every turn. They also claim that they are protecting the peace of the universe, so they take the initiative to send troops to eliminate unrest.

Justice or not is not the key. The key point is that the Cree soldiers were motivated and proactive after being tempted by interests.

Although it is not as good as the tenacity that comes from the heart, this enthusiasm born out of the pursuit of interests has somewhat improved the combat strength of the Kree troops.

Then there is the technological strength.

Either develop it themselves or plunder it from outside. Over time, in many fields, the technology owned by the Kree ranks at the forefront. For example, the development of combat vehicles, the upgrading of individual soldier equipment, the research of biological weapons, etc.

Mastering high-precision technology, coupled with the mass production capabilities brought by the huge scale of the Kree Empire...

The strength of the Kree army in terms of hardware comes from this.

Finally, and something that must be mentioned - the leader of the Kree is an artificial intelligence called Supreme Intelligence.

There is an old saying that "manpower is sometimes poor".

If Ronan or some other Kree becomes the emperor of the empire, then when they issue combat orders, they will more or less not take into account some weaknesses. When they carry out combat operations, they will inevitably leave some weaknesses or weaknesses. loopholes.

But with supreme wisdom, whether it is the planning of the battle plan or the dispatch of troops after the war begins, they will be arranged very carefully, and those omissions that may lead to the failure of the battle will be plugged in time.

It can not only see the overall situation very clearly, but also do better in the details. Since the emergence of the artificial intelligence of Supreme Intelligence, the Kree's winning rate has really improved a lot.

This is the result of not taking into account the factor that ‘the supreme intelligence is not human, and is very cold and devoid of compassion’.

No matter how intelligent it is, it is not a serious life form after all.

He is not swayed by emotions and will not show any mercy to his enemies. He will not even consider whether it is moral to attack innocent people. In the eyes of the supreme wisdom, life is just a quantifiable number, and its indifference to life is also engraved in its bones.

If it is an intelligent creature with emotions, it may not issue certain instructions, but with the supreme wisdom, there will be no hesitation or hesitation. The Kree's territory of power can expand to such a large extent, and they have such a high winning rate in wars, which is inseparable from the cruelty and unscrupulous methods of the supreme wisdom.

Including the birth of the Inhumans, it is actually closely related to the supreme wisdom.

Thousands of years ago, the Kree came to Earth, captured a cute hunter named Alvis, and transformed him into the first Inhuman Hive.

Note that it was thousands of years ago, not hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Alvis, who was used as a test subject by the Kree, was not an unenlightened savage. Although the era he lived in was very primitive, it is undeniable that he already possessed an intelligence that was almost the same as that of modern people.

According to the common code of conduct among all races in the universe, experiments on in vivo transformation of advanced intelligent creatures against the will of the parties concerned are actually not least, on the surface, they are not recognized and allowed.

If it were other Kree people who made the decision, there might still be a question mark over whether they would risk the world's disapproval and conduct this wave of in vivo experiments on humans.

Unfortunately, the Kree at that time had already created the Supreme Intelligence and supported it as the leader of the empire.

It was the cruel and cold-blooded instructions issued by the Supreme Intelligence, so the Kree warships came to the earth and created the Inhuman race through living transformation.

It is worth mentioning that in the order issued by the Supreme Intelligence at that time, a total of more than ten planets were circled. The Earthlings were not the only race that were used as experimental subjects for transformation by the Kree for no reason.

After all, the purpose of transforming biological weapons is to enhance combat power to cope with more frequent wars. According to the supreme intelligence's disregard for life and its extremely thorough style of making plans, it will definitely choose to 'cast a wide net' to select a few more experimental subjects, rather than placing all its hopes on the transformation of a single race. superior.

There are too many lice and it doesn’t itch. Anyway, the bottom line has been broken, and the so-called scruples naturally no longer exist.


"Huh." Shi Xiaolei breathed a long sigh of relief as he watched the inspection team's boat row past the window and gradually go away. "Fortunately, we made preparations in advance and let them go back and hide in the ark, otherwise..."

While thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei sat down on the driver's seat a few minutes later and started the spacecraft again.

Although he escaped this wave of inspections and did not cause any trouble, this does not mean that he has completely eliminated suspicion in the eyes of the other party.

After all, the group of people had just checked the pheromones left by the aliens in the cabin of the spaceship. Just thinking about it with their toes, they knew that they would pay more attention to their small ship.

If you turn around and leave at this time, it will be easier for you to lie and let the other party confirm your guess. With this in mind, Shi Xiaolei gave up the idea of ​​evacuating and slowly drove the spacecraft towards the Xandar star.

As for why I didn’t go back to the Ark and let others come out...

That's because there is another procedure to go through when landing on the ground.

If there are people guarding there, checking the incoming spaceships like the group just did, then the aliens who return to the cabin will most likely be caught by them.

It is better to do less than to do more. Shi Xiaolei thinks it is better to maintain the status quo first.

After passing the last level, go to Xandar and check the situation.

If the investigation on the ground is not strict, or if we revisit the old place and go to the market to find Bonas, whom we interacted with last time, and can get some props from him that are enough to conceal the identities of the aliens, then we will consider whether to let the aliens come out.

On the other hand, if there are also risks on the ground, and aliens may cause trouble after they appear...

"At worst, let them stay in the Ark for two or three more days. Anyway, the environment there is quite good and the place is spacious enough. It won't feel like being in prison."

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