Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 882: Don't care about anything

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Chapter 882 does not have to worry about anything.

The last lights in the Shennong Valley were extinguished. Looking down from the North Hill, the whole valley was quiet.

Jun Jiuchen didn't want to go down at all, and he couldn't wait to get drunk on the North Hill. He could never get out of the flash. However, he had to force himself to calm down and leave Beishan before dawn to return to the auction site to avoid the suspicion of Lonely Fly.

This way down, he seems to walk naked. However, when he arrived at the auction site, he was just like anyone who was okay, and no one could see the flaws. Since he was a child, he used to hide all emotions in his heart, and he did not leak. However, this time, he was particularly saddened, even wandering. He had to stand outside the auction for a while before he entered.

Lonely swallow was as tired as he expected, and did not get up and still slept with dinner.

He found Mang Zhong and whispered: "Go, send Ji Jianglan away."

At this festival, do you want to send Ji Jianglan away?

Mang Zhong looked puzzled: "His Royal Highness, where are you going to send? This season, Jiang Lan is afraid of another usefulness for Li Qin?"

So far, they have not figured out why Li Qin hijacked Ji Jianglan. If it is because Ji Jianglan is after Jiuli, then Li Qin himself is also the blood of Jiuli! Moreover, Gan Ming has been under the contract of His Royal Highness, even if Li Qin has more than nine Li, he is useless!

Jun Jiuchen said: "The secret detention, this matter can not let Wang Hao know. Tomorrow she woke up, said Ji Jianglan was robbed!"

Mang Zhong was scared and unconsciously blurted out: "What?"

Jun Jiuchen immediately looked cold, and Mang Zhong quickly shut up, scared not to move.

Jun Jiuchen asked: "Have you understood?"

Mang Zhong did not understand at all! However, he did not dare to speak. After playing with His Royal Highness, he never saw the cold eyes of His Royal Highness, and he just saw him again.

He replied slyly: "His Royal Highness, here is the auction site. How can you win the Princess Wang?"

Even if he can settle everyone, even Qin Mo, can't put people in Shennong Valley! Wang Hao’s maiden is a powerful person. When she asks her, she can ask her. By then, things will be big.

Jun Jiuchen said: "When you go to say hello to the old deacon, you will ask the king to ask. He will assist you."

After listening to this, Mang Zhong was even more shocked. Although he did not understand what happened, he was very sure that His Highness was the union of the old deacon to deceive the Princess of God! Behind the old deacon is the lonely cloud, so, this is the same as that of the lord...

Thinking of this, the heart of Mang Zhong accelerated. He didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Jun Jiuchen’s mood was a mess, and at this moment, he did not have much patience. He asked: "Do you understand?"

Mangzhong subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but he nodded. "Yes, the subordinates obey, and this is the case."

After Mang Zhong left, Jun Jiu Chen closed his eyes. After a while, he pulled out the sword of the dry meditation and began to practice the sword. His previous discussions with his father were all right. He understood the righteousness of the second realm of dry swordsmanship, "No I have a sword". However, the "fire into the magic" practice is correct. Tonight, he got a positive answer in his lonely cloud, and determined the meaning of the third realm of "human swords and oneness". The rest is desperate to reach this realm.

Jun Jiuchen's movements are getting faster and faster, like a shadow, a sword like a shadow.

He is crazy, and he is doing his best to practice. In fact, he can't concentrate and don't have to concentrate. He just needs to vent, and he needs to get himself to sweat. In his mind, he kept echoing what he said to him the night before his father left. The father said, "Nothing is necessary, as long as you think it is right, you can do it."

As usual, Jun Jiuchen practiced swords and trained for three days.

He silently changed clothes, bathed, changed a clean clothes, and lay down beside the lone swallow. There was a tiredness between the eyebrows, but he still didn't sleep. He held his head in one hand, lying on his side, looking silly at the quiet sleeping face of Lonely Flying Swallow, looking at him, and smirking silently, while at the same time his eyes were silent.

He couldn't help but whispered: "Swallow..."

The solitary swallow sleeps very hard and has no reaction at all.

Jun Jiuchen's mouth is more curved, obviously smirking, and his eyes are full of three or four points.

He called her again: "Yan Princess..."

At this time, Lonely Fly swallow suddenly moved. Lying on her back, she suddenly turned over and faced Jun Jiuchen. However, Jun Jiuchen is not unexpected, he knows her habit of sleeping too. He looked at the lone swallow, and Lonely Fly reached out and touched his waist, and hugged him. The whole man leaned over to him and buried himself in his arms.

He covered her quilt for her, kissed her hair, and gradually tightened her.

It’s been three days, but it’s still a long night, as if there is no end. He couldn't sleep, so he hugged her so tightly, waiting for the dawn.

Just next to them, there was a hail. The spacious inner house was frozen and the outer house was extremely cold. Qin Mo and the public guards guarded, Xia Xiaoman couldn't sleep, and couldn't find Mang Zhong everywhere, he found it.

Xia Xiaoman asked: "Qin Guardian, have you seen Big Brother?"

Qin Mo sat on the steps outside the door, and through the moonlight, he was obsessed with the "Yunxuan Shui" pseudo-book. He didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Xia Xiaoman said to himself: "Weird, I can find all that I can find, and I went to the main house to find it. So late, where did he go to the night?"

Qin Mo only looked up at him and asked: "Can someone else watch the night?"

Xia Xiaoman said: "There are two guards, you can rest assured. Your Highness is there, don't be afraid of thieves, you are afraid that the thief will not come!"

Qin Mo saw more of Xia Xiaoman, and he stopped talking and quickly looked down at Yun Xuan Shui Jing.

Xia Xiaoman hesitated, sat down beside him, whispered: "You don't rest? Or, do you talk with me?"

Qin Mo did not respond at all.

Xia Xiaoman sucked his nose and whispered: "I can't sleep when I think of the emperor being tattooed. You were there at the time? You said that the little master had gotten sick, and he had to save it immediately? It would not work for a while. Is it for a while, with Gu Taifu reaching out, can't you save the emperor first?"

Xia Xiaoman really didn't understand the situation. This way to Shennong Valley, no one has time to tell him too much. He also wants to say that Qin ink interrupted, Qin ink replied: "No!"

Xia Xiaoman quickly asked: "What disease is that? Is it so serious?"

Qin Modao: "Go and ask your master."

Xia Xiaoman still wants to ask, Qin Mo got up and leaped onto the roof. He found a position to sit down and continue to ponder the "Yunxuan Shui Jing", and Xia Xiaoman was hanging underneath.

Xia Xiaoman protested a bit, invalidated, and finally left indignantly.

Everything is due to calm.

The lonely cloud disappeared silently in the house. He avoided several guards in the house and walked into the inner house...

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