Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 819: Baili Mingchuan's self-confidence

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Chapter 819, Baili Mingchuan's self-confidence

Jun Jiuchen arrived at the North Sea from the secret road of the Dreamland Palace. He braved the wind and snow and found a full circle on the north coast. In the middle of the night, the wind and snow are great, he can only return to the dream palace.

He came to the secret room where he fell into the eternal enchantment, and his heart was filled with emotion. He didn't know if he could enter the eternal life enchantment in his lifetime, and he saw the dream summer predecessors, but he promised that he would do it.

Why is the dream family destroyed? How did the dream winter die? Where are the corpses of hundreds of dream people? Even if it has been for a thousand years, these things cannot be unclear.

Jun Jiuchen thought about it and suddenly realized that they were very likely to hide in the enchantment. Here, the site of the dream family, the ruins of the dream family have many enchantments, then there may be enchantment on the north coast! At the beginning, he and Lonely Fly had not recovered their memories. They were besieging Mrs. Su and the boss on the north coast. Everyone did not realize this problem. Mrs. Su did not have the extra mind to look for the enchantment. If you let Mrs. Su take a trip now, maybe there will be a discovery! Moreover, none of them knows about enchantment, and there is at least one more help from Mrs. Su.

Jun Jiuchen decisively went back. There are still ten days, and Mrs. Su is still a little hung. Therefore, he must send a confidential letter as soon as possible.

In fact, both the black sergeants and the jade scorpions are hiding in the North Sea, and the gold captured by them is also hidden in the dungeons of the North Sea. The only ones who hide in the enchantment are the Zhuyungongzhu and the Baili Mingchuan. The master of the cloud is not familiar with enchantment. The enchantments she used today were all made by the jade clerk, and she only knew how to open it.

After returning from the Black Forest, the owner of the Cloud Palace has been looking forward to the arrival of the twelfth lunar month. She still doesn't know that Jun Jiuchen has already controlled the power of dryness, and she is full of confidence in the decisive battle of the twelfth lunar month. However, Bai Yunming Chuan knew that Jun Jiuchen had mastered the power of dryness through Gu Yunyuan, but he was still full of confidence. His self-confidence is not from Gu Yunyuan who has been helping him, but from himself!

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace said that the power of the blood sacrifice can be matched with the power of dryness. In the past, because of the blood sacrifice, the Yuxi people moved their hands and feet to raise blood, so the blood sacrifices can directly overwhelm the power of dryness, and the power of dryness is pressed at the bottom of the North Sea. He believes that the bloodyness he controls can not be overwhelmed by the power of doing the same, but also enough to compete with the power of doing the same! After these months of hard work, he has been able to apply **** blood freely. Will he be afraid that he will only be able to participate in the second episode of the sacred swordsmanship?

In fact, he was even more eager to see the arrival of the twelfth lunar month!

Baili Mingchuan was immersed in his own thoughts, and the narrow eyes did not consciously come up with a touch of fineness. At this time, the Lord of the Clouds, sitting next to him, gradually came back, and he returned to God.

Every time before, the cloud-governing palace owner not only leaned his head on the shoulders of Baili Mingchuan, but also held the arm of Baili Mingchuan. She is obviously a domineering superior, but at this time it is like a little woman, the bird is next to Baili Mingchuan. Uninformed people see their backs, they will be when they are lovers.

For thousands of years, maybe she is really too lonely. She had to chat with Baili Mingchuan almost every day before going to bed. After a long period of time, she revealed all the secrets to Baili Mingchuan.

In the past two days, she repeatedly said the same thing.

She said: "A person has disappeared, and there are no traces left? I have found a thousand years, but I have not found anything. You said that if there is a reincarnation, Millennium X, I will always meet Is he going back? Maybe he passed by, maybe in the crowd, he saw it far. Just..."

The main voice of the cloud-going palace was faint, and he said several "may". Baili Mingchuan was not listening at all. He had already begun to ponder and defeated Jun Jiuchen, how to deal with the stinking head of Lonely Fly.

The cloud-governing palace owner only needs a tree hole. She knows that Baili Mingchuan will not respond, so she said to herself.

As she spoke, she fell asleep. And Bai Limingchuan knew that she was asleep and still didn't move. There are ten days left, and he doesn't want to have any scorpions on this section. In this way, Baili Mingchuan sat quietly, letting the whole person of the cloud-governing palace gradually fall on him, and he did not respond. However, at this time, the owner of the cloud palace wakes up.

Not only did she not get up, but her hands hooked the neck of Baili Mingchuan and looked up at him. She smiled softly and said: "Besides the shepherd, only you can't afford the favor of the deity. Oh, it's good to be a deity. If the deity finds a way to restore the infuriating, the deity will not embarrass you. ""

She said that while lifting the chin of Baili Mingchuan, she took a look at Baili Mingchuan before letting go.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but it is far less than one in ten thousand!" She dropped the words and strode out of the enchantment and quickly disappeared on the north coast.

For a long time, Baili Mingchuan walked out of the enchantment. He gently wiped his chin and muttered to himself, "The old demon, wait for the Emperor to clean up the lone swallow, you must marry your hand!"

Just after the words were finished, there was a smirk on the side.

Baili Mingchuan immediately looked back and saw that Gu Yunyuan did not know when he was standing by. When Baili Mingchuan approached, he lowered his voice and asked suspiciously: "Gu Yunyuan, is this old demon woman who wants to find out what you are looking for?"

Gu Yunyuan is still indifferent, laughing: "She also has people who are thinking about it?"

Baili Mingchuan took a glance at Gu Yunyuan and felt that it was not. The cloud-governing palace master was filled with nine infuriating spirits thousands of years ago, and the refining is not dead or old. Because of the disappearance of infuriating, she began to age, so that the exposed parts of the body are covered with fat powder to cover up. However, Gu Yunyuan is not like a aging person at all!

Baili Mingchuan asked: "Only people who live forever have people who can't forget. What about living people who have lived for ten?"

Gu Yunyuan nodded thoughtfully, and Baili Mingchuan immediately asked, "What about you?"

Gu Yunyuan did not answer, but asked: "So, you have it? You can't forget it is Xiaoyan?"

This time, Baili Mingchuan did not deny it. He laughed. "Nature is her! The good thing of her bad prince, this prince can not pursue. Yin and Yang poison, the prince can not be pursued. However, the nine dead life bureau..."

There was a hate in the middle of the mile. Gu Yunyuan still smiled and asked: "It seems that you have already thought about how to deal with her."

Baili Mingchuan cold and cold, "Before the Emperor cleans her up, she must let her taste the taste of being played!"

When the words were finished, the cold air immediately came from his feet. He didn't know what was going on, only he felt that the coldness of this time was much more powerful than the previous ones. He quickly looked at Gu Yunyuan and said: "What about it?"

On the 10th, today it is time for Gu Yunyuan to send him a flame. He was so cold and uncomfortable, and he didn't think much about this chilly anomaly. Seeing that Gu Yunyuan summoned the flames, he immediately reached out.

Waiting for the fire to enter the body, the Baili Mingchuan has a feeling of reviving. He seriously said to Gu Yunyuan: "After ten days, the twelfth lunar month, remember not to lose the contract."

Gu Yunyuan is still the expression of the light and light, he said: "Reassured, I arrived in advance."

On the 10th, it is fast and fast, and slow and slow. In the past ten days, can there be a change in the two sides of this decisive battle?

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