Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 873: Real counterattack

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Chapter 873 The real counterattack

After listening to the words of Baili Mingchuan, Aze stopped. He looked back and didn't have a good breath: "Do you think I want to save you? If it weren't for my emperor and my aunt to report a hatred, I wouldn't bother to take care of you!"

Baili Mingchuan was not angry, and said with a trembling: "Go, go early to die! The old demon is nearby, so her ability is not so easy to die. When will your emperor and you come in, maybe not! This prince can't die, just like you!"

Aze looked at Baili Mingchuan and hesitated.

Baili Mingchuan gently squinted and turned to look aside. Aze hesitated again and finally went back and kneel down beside the Bailimingchuan.

Baili Mingchuan huddled down and added: "Hide well, don't even get tired of this prince!"

Aze glared at Baili Mingchuan, and Baili Mingchuan looked back. He slammed into Azina’s face. Although he has seen it for a long time, this is the first time to face it directly. I have to admit that looking at this face from a close distance can be surprisingly creepy.

Baili Mingchuan wanted to save some effort and not talk, but still resisted the lips and teeth of the fight, and asked: "Boy, is this face really up?"

Azeben didn't have a good face. After listening to this, his face was even worse.

Baili Mingchuan was so cold that he had a sigh of spirit, but he continued to say: "Oh, it really is the old demon. What does she come to? What is the relationship with this ancient tomb? What is the relationship with the lonely cloud?"

Aze only listened to the mother's pro-inferences about the identity of the old witch, but did not fully understand the truth. Of course, even if he knows the truth, he can't easily tell Baili Mingchuan. He turned his back to the Baili Mingchuan and collapsed into a circle. He felt colder and colder, and the clothes were wet and cold, and it seemed to be frozen. Baili Mingchuan looked at him up and down, his eyes flashed a complex, and did not ask.

In this way, one big and one small, back to back, all huddled in the city, cold and shivering. There was silence all around, which would give people the illusion that there would be no one else except the two of them in the tomb.

Waiting to wait, Aze read the "Amitabha Buddha" in his heart and prayed for the emperor and the elder to hurry. He was too cold to support, and worried that the old demon would first find it and give up. Baili Mingchuan not only worried about the old demon looking for it, but also wondered if the old demon had not come yet?

The old demon's people are so familiar with this ancient tomb, even if the nearby ramps collapsed, they should have a way to find them. The old witch did not escape success, was hit by bloody? If that's the case, it's really not dead or half life, and I can't even look for them. Baili Mingchuan thought about it and felt that something was wrong. He pondered and wondered about his anomalies. After leaving the North Sea, the **** seizures lost their regularity, but each episode lasted for at least half an hour, and his consciousness was unclear during this period. However, at this moment, the coldness in his body seems to be weakening, and his consciousness has not been gradually blurred, but has been clear. I have to say that this seems to be a good thing. The intensity of **** seizures seems to be gradually weakening.

Is it true that Lonely Cloud has been cheating on him, is it true that the old demon is going to give him directions?

Baili Mingchuan converges on the mind and focuses on the cold changes in his body. However, what surprised him was that although the chill was weakened, he did not gradually disappear, but gradually gathered toward his left arm. Not long after, the coldness of his body all gathered on his left arm!

It’s so cold!

The coldness is like drilling into the bones to freeze his bones! So that his left arm gradually became stiff, although he did not see the ice, it seemed to be frozen and could not move.

This cold, cold to make people hurt!

Baili Mingchuan held his left arm in the right hand and resisted. Azeri soon noticed the strangeness behind him. He looked back and saw that Baili Mingchuan was like him. He subconsciously stepped back two steps and was very vigilant. "You, have you recovered?"

Baili Mingchuan had no reason to hold the left arm tighter. For a while, the coldness of the left arm finally disappeared. However, his left arm was very stiff. Although he could not move at all, he could not move much.

He lost his left arm and was struggling. Azer looked curiously and asked unconsciously: "Smelly fox, what happened to your hand?"

Baili Mingchuan realized that Azer was present. He immediately put down his left hand and pretended to have nothing to happen. He replied: "It’s been a long time, hand numb!"

Aze still asked, but suddenly stopped and found that Baili Mingchuan had completely recovered. His eyes are getting bigger and bigger, suddenly, he turns and wants to run! Baili Mingchuan was alert and early, and his right hand stretched out, and immediately caught Azer's back collar and returned Azera.

Baili Mingchuan is very high, Aze just arrived at his waist. He looked at Aze in a condescending manner, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sinister arc. He asked: "Kid, where do you want to go?"

Before the moment, they were still dying comrades, and from this moment they became enemies.

Azer was about to yell, and Baili Mingchuan slammed him to the ice wall on the back, let go of his collar, grabbed his mouth, and whispered a warning: "Tell me who the old lady is." Otherwise, the Emperor will let you know that there is something more fun than the face in this world!"

Azer's face suddenly changed!

Baili Mingchuan smiled more and more evil, adding: "How, say no?"

Azer did not know whether it was cold or angry. The little body trembled even more. He glared at the hundred miles of Mingchuan, and he did not raise his legs to top it. However, Baili Mingchuan was very sensitive and easily avoided.

Azeri grabbed his hands, and Baili Mingchuan wanted to raise his left hand, but he couldn’t lift it at once. There was a touch of impatience in his eyes, and he let go of Azer’s mouth, and he stunned Azer.

Aze fell to the ground, and Baili Mingchuan looked at his left arm, and the twilight of his mouth immediately disappeared. He tried again, but his left arm still lost the flexibility and was very stiff. Whether it was to lift it or to bend it, he had to work hard. He resisted his temper and slowly bent his elbow, and lifted it several times, trying to make a palm, but unfortunately failed.

So, what is the difference between his left arm and the abolition?

Why is this happening?

Is this the real **** back?

If the blood is attacking again, will his arm be completely abolished? Where else is it?

Even if no one controls him, but he feels that he is under the control of **** forces, and gradually loses himself?

Baili Mingchuan slowly held his left hand, riveting, and was about to go to the ice wall. At this time, Aze lying on the ground suddenly trembled.

Baili Mingchuan looked down and saw that Azer’s lip color became paler. The look in his shackles became more and more annoying. After all, he put down his fists. He singled out the clothes and smashed Azer’s clothes. Then he took off his robe and shirt and first used the shirt. Azer wrapped a layer and then wrapped it in a robe, wrapped in a tight, like a scorpion.

Even if the **** rebellion has passed, but in this environment, the Baili Mingchuan with only the bottom coat can not bear the chill! He couldn't help but shudder, and he picked up Azer with one hand and carefully walked toward the ruins in front.

However, he just walked back to the fork in the road and heard a fight from the darkness in front! He was shocked and muttered to himself: "Is it right, they are already here?"

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