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Chapter 870, I missed us.

Aze remembered that Gu Taifu suddenly saved his life and married the old witch. The old witch smashed into the hijacker who hijacked him, and opened the monk, and he rolled down the stairs at this time and stunned when he hit his head. He didn’t know what happened behind. When he woke up, he was left alone and was hijacked by the old demon. He wants Gu Taifu to have saved the little thoughts and the mother. Hearing the old demon said so, he was uneasy.

"what happened?"

Li Qin deliberately revealed an incredible expression, saying: "They sacrificed you, you care about their children! You are so stupid, your emperor has actually given you the throne? Oh, your emperor is afraid that you are stupid than you. !"

Azer heard the first sentence and had no intention to listen.

He was angry: "Old devil, what do you mean? What happened to the dust?"

"He didn't stand firm and fell. Gu Beiyue gave up the opportunity to save you! Fortunately, he fell over that glimpse, so that I can take advantage of it and escape from the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures! If..."

Li Qin has not finished, Aze hurriedly asked: "How did he fall? What happened?"

Li Qin stunned, and then hahaha laughed, almost could not stop. She wants to provoke a group of people from Jun Zi Ze and Jun Jiu Chen! She said so clearly, is this child cold or stupid? Didn't hear it, I actually listened to the point that the little monk fell!

At this point, the Baili Mingchuan who heard all this was laughing in my heart. His eyes became more and more disdainful, and his heart said: "Is this younger brother Jun Jichen a fool?"

He couldn't stand the cold, he took a nap but continued to guard and didn't leave.

Li Qin had already laughed enough. She got in front of Aze and said in a word: "You heard it clearly. The little monk didn't fall into this way. It was frightened and fell! Your life, all of them. It’s not as important as his fall! You call Qin Minniang, haha, how do you scream for export?”

At this moment, Azeri smashed.

What Li Qin wants is the reaction of Azer! She immediately added: "Do you really think that Qin Min can treat you as a person, and treat you as if you are out? Oh, but this does not blame you. After all, your emperor is also stupid!"

Azer’s eyes seemed to lose focus, and the whole person became very quiet.

Li Qin said again: "You are honored with your elder brother's bloodlines, and you are almost sitting on the whole Xuankong." Why bother to please the slaves of the Daqin royal family? Don't lose people?"

Suddenly, Osawa yelled: "Not like this! No! You shut up!"

Li Qin asked: "What is that? When Gu Beiyue yelled at me, did you know that? He smashed me and saved the little monk, not you, right?"

Aze hurriedly said: "There are Qin guards, Qin guards can save me!"

Li Qin haha ​​laughed: "Qin Mo? Can that waste be able to rival me? I tell you, if Gu Beiyue is not the little monk, he will be able to grab people with his speed. The odds are great, but unfortunately. ……Ha ha!"

Azeri lived, and suddenly there was no rebuttal.

He stunned as he rolled down the stairs. He did not know that Xiao Nianchen had a disease, and his life was critical; he did not know that Qin Mo actually stopped Li Qin, and this was also in Gu Beiyue’s estimate. Qin Mo can fully support Gu Beiyue to save people. If there is no disease in the small dust, everything is under the control of Gu Beiyue.

Aze was not only quiet, but also gradually lowered his head.

When I saw it, Li Qin’s eyes flashed a satisfying look. She didn’t say much. She just said, “Let’s think about it, think clearly, let’s have a good chat!”

In the ice room, there is silence. Under water, it is quieter.

The mile of Sichuan was curled up in the water, and the disdain of the eyes had disappeared. He thought about it and continued to wait. Aze is a lie, he can't lie, listen to the dialogue between Li Qin and Azer, and he has a speculation about Li Qin's provocation. He thought that the father of Jun Jiuchen must be more skillful than Jun Jiuchen, and Qin Mo is on the side of Junzi Ze. In this case, anyone will save the person in front and then return to save the gentleman. Ze.

He waited for a moment, but he did not wait for the voice of Azer, but waited for the voice of Li Qin.

Li Qin said: "Are you thinking about it?"

Azer did not answer.

Li Qin smiled very proudly. "Don't talk, huh, I think you should also understand."

Azei is silent.

After a while, Baili Mingchuan refused to scorn and then retreated a distance. He can't hold the cold, and some of them can still hear the voice, but at least not so cold.

At this time, Aze suddenly looked up and looked at Li Qin, seriously, and said word by word: "I did not want to understand, I do not know why Gu Taifu did this, but I believe he is not what you said!"

Li Qin sneered: "Why do you believe in a couple who have no blood relationship with you? Just because your emperor is their adopted son? Don't forget, your emperor is not their relative son!"

Aze’s eyes are firm and retorted: “Why do I believe in you?”

Hearing here, the potential water in the Baili Mingchuan smiled, no longer disdain, but it is not recognized, purely onlookers, not painful.

Li Qin was asked about it for a while. At this time, Aze asked: "Is there a blood relationship that is enough to trust? You must not know how much I hate my father!"


Azeri said that the word was particularly calm and did not hate. So that Li Qin is more confused, I don't know what he means. Baili Mingchuan originally lowered his head and heard the word "hate". He slowly looked up and looked at the dark waters ahead.

Just listen to Aze and continue to say: "I hate him, hate to have a blood relationship with him, hate him is my father! But he is just him, not everything! I still have others can believe! Even if I am blood I am also willing to believe that there are still people in this world who can trust! Old demon, you don't have to provoke distraction! I tell you, even if they gave up on me, I don't blame them!"

Azer’s eyes are serious and firm, and that is a kind of determination and persistence from the heart! Li Qin can change his face, but he can never change his eyes through sin, dirty and still pure.

Li Qin stunned slightly, and did not seem to think that this child could say such things.

Baili Mingchuan still stared at the dark waters ahead. He unconsciously grabbed his cuffs, and there was a wenwan walnut in his cuffs. This walnut was originally a pair, a pair of sturdy pointed lion heads. It was given to him by Master's ancient head. He has been carrying it for more than ten years. He has been playing for more than ten years, just like the old man has been there. Even if he knows the identity of the old head, he hates him, and even loses one and is not willing to return. However, the rest of this one has been carried with him so far.

He also hated the father, if not the old head can believe, he does not know how long he can live. but……

Suddenly, Li Qin’s cold voice interrupted the thoughts of Baili Mingchuan.

Li Qin didn't dare to look directly at Azer's eyes. She lost her patience and said coldly: "Good! I have tattooed your other half of the face. I have to look at it. They still don't recognize you!"

After Li Qin’s words were finished, Baili Mingchuan never heard the voice again.

The water is so quiet that it is like a silent world. On the water, not only the voice but also other sounds seem to be gone. What happened on the water? Patterned face, how much should it hurt? That gentleman Ze can bear this kid?

Baili Mingchuan will hold the walnuts hidden in the sleeves tighter and tighter. The narrow eyes are not always confused, but they are serious. He seems to be waiting, and he is thinking about something.

At this time, Li Qin’s voice came again. She said, “Take him!”

Baili Mingchuan instantly looked up and looked forward. He flashed a touch of coldness in his shackles, and suddenly stretched out the limbs of the curled up. The whole person was like a sharp arrow from the string, straight ahead in the water.

He rushed forward, and the increasingly cold water rushed in and out, drowning his face, pouring into his body, chilling into the limbs, the internal organs, cold and his scalp numb. He still chilled the delicate face, biting his teeth and moving forward.

Finally, through the dark waters, he saw the light. He paused a little, then rushed past at a faster speed, rushing to the crater of the ice in the cold pool, and suddenly skyrocketed and broke out!

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