Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 858: Identity, final confirmation

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Chapter 858 Identity, Final Confirmation

The truth of the two deaf people makes everyone unexpected.

These two monks, including the many monks under Qian’s ignorance, don’t know anything about Qian’s. They only know that Qian Qian is the same as Jin Hao, but they don’t know what Qian Qian’s identity is. Real face, but I don’t know what Qian Qian has done for so many things. They started as slaves from the beginning of the book and were kept on an island. When they grew up, some people were chosen to work for the money. Most of them stayed on the island, and the guards could not leave.

Jun Jiuchen exchanged his eyes with his father and continued to ask: "Where is the island located, what is the name?"

The monk replied: "The island is known as Fenghuo Island, on the East China Sea in the Xuankong mainland, one hundred thousand miles away from the coast. Non-Hans can not be reached."

Jun Jiuchen asked: "Have you heard of the Yunnan-based Baili Dai?"

Both monks actually shook their heads.

Starting from the discovery of the money, there is a golden plaque. Everyone suspects that Qian Qian is related to the missing cloud and the Baili people. He even suspects that Qian Qiu was looking for two continents through the Yun Xuan Shui Jing. . But the answer given by the two gold plaques, not only did not help, but made everyone more confused.

Can't it be, they all guessed wrong?

Jun Jiuchen was worried about Aze, and he didn’t care so much. He asked: "Where is she hiding now?"

The monks were hesitant, and Jun Jiuchen immediately threatened: "You better think and answer, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

This is the place where the monks are given a few hiding places. Jun Jiuchen immediately asked everyone to look for it. He said to Yan Lianyan: "Yan, you stayed with the mother and Mingchen."

Lonely swallow was still immersed in his own thoughts. She glanced at him and nodded without saying anything. Lonely swallow is so quick to agree, not because she lost the power of the phoenix, but she is pondering something.

When Jun Jiuchen left, she showed a stunned expression, and suddenly looked at Qin Mo, who was standing beside her, and said: "You!"

Qin Mo face no expression, did not speak, waiting for the solitary swallow to say.

Lonely swallow's mouth curled up in the arc, gradually enlarged, and smiled more and more brilliant, she said loudly: "I have a way! I should have thought of this method! I should have thought of it!"

Qin Mo is still standing, indifferent.

Lonely swallow is very excited, holding the hand of Qin Mo, said: "Come, come with me! Hurry!"

Qin Mo looked at her little hand, and there was a touch of complexity in the indifferent eyes. Soon, he gently pushed the hand of Lone Fly, and he said, "Master, I am leaving with you."

Lonely swallow was immersed in the surprise, and did not rest assured that this section, she stepped forward and said: "Hurry up!"

Lonely Fly Yan brought Qin Mo to the study room of Yaohua Pavilion, and prepared the paper and pen at the fastest speed. He said: "Qin Mo, draw the first makeup woman! Fast! Draw it and give it to the cloud. Palace Lord!"

Regarding Qian Qi’s identity, it is now certain that Qian Wei is the first makeup woman, and it is Jin Hao! Instead of speculation, it would be better to draw her true face and bring it to the owner of the cloud-governing palace! Qian Qian is both a golden dragonfly, and the owner of the cloud-going palace should recognize it!

No one can be sure that the female face of the yin and yang face is the most real face of Qian Yan, but maybe it is? How can they say they can't miss this opportunity!

Qin Mo understood the consciousness of Lonely Flying Yan. He immediately painted the half-face of the first portrait of the makeup woman, and then painted the complete face against the half of the female face. Lonely Fly Yan looked at it and immediately took the portrait with Qin Mo to find the Zhuyun Palace Lord.

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace was detained in the backyard of Yaohua Pavilion. I don’t know if it is depressing. She has no arrogance before. She sat on the couch, tied her hands and feet, and hung her head. Even if she had makeup, she couldn’t hide the old feeling that she had. Lonely swallow and Qin Mo walked up to her. She didn't even lift her head. "The lake is very deep, you..."

She thought that Lonely Flying Yan would ask the specific location of Yun Xuan Shui Jing. However, the solitary swallow allowed Qin Mo to unfold the portrait and seriously said: "You are quick, don't recognize this woman!"

The owner of the cloud-going palace looked up weakly. However, when she saw the person on the portrait, her bleak eyes lit up and she was filled with hatred. She jerked her finger to the portrait, her hand trembled, her lips and teeth trembled, and she couldn’t say anything in anger.

Upon seeing it, Lonely Fly swallowed nervously and hurriedly asked, "You recognize her, right?"

"Li Qin! Even if she turns into gray, I know it! Hey!"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace slammed into the air, but was stopped by the feet and almost fell off the couch. She hates heaven, hate even if she is facing a portrait, she wants to destroy it! Lonely swallow is very familiar with the hate of her eyes, and this hate has also appeared when she mentioned the Jiuli Lijian.

Lonely Fly Yan Qing was for himself to think of this method, but at the same time he was very surprised by the results he had obtained.

She murmured: "This is the makeup woman I made by Qin Mo. You and I have the same guess before, and the makeup is the Li Li sword girl Li Qin. Presumably, you must not know, Jiu Lijian The woman actually has the blood of your golden scorpion. She is also a golden cockroach!"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace was not surprised. He said: "What are you talking about?"

Lonely swallow: "She is Jin Hao, and she has a lot of gold available! She robbed Jun Zi Ze from the water. She..."

Lonely swallowed hesitantly, but still said the truth. "She is the money of a lonely family. She has been lurking in an isolated family for decades. As for whether it has been lurking in other ways before, it is not known. It is."

The cloud-governing palace master is even more incredible, saying: "She, she is also perfected to complete it? This... how is this possible?"

Speaking of this, the owner of the Cloud Palace suddenly stopped, and for a long while, she muttered: "I was the one who took her away in the past. It’s hard for thousands of years, they are two...the two of them..."

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace has not finished yet, and the tears are full of eyes. She grabbed her face and couldn't say it.

Lonely flying swallows hand in handkerchief, faintly said: "What is the use of crying? You should not be the person who likes to cry?"

The owner of the cloud-moving palace was indifferent, and the eyes of the solitary swallows flashed a touch of helplessness. The loud voice: "They are not together! She lurks in the lonely house, afraid to be like you, waiting for him. Unfortunately, she did not wait. The lonely family has a pair. The portrait of Gu Yunyuan should be painted by her. Later, she gave the painting a yin and yang makeup, and she added a poem, 'The Qin is He Xi, and the heart is lonely.' Presumably she is coming after you. The lonely home, otherwise you should have seen the painting."

The owner of the cloud-moving palace slowly raised his head, and the tears fell down the corner of his eye. However, her eyes were full of surprises. Seeing it, Lonely Fly Yan really has the feeling of hating iron and not forming steel. Lonely Cloud does not like the Jiuli Lijian, what is the good surprise of the Zhuyungongzhu? Is her emotion so varied?

Lonely Fly Yan thought that she had a few words, but when she got to her lips, she stopped. Perhaps, love is miserable, is this the case? Perhaps, this matter falls on her own head, she will be even more crazy.

Lonely Fly swallow took a deep breath and said: "You still have to think about why she is a golden cockroach! There is a big secret here! Again, yin and yang makeup is what she uses to humiliate you. Why did she give herself a yin and yang makeup? Also created a makeup woman, let the yin and yang makeup pass down from generation to generation?"

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