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Chapter 800 can comfort her

The animal has stopped.

Mondo was originally happy, and I don’t know why I was suddenly unhappy. She said, "I like this lady and I am not a shame! If you fall down under the lady's pomegranate skirt, just say, this lady will not laugh at you!"

She did not answer, and stepped out.

The money is shouting and the voice is very loud. "You stand!"

She continued to stop again. However, before she waited for more money, he suddenly turned and walked back. The money looked at him more, and the heartbeat did not consciously accelerate.

She is still faceless, he said, "Many times, spit can be fatal. People vomit when they are unconscious, it is easy to kill themselves. Many people drink and die, not drunk and are killed."

For the first time, Qianduo heard about this situation. She felt ridiculous at first glance, but when she thought about it, she felt very reasonable and couldn’t help but be afraid. After all, she is not a small spit tonight, but spit very badly.

The money is screaming, and the voice of the animal is a little bigger. "Remember?"

The money was so much that he looked up at him, and she gave her a cold cold look, no longer saying more, turned and left. This time, a lot of money did not stop people.

The money was sitting on the couch and the little face was stretched. After a while, she lay down. Her eyes widened and she stared at the top of the bed. For a moment, she muttered to herself, "Smelly eyes!"

She rolled over and bury her head in the bedding, anger, and hammered her hands with her hands.

She is angry, but she doesn't know what she is mad at?

After she left, she bowed her head and walked away from her own room. He lived in Lingjia these days, and his room was in the next door of the money.

He returned to the house, as if nothing had happened, washing and changing clothes. However, when he put the seven-legged whistle on the pillow and prepared to sleep, he suddenly stopped. In his mind, he unconsciously emerged from the scene on the wine table tonight. The money was a little reddish and supported him, asking him to play the flute tonight.

After a while, I finally put on my coat, picked up the seven-legged whistle, and went out. He flew to the roof with a light leap. However, he just sat down and saw the roof next door. Qin Mo was sitting on the ridge and staring at him.

Qin Mo is an indifferent eye, and soon he moved away and fell on the portrait. The animal's eyes were dead, and he quickly turned and turned his back to Qin Mo. Obviously, both of them took the other side into the air.

Under the moonlight, the two thin and long figures are extraordinarily silent, and there is a kind of lonely beauty that cannot be said.

There was no delay in the animal husbandry. He turned the seven-legged whistle with one hand and then played the flute with both hands. He played the first "forget" to appease himself.

In the past few days, he has forgotten how many times he has blown for the money, and he has forgotten that he will not fall into the nightmare from the time he played it.

Do you not need to be comforted, can this song "forget" really appease others? Or, if the song "forget" can comfort others, it means that you don't need to be comforted? He does not understand. I only know that I can't forget the nightmare, but I can control myself not to fall into it.

The sound of the flute gradually overflowed, and the ethereal melodious, gentle and pleasant, just like the light of the moon in the air, gently floating in the silence on the sleeping things, let the quiet night become more silent, let this Sleeping people go to sleep.

Even Qin Mo, who is very widowed by the seven emotions, looked up and listened quietly. Others are also immersed in it.

At this point, Cheng Yifei went to Tang Jing, and buried himself on her chest. Tang Jing glared at his neck, and they seemed to sleep even more. Jun Jiuchen has already returned to the house, and Lonely Flying Swallow has fallen asleep. He seems to have plagued the lone swallow in his arms. As soon as the flute sounded, the solitary swallows of the restlessness were quiet.

In a corner of the yard, the snow wolf snow and the tiger beast white, the leader sheep white came together, and the big snow is telling Dabai and Xiaobai how horrible the big wolf he met in the ice sea is how terrible, white Ask questions with Curious. I heard the sound of the flute, they were like being tamed, one by one, kneeling on the ground, quieted down, listening.

At this time, the least quiet is a lot of money.

She has already sat up and listened. However, unlike before, the more she listened to the song tonight, the more she was awake. When she sang the second time, she was not quiet, but she was upset.

She didn't know that she was drunk and let her play the flute for herself. She wondered why she wanted to play the flute at this time? She felt that he was blowing to her, but he felt that he was blowing himself. She wanted to go and ask him, but she did what she wanted to do. She simply became hesitant and never dared to go.

This night, the animal blew a full three times, the money was heard more and more awake, and finally directly insomnia.

The next morning.

It’s late. When he first arrived at the dining hall, he saw a lot of money, sitting with Lonely Fly and Tang Jing for breakfast. He stopped and Tang Jing looked over and found him.

Tang Jing quickly said, "She is, squatting, coming in!"

She went in, as if she had no expression on her face. He nodded his head with Lonely Flying Yan and Tang Jing. He said hello and then sat down opposite the money. The prostitute quickly sent the meal over.

She graciously eats quietly, Tang Jing and Lonely Fly Yan continue to talk about half of the topic.

Tang Jingdao: "That's it. The money goes to rest, and the fire path is handed over to me! Yaner, you still have to go to the entrance with the Jingwang. If you really don't find a suitable entrance, let's take some effort. It’s not a bad thing to put out the fire.”

Lonely Flying Swallow refused. "I am not in a hurry for these two days. If it is to extinguish the fire, it will be very important, but it will attract people's attention. The Cloud Palace will have a fine work in the Black Forest. We must enter it secretly! By the time of Lingjia, It is best to do the show and create the illusion that we are here."

Lonely swallow and Tang Jing chatted very much, but the money was sneaked toward the shepherd, and she was looking at her. She did not understand why the money had to rest. When he saw the **** eyes with a lot of money, he knew that she had basically not slept last night.

She has quickly bowed her head and continued to eat, and her money has also bowed her head.

Lonely swallow and Tang Jing finished eating, seeing a lot of money and she is still eating, the two made each other a look, they rose at the same time.

Lonely swallows, "I am leaving, you eat slowly!"

Tang Jingdao: "Today's mission is heavy, I have to go quickly, you can eat slowly!"

Tang Jing has to go, and also added a sentence, "Yeran, this girl did not sleep last night. You help me stare at her, make sure she goes back to the room to rest and go!"

She looked up at Tang Jing and did not say anything. More money is also seen, but it is Tang Tang Jing.

Tang Jing did not look at it, and he smiled and strode away. This time, there is a lot of money left in the dining hall. More money is rushing to eat, get up and go. The animal husbandry finally opened his mouth. "Last night, why didn't you sleep well?"

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