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Chapter 831, the wrath of the past

In the waves of the sea, the monks are walking towards the coast with the Ling family. Seeing the situation, the money is much more and the shepherd is overjoyed. Lonely flying Yan is also happy, she is holding the Zhuyun Temple to see the sea.

The head of the cloud-governing palace has been squatting, silently riveting. Her hands can't move, and her feet still use her strength. She pressed the anger in her heart, and waited for the man to go ashore, looking for the best time to fight against the solitary swallows, so that they can get out. She must get away, otherwise, all her secrets can't be hidden!

The monks are getting closer and closer, and the money and the shepherd are coming over. The guards are also coming over and waiting on both sides. Everyone's attention is on the side of Lingjia, and no one notices the anomaly of the owner of the cloud.

Finally, the monks brought the Ling family to the shore. When the monks came ashore, they would not see a drop of water stains on their bodies, but the Ling family was soaked, and the clothes and hair began to freeze. He trembled even more, but he still bit his teeth and tried to keep his last consciousness. The monks did not dare to delay, and quickly let go, then three steps back!

The Ling family took two steps and stood firm.

"Hey!" The money was so happy and anxious that he had to rush.

"Stand up!" Lingjiazhusheng, although the sound sounds very weak, but there is a majesty that can not be ignored. This is the first time in his life that he is fierce against his daughter. The money stopped and I realized that I was impulsive again. She immediately pointed out that the guards used to pick up people. Until the guards approached, the Ling family could not hold back and stunned. Fortunately, Jun Jiuchen’s heart is fine. When he comes, he will prepare the blanket for the guard. Otherwise, he will be sent to the Xue family igloo, and he will be afraid of his life.

Money and two guards rushed to wrap the owner of the house with a blanket. She is still calm and still with a group of guards, guarding dozens of monks on the shore. Lonely swallow has moved behind the main palace, and the sword still stands at her neck. She looked at them with a lot of money. Not far away, the sound of weapons colliding constantly, Jun Jiuchen and Bai Li Mingchuan played fiercely.

Everything seems to be going well!

Seeing a lot of money, they deal with it almost, and Lonely Fly Yan said: "Money, you will send you back first!"

They must send the Lingjia master to the Dreamland Palace to change clothes and return them to the Xuezu for treatment as soon as possible. He seems to be in a coma. In fact, he is afraid that many places are frozen.

The money is so much evil that I look at the master of the cloud palace. She doesn't want to go. I can't wait to smash the skin of the owner of the cloud. However, this time she is calm. She said a "good" word, immediately turned around, and guarded the road: "Go! Go to the palace!"

A lot of money, they are gone, Lonely Flying Yan has a book to continue to count with the cloud palace!

She asked coldly and coldly: "What about Xuanhan Baojian?"

At the time of Tianzhu City, the solitary swallows only got the scabbard of the Xuanhan sword, and the real sword is now in the hands of the Zhuyun Palace.

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace replied to the monks, and replied: "Only I know where the Xuanhan sword is, you put it..."

Lonely swallows interrupted impatiently: "The patience of this king is limited, you are not going to be more! I promise you will regret it!"

The main eye of the cloud-by-cloud palace flashed a haze, and replied: "Xuan Han Bao Jian is hidden in a treasure chest at the bottom of the North Sea. The key is in my sleeve!"

The solitary swallows immediately made the guards take the keys. Not to mention, the guards really found a key. However, when she saw the key, she was angry. "You lie! This is not the key to the treasure chest!"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace asked: "This is not a treasure chest key, but what key?"

The face of the animal suddenly became iron and blue, and the fist he had hidden in his sleeve was already clenched. He did not pay attention to the owner of the cloud, and he was serious about the solitary swallow: "This is not the treasure box key, she is afraid to swindle." !"

The owner of the cloud-going palace screamed coldly: "This is the key to the treasure chest! What kind of swindling can the deity now have in this situation? Lonely swallow, the key is this, believe it or not!"

Lonely swallow believes that she has been escorted, but she always feels that something is wrong, but she can’t say it. She was about to open her mouth, and suddenly she stepped up and grabbed the clothes of the owner of the cloud-governing palace. She said, "What is the key to your heart! If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you now!"

Lonely swallow has never seen such an angry look, and she did not expect that she would suddenly be angry. She is a little uneasy, but it is not easy to interrupt her. She clenched her hilt and prevented it.

The owner of the cloud-seeking palace looked at the animal for a while, and suddenly he laughed. "You have a number in your heart, aren't you? You killed me, you can't change it..."

She became more angry and screamed: "Enough! The Xuanhan Baojian is..."

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace also interrupted him and still laughed: "If you kill me, you can't change the fact that you used to be imprisoned!"

Imprisoned? !

Lonely swallow was shocked, and she suddenly stopped.

The main reason for the Yuyun Temple is this time, but when she is fully trying to lift her feet, a piece of ice suddenly hits not far away, and at the same time the voice of Jun Jiuchen is heard. Child, be careful of her feet!"

The Lonely Fly Swallow immediately returned to the gods, and the owner of the Cloud Palace was also shocked. Then the right ankle smashed back to the knees of Lonely Fly! Just between this electric stone fire, the sword of the solitary swallow swept down and hit the foot of the main man of the cloud! Every sword of Lonely Flying Swallow has the power of phoenix, and this sword is even worse.

Even in this emergency, Lonely Fly is using a knife back. The calf bone of the main body of the cloud can also be broken! She was so painful that her feet were unstable and her feet were soft. Almost at the same time, her husband was pushed to the ground, and the long sword pointed directly to the face with blood on the blurred side. The monks on the side all took the sword to the front, and the guards were all full of bows and the two sides confronted each other. The atmosphere is like a sword, but in fact, the owner of the cloud is once again defeated, and they still occupy the absolute dominance!

Lonely Flying Yan is still on the side of Jun Jiuchen, who is still fighting with the Baili Mingchuan. His heart is warm. Whether he is in such a situation, he always has to give one or two points of attention to her side, which seems to be a habit. Just if it was not his reminder, the owner of the cloud-governing palace was afraid to escape early.

Lonely swallow took a look and immediately returned to God! She looked at the shepherd and hesitated again and again, or ignored the words "forbidden". She glanced at the monks and walked back to the main body of the Yunyun Palace. If she threatened, she said that she was tired and didn't want to say it. She didn't say anything, took out the handkerchief to wipe the face of the head of the cloud. She is not moving, and the owner of the cloud is still playing when she just said it! ?

Lonely swallow swallowed a bit, and the owner of the cloud palace completely compromised: she closed her eyes and said loudly: "Come, come to the cold sword! Come!"

However, Lonely Fly did not stop, she said coldly: "Take Xia Xiaoman and bring this to Wang Hao!"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace blinked sharply: "What do you mean?"

Lonely swallow did not speak, and with a force of rubbing, it wiped out a large piece of thick makeup powder on the left cheek of the main cloud. Lonely Flying Swallow just discovered that the face of the lord of the cloud is secret, and he suspects that the main body of the sacred cloud is not old, but she did not expect that the face of the lord of the cloud will be like this!

She was shocked: "How are you..."

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