Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 821: The more you look, the more wrong you are.

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Chapter 821 is getting worse and worse.

Qin Min stumbled and opened his eyes, only feeling that the back neck was sore. But she must be awake, and eagerly look around, "Dawn, Azer!"

Fortunately, Xiao Nianchen and Aze are sitting beside her, one left and one right. They are already awake, not just **** like a flower. I have to admit that these two children are calmer than adults.

Azer whispered: "Mother, we didn't see anyone when we woke up."

Xiao Nianchen asked: "Mother, are you still hurting?"

Qin Min’s heart comforted and whispered: “No pain, are you okay?”

Azer and Xiao Nianchen shook their heads. Qin Min just looked around. She found them in a loft. This loft is a bit strange, like a place of Tibetan scriptures, and it is also like a place of worship. Some bookshelves were placed around, some treasure chests, and one for the table. There is nothing on the table.

Aze and Xiao Nianchen have been seen several times around, and Aze whispered: "Mother, according to the style of this attic, we must be in an old house! And it must be a big family!"

Xiao Nianchen said: "When we were robbed, it was morning. It seems that the outer sky is noon. They should not go far. We are not in Jinyang City, just near Jinyang City!"

Azelima whispered: "Look at the dust, you are saying this. Although it is noon today, how can you conclude that it is not the day after we were robbed at noon? It may even be noon after two days!"

Xiao Nianxiao smiled a little and said: "You don't know this? It's the power of the monk, at most, we can only let us stun for half an hour."

Aze is dubious, "Are you sure?"

Xiao Nianchen looked at Qin Min and smiled. "This is what my mother taught me. I don't believe you ask her. I am not only sure, I also know how to make people who are stunned awake."

Qin Min nodded. Azeri’s eyes turned to the eyes of worship, and he whispered, “How much skill do you have that I don’t know?”

Qin Min knows these two children, she knows that even if they are in danger, they will not be too scared. However, she did not expect that they would be so calm, she could chat and she could not insert words. She was more reassured, indicating that Aze and Nian Chen were close.

Aze and Nian Chen were very close, and the two moved to the position and leaned on Qin Min. If Qin Min is not tied with his hands, he really wants to hold them. Even if the child is not afraid, the mother will be distressed!

Qin Min whispered: "When you judge the dust, we will only be in a coma for a while. Also, I see that the attic is simple and even old, and the style is atmospheric, and those bookshelves and treasure chests, including those for the table, are expensive. Made of wood. If I didn't guess wrong, it must be an old house, and it was once a big family, and it is now gone."

Qin Min doesn't know much about Xuankong's mainland. If she is on the empty continent, she can directly infer the construction age of this mansion.

When listening to Qin Min’s words, Aze was shocked and hurriedly said: “The lonely home! It must be an isolated family! The old house of the lonely family is the only old homestead that remains in the northern part of the Xuankong mainland. Moreover, I have heard that However, there is a Tibetan Buddhist scripture in the lonely home!"

Qin Min was surprised and quickly looked at the table. She also remembered that Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen told her that the lonely family had a mysterious portrait of being enshrined. She murmured: "It should be a lonely home!"

Qin Min’s doubts were full of doubts, but he did not dare to delay. She whispered quickly: "Mother's calf is tied with a knife, you want to get a bite! Fast!"

Xiao Nianchen and Aze are both happy. Qin Min jerked back and let himself fall down. He lifted the legs tied together and Azer first approached, biting Qin Min’s skirt and smoothly picking up the skirt. However, he and Xiao Nianchen looked for a long time, did not see a knife on Qin Min's calf.

Azer was disappointed: "Mother, they must have been searched!"

search? !

Those golden dragons are big men!

Qin Min gave a slight glimpse, but she quickly calmed down. She shook her feet and sat up with her strength. She bent down and bowed her head and said: "There are several golden needles hidden under the mother's hair."

Xiao Nianchen and Aze rekindled hope in their eyes. However, just when they were going to take the needle, there was movement outside the door. It was the footsteps of stepping on the wooden stairs. Xiao Nianchen and Aze quickly sat back, and Qin Min also sat down, and the mother and son pretended that nothing had happened.

Soon, the door to the attic was pushed open. First, the gold scorpion who kidnapped them came in, and then it was money.

Qin Min has disappeared for a few hours, and both the people in the palace and the Jingwang House will find people in the city. As for the calm look of Qian Qian, she should be well-informed. Qin Min knows the concealment and convenience of the waterway. She is not curious about Qian’s well-being. She is more interested in the idea of ​​hiding them in the lonely house. After all, with the ability of money, she has more and safer choices.

Qin Min asked: "Qian Wei, who are you?"

Qian Yan looked at Qin Min and did not make a sound. He strode to the table.

Qin Min continued to test: "When did you start to betray Yan's?"

Qian Qian still didn't answer, didn't even look at Qin Min, only waved to the monks on the side. Before the squatting, immediately blocked the mouth of Qin Min and Aze and Nian Chen.

If there is no one beside the money, he stands in front of the table and is in a daze at the table where the portrait of the lonely cloud has been hung.

Upon seeing it, Qin Min was shocked!

Suddenly she has an intuition. This money is not bought by people, nor is it a substitute, but a meticulous work lurking in an isolated family for decades! Have been lurking for so many years, how much patience this should have! What is it for? In addition, where did the money come from? Is it a survivor of the Xuankong Yi people, or is it still from the golden plaque of the Yunkong continent - tears?

Qin Min did not struggle, took advantage of the money, ignored them, and secretly observed the money.

Qian Yan looked at the white wall for a while, then took out the handkerchief and gently wiped it for the table. She seems to love this table very much. She wiped it back and forth several times and wiped the table clean. She suddenly sat on the table, bowed her head and shook her feet. I don't know what she thinks, the whole person looks very quiet.

The more Qin Qin looked at the money, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Qian Hao no longer nods as he used to, and is humble and humble, but high above, cold and hot. However, this is only the difference in identity, and what Qin Min feels is the difference in age. Take the money and the posture and look of the moment, it is not like an old man, it is like a young woman.

Qin Min was confused. She just suspected that Qian Qian had been lurking in a lonely house for decades, but now she feels that Qian Qian is like a young woman. How is this possible? Is she guessing something wrong, or is it...

Qin Min is continuing to observe, Qian Qiang turned around and looked over, cold and cold asked: "Mr. Min, have you seen enough?"

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