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Chapter 879 is born to be heavy

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war.

Although I don't know how to be lonely, if I can catch his Achilles heel, then they can at least guarantee that they will not lose.

Lonely Flyyan asked seriously: Xiaoman, can you bring this hail up? ”

Li Qin is a beggar, and Baili Mingchuan is also a beggar. She wants to avoid the water as much as possible, and naturally can't leave such an important chip in the water.

Xia Xiaoman looked at it seriously and tried it. He found that the hail was not heavy. He nodded.

Lonely Fly Yan said: "Okay, bring it now!"

A black sergeant was responsible for taking the lone swallows and they went back. Xia Xiaoman and other black sergeants carried the hail out of the ice room.

On the shore, Qin Mo saw the people in the hail and was shocked, revealing a puzzled look.

Even if the solitary swallows put all the red stones on the hail, Xia Xiaoman's hands are still frozen. Once the hail was placed on the ground, a thin layer of ice was formed on the ground and spread in all directions. Soon, the entire stone room was once again blocked by ice, and the cold pool was once again frozen. Undoubtedly, even with the suppression of the Redstone, the place where the hail is located will still be affected by the hail.

Jun Jiuchen went to the stone outdoor and looked around and found that the ice outside the stone room had all melted away. Gu Feiyan’s speculation is correct, and the red stone is the secret of ice and icebreaking!

At this time, Mang Zhong came over and followed a group of guards.

Lonely swallow quickly asked: "What about Ji Jianglan?"

Mang Zhong hurriedly replied: "In the same place, the subordinates let the guards guard! Wang Hao Niangni, His Royal Highness, Baili Mingchuan ran!"

Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen said in unison, "What?"

It turned out that the guards who kept at several exits found that the exit was frozen, and they came in and bumped into the Mang Zhong, and the same thing as the mans. As early as half an hour ago, Baili Mingchuan held Li Qin from the water, and his shoulder was still carrying a child who was wrapped tightly. It should be Azer.

The guards who kept on the waterway could not reach the Baili Mingchuan, and sent a signal for help. The nearby guards had passed. Unfortunately, they did not hurt Baili Mingchuan, but they injured several brothers.

Lonely swallow was in a real accident. "Half hour, he escaped after entering the water?"

Half an hour has not broken the ice, except for the waterway, they have no way to go. Baili Mingchuan actually took the lead, especially in the case of hijacking Azer, some of them were talking about the conditions with their chips, and even led them to the water. With his temper and consistent pie, it is impossible to give up this great opportunity so easily! How did he find the ancient tomb of makeup, what did he want to do?

Lonely Fly Yan thought about it and said: "Try to lead him out!"

Jun Jiuchen’s brow has been locked, and he said quietly: “Yan, according to plan, first wait for the news of Fenghuo Island.”

Although he is more worried about Aze than anyone else, he is also very clear that their most important goal is not Aze, but the secret of Li Qin. Before the news came from Fenghuo Island, he did not want to act rashly. Now that the situation is unclear, instead of taking Baili Mingchuan out, it is better to wait patiently, waiting for the secret of Fenghuo Island, and waiting for the reaction of Baili Mingchuan. He is very curious, the old fox of Baili Mingchuan can fight over Liqin.

Looking at Jun Jiuchen, the brows of the word "Chuan" are locked in the city, and Lonely Fly Yan is in a hurry. About Aze, she knows that his heart hurts, it hurts very pain! And she hurts too!

She said seriously: "I am not talking about Baili Mingchuan, it is a lonely cloud!"

The dawn of Jun Jiuchen is complicated, but the solitary swallow is very decisive. He ordered: "Meng Zhong, immediately arranged, sent this hail to the drug Wang Gu auction site, after the spring day of the public auction, it is said that this is Excavated from the tomb of the makeup woman! This hail is a strange medicine that keeps the bones from rot, and there will be many people who want to have it!"

The deceased is big.

However, the living is heavy!

She knew that the move was very mean and very inhuman. However, she would rather be a bad person, and she would not want to be implicated again and be hurt! She does not believe that the lonely cloud will not appear, perhaps, she can also take Li Qin and Bai Li Mingchuan together. At that time, let Li Qin and Baili Mingchuan talk about it!

She muttered in her heart: "Master, don't blame your heart. Compared to you, this is not a slap!"

The heart of Jun Jiuchen is much more than that of the solitary swallow. The reason why he hesitates, not for anything else, is that the people in this hail are exactly the same as the ones.

Lonely Flying Yan saw Jun Jiuchen’s concerns, she said: “What troubles do you have for me?”

Jun Jiuchen gave a slight glimpse, and then he smiled helplessly. He nodded to Mang.

Mang Zhong immediately arranged to arrange, Lonely Fly Yan looked back at the cold pool, cold and cold: "Qin Mo, ruined this ghost place for me!"

Qin Mo’s heart hated this place early, and he replied, “Follow!”

The hail is extremely cold and there are many inconveniences in shipping. Although this ancient tomb is very close to Shennong Valley, Mang Zhong and Xia Xiaoman spent a night to send the hail to the Shennong Valley auction site. Although it was delivered overnight, this road has caused a lot of people to watch. Fortunately, the hail is covered, otherwise today's Shennong Valley will be overcrowded.

The hail has just been placed in the auction site. The Yangchang master has not recovered from the shock, and the old deacon has arrived. Jun Jiuchen secretly hijacked the old man from Beishan. The old deacon was aware, but he still plays stupid.

When I saw Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen, he quickly asked: "I heard that you have dug out the treasure from the tomb of the makeup woman? Where? Let the old man squat!"

Jun Jiuchen did not make a sound, and Lonely Fly Yan smiled slightly and said: "It is inside, Yang Ye is still inspecting the goods."

The old deacon looked curious and quickly went inside. Soon the cold came oncoming, and it was a room with ice, a hail in the room, and a woman lying in the hail. The old deacon's eyes flashed a touch of complexity, hurried forward. Although he has been surpassed by the lonely cloud, he can see the people in the hail, and he still took a breath.

The Yangchang Lord looked back and said with surprise: "The old deacon, His Royal Highness Princess Wang and Wang Xiiang are really digging treasures! This iced ice is very similar to the ice of the ice sea, colder than the ice of northern Xinjiang. If it is frozen by ice, it will not be rotted for more than a thousand years, but it will never rot forever!"

The old deacon looked back and saw that Lonely Fly did not follow them. He whispered: "Are you confused? This is a sputum, not a medicine! Can you bid in Shennong Valley?"

Yang Yan said: "The effect of this cockroach is far better than any anti-corrosion medicinal materials. Why should the auction site be arrested?"

The Yang field owner glanced out and whispered: "The old deacon, this thing is worth a lot of money. If the auction site can help Wang Hao Niangniang to successfully bid for this thing, the commission that can be obtained is not..."

Yang Tianzhu has not finished, the old deacon reprimanded: "I Shennong Valley still lacks her silver?"

The Yangchang owner quickly said: "What is the old deacon, what do you put on this?"

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