Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 856: Identity, all kinds of contradictions

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Chapter 856 Identity, all kinds of contradictions

After listening to Qin Min’s words, Gu Beiyue’s hand froze.

He seemed to realize this detail. He came to the front and said, "That... wear me."

Gu Beiyue was about to change the robe that was worn on Xiaonian's dust. Qin Min did not say a word, and when he turned around, he crossed the threshold and left.

Gu Beiyue’s hand was stiff in the air, and he looked at Qin Min’s back, and there was some helplessness on his quiet face. Jun eyebrows scorned, he took off his shirt, and caught up with Qin Min, put on her.

Qin Min turned his head and glanced at him. He saw that he had only a thin coat. She seems to want to say something, but in the end not only did not say anything, but also accelerated.

Gu Beiyue kept up and said: "Azerbaijani’s robbery is not appropriate. At this time, it is inconvenient to enter the palace. Yaner, they arrested the owner of the cloud-governing palace, saying that "Yunxuan Shuijing" is in the lonely lotus pond. It’s better to stay alone in a lonely home.”

Qin Min has some surprises in his heart. Although she ignored the North Moon, she turned in the direction of the front, not going to the gate but going to the Yaohua Pavilion where the Lonely Flyer lived. Qin Min put the little dust on the couch, and when he covered the quilt, he turned to prepare the medicine. When the disease of Xiao Nian Dian relapses, the medicated bath will be indispensable, and she must also expel him for as soon as possible.

Qin Min quickly wrote a prescription and hurriedly went outside. Gu Beiyue quickly stopped her and seriously said: "I am looking for someone to look at Mingchen, I am going to prepare for the medicated bath. You are going to change clothes and remove makeup."

Qin Min just remembered that he still had a horrible yin and yang face. She did not insist, gave the prescription to Gu Beiyue, and nodded and left. When Qin Min packed himself back, when he pushed in the door, there was a strong medicinal sensation, and he saw that the little dust was soaked in the hot medicine soup. Gu Beiyue was on the sidelines.

Looking at this scene, Qin Min did not stop. More than a decade ago, in the Daqin Taifu House, it was often a room of steaming, the smell of medicine was pervasive, but Gu Beiyue was soaked in the medicine soup, and Nanchen was on the side. The memory of the scene seems to have happened yesterday, but it has been more than ten years.

Qin Min left the god, Gu Beiyue has already brought the medicine soup. He said: "This is a cold medicine, my wife is going to drink."

Qin Min did not consciously avoid his sight. She lowered her eyes and took the medicine. Gu Beiyue immediately handed a piece of sugar and did not speak, and handed it to her eyes. Qin Min hesitated for a moment, and silently followed.

Gu Beiyue said: "As far as the pulse is concerned, Mingchen should be cold and enter the lungs, and it will not cause old diseases. This disease is very clever, but it can be considered early. If you continue to accumulate and not send it, the consequences are even more serious."

Qin Min walked down to the bathtub and sat down. She looked at the young, quiet face of Xiao Nianchen and couldn't help but sigh. She said: "The disease must have been raised for at least a few months. This matter... I am afraid I can’t help it."

At the beginning, they had a good grasp of the condition of stable small chanting, and they negotiated well, holding on to the truth of Xiao Nianchen, so that Xiao Nianchen did not have a burden to ease. Later, Gu Beiyue wanted to teach Xiao Nian Dian Ying, Qin Min was opposed. Gu Beiyue firmly believes that when he is seriously ill, he can practice a movie. The foundation of Xiao Nianchen is better than him, and he can't get out of the pool. However, Qin Min is worried that the hard practice will affect the body of Xiao Nianchen and aggravate the condition. Just because of their differences between the couple, Xiao Nianchen has great love and expectation for the film, and he is not a student, so Qin Min compromised. Fortunately, everything is going well.

Later, after Qin Min took Xiao Nian's house away from home, he still did not tell the truth about Xiao Nianchen. The regular medicated bath was used as a health medicinal bath, and the medicine taken was taken in the medicated diet. They agreed, and then tell the truth after the 10 years old. Qin Min was also prepared in his heart. After Xiao Nian was ten years old, he told him why she took him away from home. Ten years old, that is the age of knowing the mission of the lonely family. Today, neither theirs nor her own plans have been disrupted.

Gu Beiyue’s eyes were also dignified. He said: “When he wakes up, I will talk to him.”

Qin Min is distressed by his son, but he still decisively said: "Gu Beiyue, you are going to examine the two living mouths, not to worry about us! The most important thing is not Mingchen, it is Azer!"

Gu Beiyue was about to speak, but she got up and said very seriously: "I have tried several times these days and I have been observing it. The old demon is a makeup woman who can’t be wrong. Besides, I always think she has no surface. There are a few years old, I saw her look a few times, her movements are more like a young woman. Also, I was not sure if she was a golden scorpion. Please see this today, she is a golden plaque. It!"

Before today, the hijacking of them was all gold, and the money was followed several times, but it was also under the protection of Jinlu. Qin Min has been unable to confirm whether Qian Qian is a golden scorpion. On the way she just came, she had already asked Qin Mo. Qian Qi had just hijacked Aze and fled from the waterway. In other words, they can be sure that Qian Qian is a golden scorpion.

Then the problem will come. Qian Qian is both a golden dragonfly and a makeup woman. What was her relationship with the Jiuli people? Yin and Yang makeup is used to degrade the makeup of the Yi people. How can there be a hand of money?

There are too many contradictions here, either there are hidden things that they don't know, or there is something wrong with the information they control.

The question of Qin Min's doubts, Gu Beiyue has already pondered over, and he pondered more than Qin Min. After all, the news of Lonely Flying Yan, he is clear. He once suspected that the money was the swordswoman of the Jiuli people. However, Qian Qian was not a golden sword and could not be a swordswoman.

Gu Beiyue informed Qin Min of the information obtained by Lonely Flying Yan from the main entrance of the Zhuyun Temple. In the end, he said thoughtfully: "Maybe, she is also a survivor of the Yi family, like the Yunzhugong." Xuan Shui Jing is no longer in her hands. The golden scorpion under her hand may not come from the cloud and the sky. It is very likely that they are all after the Yi people."

Qin Min quickly said: "No. If she is a survivor of the Yi people, why did she create a makeup woman, and use yin and yang makeup as a symbol to devalue herself and future generations?"

Gu Beiyue smashed up the makeup woman. At this time, the servant hurried to come, "Mr. Fu, Mrs. Min, their Highness, they are in the city, on the way!"

Gu Beiyue and Qin Min are both pleasant surprises and regrets. The surprise is that Jun Jiuchen arrived earlier than expected. Unfortunately, even if they arrived in advance, they are late.

When Gu Beiyue did not leave, he stayed with Qin Min in the house, while guarding the little dust, while waiting for Jun Jiuchen to come. In addition to the topic of Qian Qian, the couple seem to have nothing to say, sitting together, all silent.

Qin Min got up several times to test the water temperature for Xiao Nianchen. Gu Beiyue looked up at her, and the silence of the water was always a little helpless. He has been in this life for decades, and it seems that she is alone, and she seems to be helpless. When the sky collapses, he has a way to stand up, but there is no way to take her.

The hurried footsteps broke the silence, and the lone swallows arrived with them.

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