Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 816: Hugh, my old man is welcome.

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Chapter 816, I’m sorry, my old man is welcome.

According to the speed of their group, the fastest time from the Black Forest to the North Sea is half a month. Although the time agreed by Lonely Fly Yan to the slogan of the sacred cloud palace is the twelfth lunar month, their time is very abundant, but they still have a day and night. They have the power of both the dry and the phoenix, they can be said to be winning, they still want to arrive in the North Sea in advance, be prepared to personally explore the truth of the cloud palace.

After leaving the Black Forest, the owner of the Cloud Palace wanted to go to the ice sea. Upon receiving the news, she knew that Gu Feiyan had given her a gauntlet, and she did not hesitate to change her mind and rushed back to the North Sea! She knows that Lonely Fly Yan will definitely take Ji Jianglan to the North Sea. After all, she had two big stacks of gold and Xuan Han Bao. She was not afraid of the solitary swallows. They threatened her, and they were afraid that they would delay the time and never go to the North Sea.

In a few days, the entire Xuankong mainland knew that Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen would fight with the mysterious King of the Clouds in the North Sea. At one time, there were different opinions and various rumors flying around. Some people say that they are fighting for control of the North Xinjiang. Some people say that they are fighting for the power hidden in the North Sea. Some people say that they are robbing the law of eternal life. Some even say that they are fighting for the source of infuriating... In short, there is no saying. Reasonable.

In Jinyang City, Azecai had just disposed of the ministers who provoked him and the emperor, and took out a behind-the-scenes high official. He has not rested, and then a group of ministers are kneeling outside the royal study. Of course, with the previous killing of the monkeys, these ministers did not dare to directly question what Jun Jichen was. They were here because they believed that the Yuyun Temple would compete for the rumors of the Northern Xinjiang, and they had the initiative to come up with suggestions and suggestions. Send troops to reinforce.

In the royal study, Aze is on the dragon chair, holding his head in both hands, and facing the full table, he is annoyed.

The little **** on the side thought that Azer was a thing for the North Sea. He hesitated, or whispered in front of him. "The emperor is better to let the ministers come in. Perhaps, they have any good ideas."

Aze jerked back and looked at it, the expression was fierce! The little **** immediately panicked and quickly retreated. "Is the emperor, the slave is not saying the wrong words, the slaves..."

Aze asked: "How long have you been with you?"

The little **** replied: "Half a year."

Aze fiercely said: "Is it so stupid for half a year? You didn't see that the people outside came to try it out? Do you really think that they all believe that the Zhuyun Temple is to grab the northern Xinjiang?"

The little **** is confused and really does not understand.

Aze ignored him, jumped off the dragon chair, his hands behind his back and paced. He pondered that the last time he killed a chicken and a monkey was not enough to have a deterrent. He had to catch up with something big, and he could completely obey the ministers. He is not stupid. He can see that although they always look for things on the things of the emperor, they are not dissatisfied with the emperor, but they are not obedient to him. If the emperor stood in front of them, they would not even dare to let go!

Azesi came to think, grabbed a pillow on the Luohan couch, placed it on the dragon chair, and explained the little eunuch. "How long do they love them for a long time! Come back tomorrow!"

He said that he went to the side to open the secret passage and secretly left the royal study. He is going to find the mother and the dust, and looking for the mother is to learn the classics. Azegang went to Qin Min's residence and saw the palace lady with an old mother to quit. He was nervous, and he refused to go to the palace to salute her, and rushed to the house.

Inside the house, Qin Min and Xiao Nianchen were sitting on the Luohan couch. Qin Min’s look is complicated, and Xiao Nianchen holds his chin in his hands, his brows are locked, and he is like contemplation.

Aze hurriedly asked, "Mother, just the old mother is a lonely family? How?"

Qin Min nodded and said: "The real name of Qian Qian calls Qian Meiyu, and the old man who does not like the word is changed to Fengzi."

Although Aze had speculation in his heart, but after listening to this, he still showed a shocked expression! Qian Qian is the real name of Qian Meiyu, and the Qian Jiacun, who is found by Qian Xiu and Qian Mei, is also called Qian Meiyu. Is this too coincidental? Qian Qian is probably the one who used the identity of the old man in Qianjia Village! She may not even surname the money!

Azer went over and sat down next to Xiao Nian's dust. His look was complicated. He asked: "Mother, what do we do now?"

Qin Mindao: "It is possible to hit the name. This is not evidence. But..."

Azer nodded and approved this statement.

Qin Min is still hesitating, Aze quickly said: "I will send more people and keep an eye on her!"

Qin Min looked up at him and said: "No need."

Aze was puzzled and quickly asked: "What is the meaning of Niang?"

Qin Mindao: "Although the evidence is not enough, but the suspicion is extremely great, the first prisoner is the most insurance!"

Aze first was an accident, and then he was overjoyed. "Mom, I thought you were so gentle and upright, not going to do this!"

Gentle and upright?

Qin Min glanced, and soon he laughed. Xiao Nianchen looked at Aze. He felt that this was not right, but he could not understand what was wrong.

Aze quickly said: "I am going to arrange the manpower here, and she will be imprisoned in the Jingwang House!"

Qin Min quickly stopped, "Millions!"

She did not tell Aze why she could not, but asked: "You should think about how to handle this matter most safely!"

Azedu hasn't started thinking about it, and Xiao Nianchen has opened his mouth. "It's not the same as defending people and arresting people. First think of a comprehensive method, and then arrest people no later! In case the money is a hidden treasure. Master, depending on the guards under your command, may not be able to get it down."

Aze’s eyebrows looked at Xiao Nian’s dust, but he did not want to be convinced, but he also had to be convinced. He said, "I understand, I have to tell the emperor that they have to arrange the manpower!"

Qin Min nodded and smiled softly. She looked out the door and saw that it was still early, she asked: "I came here so early today, but I am lazy?"

Aze sighed with a sigh of relief, and Qin Min chatted about the troubles at the entrance of the royal study.

At this time, the money in the Jing Wangfu still does not know how much evidence Qin Min found, but she faintly noticed that she was stared. She was a few of them, and it was very easy to avoid the guard and slipped into the palace of Jun Jiuchen. Seeing no one around, she flashed a touch of coldness, and leaped over the high wall and into the palace. She looked at her age, but she was very sensitive and acted. She quickly searched every position in the palace, and quickly restored everything, and the traces that were rummaged were not left.

She did not stay for a long time, leaving the palace on the original road. Seeing the patrolling guard coming from afar, she not only did not evade, but instead like a okay person, she stepped forward. It was not until she approached that she looked like a kind and kind, and retreated to the side to give way to the guards.

The guards walked in front of her. She did not leave immediately, but looked at the guards. She looked cold and whispered, muttering to herself. "Where is Ji Jianglan hidden? Can he have been taken to the North Sea? If it is looking for No clues, I am sorry that this old man is welcome!"

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