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Chapter 863 takes you home

The dream of Xiao Nianchen is all Azer.

The memory before his coma was fixed in the picture of Aze fainting on the ground, blood flow.

His dreams are all Azer. Azer was tattooed by Qian Qian, and dreamed that Aze was crying helplessly. He dreamed that Azer became a monk and ignored him again... So he cried.

Gu Beiyue and Qin Min are very familiar with this child. They know that the most difficult thing to explain is not his condition, but the murder of Azer. However, they did not expect that Xiao Nian would wake up and ask Aze.

Qin Minchao Gu Beiyue saw it, Gu Beiyue also happened to Qin Min. The two of them, even if they don’t agree, are united and tacit in the face of the children.

Gu Beiyue was about to answer, but Aze suddenly took his hand and asked in a hurry: "Azer was hijacked?"

Xiao Nianchen is so smart and clear, seeing how the mother reacted, how can I guess? His pure tears suddenly dimmed, and he said, "It is my fault."

He remembered very clearly that he suddenly felt uncomfortable at that time, and the mother hugged him and shouted for help.

Qin Min immediately denied: "No, Mingchen, don't think about it."

Xiao Nianchen shook his head and clearly did not believe it.

Qin Min also advised that Gu Beiyue had robbed him first. He said faintly: "Ming Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you. It is impossible to save Azer."

Xiao Nianchen suddenly became quiet, raised his brow and looked at Gu Beiyue, revealing an incredible look. He did not want to believe that his father was so selfish and cruel. Between him, his mother and Azer, he chose his and his mother easily. In his cognition, there is nothing that is rare. If there is no comprehensive arrangement, full preparation will not be done.

Gu Beiyue carefully wiped the tears in his eyes for Xiao Nianchen. He said softly: "He has been looking for opportunities, but there is only one chance. You and your mother are in a convenient position to save people."

After Gu Beiyue stopped for a while, he continued: "Azejo is standing in your position, or your mother's position, you will also start. Mingchen, save the next two, no one can save more than anyone else. Ok. Not who you choose, but who can be chosen, right?"

Xiao Nianchen is quiet.

He looked at it for a while and didn't say a word. Finally, I rushed to the mother's arms and hugged my mother. Reason, he understood, but he is so sad and so sad! Except for the day when Niang took him away from home, he was not so sad!

In the silence, Gu Beiyue and Qin Min once again looked at each other. Undoubtedly, they all know that they have to let Xiao Nianchen know their condition.

Qin Min’s eyes fell back to Xiao Nianchen. She gently patted the back of Xiao Nianchen and comforted her: “Ming Chen, this is not your fault, nor is it your fault. If there is a mistake, then it’s all right. It’s money. In the past few days, you and your brother, I have to find a lot of clues, they will be able to save Aze. Don’t worry.”

Xiao Nianchen did not speak, motionless.

Qin Min also persuaded: "Ming Chen, you can know that your brother and Aze have the blood of the nine Li people. Qian Qi hijacked him, not the same as hijacking us. Qian Qian is profitable on him, never dare Recklessly."

At this time, Xiao Nianchen whimpered: "Aze will be afraid."

Qin Min is going to continue to comfort. Xiao Nianchen suddenly raised his head from her arms and added: "Aze’s courage is very small! Mother, Aze is actually in front of you and his brother, he is always courageous, his courage It can be small or small. I don’t dare to blow the lights at night, so I have to guard a few people. He won’t let them say it, and I won’t say it.”

After listening to this, Qin Min’s heart slammed a big bang. She regarded Aze as her own, but did not find this secret. Unimaginable, a timid child, who was hijacked alone, would be scared.

Qin Min is more worried than before, but he dares not to show it in front of the small dust. She thought about how to comfort, Gu Beiyue opened his mouth, he said: "Your brother has already found clues, even if the money is not looking for the door, they will soon find her to rescue Aze. In a few days, Everyone is going to the sea to find her nest!"

Xiao Nianchen turned his head and looked at it. There were some surprises in his tears. He said seriously: "Hey, I want to go with you!"

Gu Beiyue saw Qin Min's eyes and reached out and took the little dust. Let Xiao Nianchen sit on his lap, and he gently embraces the little dust.

Xiao Nianchen immediately noticed that something was wrong, and he cast a question to Qin Min. Qin Min knows very well what Gu Beiyue wants to say next. She didn't talk, but she licked the head of Xiao Nian.

The little thoughts are more and more uneasy, looking up and looking at the road, saying: "Hey, you..."

Gu Beiyue is clinging to Xiao Nianchen. He said, "You can't go, you can't go. Mingchen, I want to take you home."

Come back home……

This is what Xiao Nianchen has been expecting!

If he had heard this before, he would jump excitedly. But at this time, his eyes were full of doubts and uneasiness. He kept his head up and looked at him, and he didn't respond.

Qin Min was stunned.

Her gaze moved slowly from the small dust to the face of Gu Beiyue. I saw that Gu Beiyue’s Zhang Junmei’s face was quiet and indescribable. His eyebrows were drooping, and he seemed to be watching the little dust, as if he was thinking, but it seemed to be pure silence.

Xiao Nianchen did not say anything late, and Gu Beiyue did not say anything.

Finally, Qin Min realized that he would not say it anymore. Just, she is as smart as she is, but I really don't know if he is waiting for the child to speak, or wait for her to speak.

Didn't you say that, he left, she took him back? How did he change his mind? This is not like his style!

In the silence, after all, the little thoughts began to open. His voice clearly showed timidity, and he asked, "Hey, why?"

Gu Beiyue tightened the dust of Xiao Nian, and he bury his head down, and his chin gently reached the shoulder of Xiao Nianchen. He whispered: "Ming Chen, you are sick, the same illness as when you were a child."


Xiao Nianchen did not expect it, he instinctively looked at the mother. He grew up to be a big man and has always trusted him and his mother. As long as he and the mother said, he is all believe. However, at this moment, he is not willing to believe. He stared at the mother and watched nervously, waiting for the mother to speak.

Qin Min had no words and his eyes were wet. She closed her eyes and nodded her head.

Xiao Nianchen said this, "Hey, I have to go back. My illness must be very serious?"

Gu Beiyue quickly replied: "No, not too serious."

It’s the first time that Xiao Nian Chen’s long fear is so questionable. He asked: "Why are you going back? You don't help find Azer?"

At this time, Qin Min once again looked at Gu Beiyue, and she also waited for Gu Beiyue to answer.

The disease of the dust is very serious, but as long as she takes him back, there is no worries, she can cure.

Why is he going back?

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