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Chapter 884 is really heartbreaking.

When the old deacon arrived at the auction site, they were ready. The hail was still covered in a huge black cloth and sent out of the gate of the auction. The slate inside and outside the gate of the auction site was frozen, and the coldness was extremely heavy.

See Jun Jiuchen first come out, the old deacon wants to ask in the past. However, seeing the Lonely Flying swallows to follow, the old deacons hid back.

When they went out of the gate of the auction site, they went down the hill. The land they passed through was frozen, until they went away to solve the ice. It is very early in the morning, and the auction site is the second most popular place in the medicinal materials market. There are many people who go up the mountain. Soon, they attracted the crowd. Even those who do not recognize Jun Jiuchen and Lonely Flying Swallows come forward to ask if they are bidding for any baby from the auction site!

Jun Jiuchen did not pay attention, and Lonely Fly Yan would not care. Upon seeing it, Qin Mo took the initiative to go ahead and stopped the passers-by who came forward. When the solitary swallows came to the bottom of the mountain, people in the medicinal materials market heard the news, and they were full of people and people.

Lonely swallows are always cold-faced and look ahead. She didn't slow down, let alone stop. Jun Jiuchen walked beside her and was cold-faced and could not be violated. In this way, they went all the way to the valley, followed by a large group of people.

The old deacon ran to the North Hill at the fastest speed. He found a circle and finally found the lonely cloud on the cliff behind the house. Solitary clouds sit on the rocks on the cliffs and raise their glasses alone to invite the lonely clouds in the sky. There is a pile of empty wine jars beside him.

The old deacon screamed and panted: "The Lord of the Valley, the Royal Highness King did not persuade the Princess of God. At this moment, they should go outside the valley. You are going!"

The lonely cloud hung in the air and the hand was slightly stiff, but it was quickly recovered. He drank a glass of wine in one go. Instead of answering the old deacon, he patted the position next to him and chuckled: "Come, let me have a drink with the grown-up."

The old deacon is in a hurry. "I don't dare."

Lonely Yunyuan looked back and looked at the position next to him, indicating that the old deacon was sitting.

The old deacon was so pale that his face was pale. The master is always in the air, and the smile is sometimes lazy and lazy, and the old deacon is also the closest to him in his confession, and the person who knows him the most. Even so, the old deacon still feels that he is out of reach and must be in awe.

If the first invitation is, then the second time is the order. At least, it seems to the old deacon. The old deacon had to step forward even if he was afraid of it, and carefully sat down.

Lone Yunyuan personally handed the old deacon an exquisite wine glass and a jug of wine, and he did not care for the old deacon. Perhaps he didn't want the old deacon to accompany him for a drink, but just wanted to have someone beside him. Someone is there, he will at least not get out of control, and he will never be impulsive without losing control.

Solitary clouds are still old wine glasses, solitary clouds in the distance.

At this time, Lonely Fly Yan they have already come out of the Dashan Gate of Shennong Valley. Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen stopped, the guards also followed, and the hail stopped on the ground, freezing a large piece of grass. Almost all the guests of Shennong Valley followed them out, and they talked about the three layers, and they were speculating about what was hidden under the frozen black cloth. Baili Mingchuan disguised as a big bearded man, and he was in the crowd. After he imprisoned Jun Zi Ze and Li Qin, he immediately rushed to Shennong Valley. He guessed that they would come, and they wanted to explore the real thing and look for opportunities to steal Ji Jianglan.

As Gu Feiyan speculated, although he did not understand the usefulness of Ji Jianglan to Li Qin, but with one more chip, he had an odds of negotiating with Liqin! Unfortunately, he has not been done anything, and he has been treated as a thief.

"What stuff? Excavated in the tomb?"

Baili Mingchuan muttered to himself, squeezing a few steps forward to see clearly, but unfortunately there are too many people, he can't rely on the front. He did not dare to push forward again, for fear of causing dissatisfaction and becoming the focus. He looked at Lonely Fly, and he looked at it for a while, and he didn't know what he thought. He suddenly changed his sight.

Seeing the solitary swallows, they don’t leave, and everyone’s arguments are even bigger. Gradually, someone asked about temptation.

"His Royal Highness, you are stuck in the door of Shennong Valley. What is this?"

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, this is what baby? Big guys are curious, let's open your eyes!"

"I didn't hear anything good about the auction site yesterday. Could it be that this treasure is the auction of His Royal Highness King and Princess Wang? Is it impossible to be rejected by the auction?"


Jun Jiuchen turned a deaf ear and did not respond. The cold face is still three or four minutes colder than the innocent person of Qin Mo! And the lonely face of Lonely Flying Yan is hiding a irritating heart. When she hears the hustle and bustle around her, she becomes more and more annoyed.

Suddenly, she held the iced black cloth on the hail with one hand. She has a red stone in her hand, and the heat of the redstone begins to melt the frozen black cloth. Gradually, Xuan Bing retreated and the black cloth became soft. Everyone witnessed this scene, it was incredible, and more and more curious about what was hidden under the black cloth.

Lonely swallows grabbed the black cloth little by little, and seemed to pick up the black cloth at any time! For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on the hands of Lonely Flying Swallow. As she became more and more tight, everyone’s mood became more and more tense, and the audience became very quiet. Baili Mingchuan also stared intently, and he forgot his disguise for a moment, and raised his hand to rub his chin. After touching a bunch of beards, he let go of his hand again.

With so many people present, Jun Jiuchen did not look at the hands of Lonely Flying Swallow. He squinted and the whole person looked particularly quiet and even a little bit lonely.

Suddenly, the solitary swallows raised their hands!

Everyone was so nervous that she found out that she was just raising her hand and didn't pick up the black cloth. When the red stone in her hand left the black cloth, the black cloth was sealed by ice with lightning speed.

Everyone looked at each other and quickly talked about it. Baili Mingchuan is not welcoming, "Woman, boring!"

Only Jun Jiuchen is calm, he knows her too much, and knows better than the lonely cloud. He knew that he didn't have to persuade, and she couldn't keep up with this kind of heart. The deceased is big, the living is heavy, all are innocent!

Lonely swallow took a deep breath and showed some desperate colors. Until that moment, she was still waiting, waiting for the lonely cloud to appear. However, she did not wait.

She looked up at Jun Jiuchen and whispered: "I am really worried!! Maybe I overestimated this hail, maybe I... I underestimated him. Let's go."

Jun Jiuchen took her hand, did not say much, directly ordered: "Go!"

Everyone on the crowd is inexplicable. However, Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen do not need to explain to anyone. They took the hail and left the Shennong Valley. They are all gone, and the spectators are still talking. Baili Mingchuan looked at the back of their far away, and said: "Ji Jianglan? Could it be sent away last night? Or..."

When Baili Mingchuan knew the secret of Shennong Valley, he suspected that Ji Jianglan was imprisoned in Shennong Valley. In the midst of chaos, he licked his beard, mixed into Shennong Valley, and secretly found someone.

Far from the Shennong Valley, Jun Jiuchen asked: "Yan, this hail, how to deal with it?"

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