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Chapter 826 What are you?

The sun is filled with the magic sea ice, and the glare of the light on the ice surface makes this silver-packed world look extraordinarily pure, just like a bright country. However, it is near noon, but the sun still has no temperature. The entire ice sheet is windless, light, and cold.

At this time, Lonely Fly Yan and their group of people came out from the exit of the Dreamland Palace. Lonely swallows and Jun Jiuchen were in front of them, and the money and the shepherd followed closely, followed by several guards. These several guards were selected by the Xuezu patriarch a month ago, and the ancestors were not only martial arts, but the most important thing was that the water was excellent. In the face of the monks, although they can't prevent them, they are also defended!

Lonely Fly Yan looked at the sky and said: "The time is almost gone, let's go!"

The time she agreed with the master of the cloud is the fifteenth of the twelfth lunar month, the location is in the northernmost part of the magical sea ice, and the northernmost part of the entire Xuankong continent, the north coast. From their location, bypass a glacier and arrive.

Lonely flying swallows just want to go out, Jun Jiuchen stopped. He gathered her cloak for her, and then took her hand and strode out. The expressions of both of them are cold. More money is going behind them. If it is normal, the money is estimated to be a lot of friends, and she is not kidding. At this time, she is not kidding. The child’s tender face is tight. Especially serious. She gathered her blouse, put on her hood, strode out, and even the pace was full of decisive taste.

She is steadily catching up and whispering in a blank expression: "I will see you later, don't be impulsive."

Even in the face of shepherd, the money is serious, she said coldly: "Reassured, I understand, we must win today!"

The pedestrians boarded the sled, all the way to the north, and finally arrived at the northernmost place at noon, on the north coast. When the sky is empty, the whole piece of ice is white, flat and open, straight into the North Sea.

Lonely swallowing them on a sled, speeding forward on the ice and heading straight to the North Sea. Soon, they saw two men and a woman standing on the shore, and as the distance narrowed, they gradually saw the two people. These two are not others. It is the master of the cloud and the Baili Mingchuan. They are facing them by the Yunzhu Palace, and the Baili Mingchuan is facing them.

The main body of the Yunzhu Palace is tall, with golden costumes, black masks and combs to the sky. She is standing tall there, her hands behind her back, giving people a respectable, noble and domineering. In contrast, the consistently high-profile Baili Mingchuan is particularly low-key. He wore a black suit, his body was tall and straight, his waist was straight, his hands were hanging on his sides. If he is not familiar with him, just looking at the quiet and lonely back, Lonely Flying Yan, they are afraid that he is the old fox Baili Mingchuan. If you don’t say anything else, it’s just that he’s wearing black clothes for the first time.

Lonely Fly Yan and Jun Jiu Chen felt that Baili Mingchuan was a bit wrong. They looked at each other and quickly stopped and walked off the sled.

The Zhuyun Temple and the Baili Mingchuan are all standing on a large stone. They are on the flat, one high and one low. When the Lonely Flying Swallows approached, the eyes of the lord of the Clouds followed them, and now, the lords of the Clouds are really high on them.

The owner of the cloud-going palace was arrogant and looked at them one by one. She looked at her with a meaningful look, and her eyes stayed on the dry sword on the back of Jun Jiuchen for a while, and finally fell on the solitary swallow. Although it was also the first time I saw it, she was very familiar with them. She asked coldly: "What about Ji Jianglan?"

Sure enough, the first sentence asked Ji Jianglan.

The solitary swallows look at the eyebrows, and a domineering look will show up with the natural gas field. She did not say a word, but the momentum directly pressed against the cloud-governing palace master standing on the heights. Although the owner of the Yunzhu Palace knew very well about Lonely Fly, but at this time it was still shocked by the cold domineering in the Lonely Fly, she could not understand the momentum of a little girl who only lived for 20 years. ? She was subconsciously trying to avoid the sight of Lonely Fly. Of course, she didn't! She quickly continued to ask, "Where is Ji Jianglan?"

Jun Jiuchen, they were cold-faced, no one answered. And Lonely Fly Yan is not in a hurry to answer the Zhu Yungong Lord. The owner of the cloud-governing palace just looked at them all, and she should have a good look at her, isn’t it? Looking at people, this is an extremely frivolous action!

Lonely flying swallows coldly watching the main brother of the cloud, a sneer in the corner of his mouth. She quickly squinted her eyes, and her eyes fell on the main feet of the Zhuyun Palace. Then she slowly looked up and looked up a little.

Who said that looking up is respect? At this moment, Lonely Fly Yan looked up at the owner of the cloud by looking up, telling her that even if she stood taller, she would be inferior!

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace did not expect that Lonely Fly would do this. She was annoyed at once, and she was angry: "Smelly girl, what do you see?"

Lonely swallow did not hear the ear and continued to look until she looked up and looked at the eyes of the owner of the cloud. She said, "Look at what you are? You must wear such a thick mask, you should be..."

Lonely Fly Yan smiled and continued to say, "It's a faceless thing!"

The owner of the cloud-governing palace suddenly became furious and flew directly down. The cold voice: "The stinky girl, the deity now tears your mouth!"

Lonely Flying Yan waited for the descendants of the Cloud Palace. It is enough for her to despise the lord of the cloud palace. It is not so boring and the singer of the cloud palace. The reason why she deliberately motivated the singer of the cloud, is to take the opportunity to test the temperament of Baili Mingchuan. The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace is so angry that Baili Mingchuan is still motionless. This is not like his style, he must have a conspiracy! What medicine is sold in the gourd?

Jun Jiuchen knew the meaning of Lonely Flying Yan. He also couldn’t figure out what happened to Baili Mingchuan, but he was alert. He soon stepped forward to protect the Lonely Fly Swallow, and asked him to ask the owner of the Cloud Palace: "Where is the Lingjia?"

When Jun Jiuchen asked this question, the owner of the cloud palace stopped. She said coldly: "I want to see the Ling family, let the deity see Ji Jianglan!"

The most feared thing of Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen is still coming. Without Ji Jianglan, they are very likely to be unable to see even the Ling family. However, in the face of the requirements of the cloud-governing palace, they still maintain a calm and self-contained attitude, including a lot of money and animal husbandry.

Lonely Flying Yan deliberately scorned: "Yuyungongzhuzhu, it seems that you misunderstood! This Wang Hao is coming to you with a higher level today, not to exchange hostages! This is not the case, you and I are trying to win a battle." The loser obeys the other party unconditionally. If the king loses, not only will Ji Jianglan be returned to you, but my party will let you deal with it! If you lose, you will hand over the Lingjia and Xuanhan swords, you still There are Baili Mingchuan, who are allowed to be disposed of by Wang Xi, how?"

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