Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 891: Master, you have been sad for a long time.

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Chapter 891, Master, you have been sad for a long time.

Lonely swallows quietly walked to the corner of the wall, only listening to Xia Xiaoman’s tone and complaining about it, saying that Azer was hijacked.

"The one who is raised is the one who is raised, which is better than the one who is born. Besides, the emperor has no direct relationship with their husband and wife. If Mrs. Min really feels distressed, she will regard her highness as her own. How could she be willing to let her highness? The guardian of the princess? Gu Taifu’s position in the Daqin Dynasty was not low. When he said that the situation of the little master was critical, Cheng, even if the illness of the little master was really critical, the situation of the emperor was not critical. To put it bluntly, the two children still counted their own biological, didn't they? The high-ranking priests had suffered so much in northern Xinjiang, and with the help of the Yan Princess all over the years, the rewards of repaying were also repaid. What are you owing to them..."

Lonely flying swallows heard this and really listened. She didn't want to argue about this meaningless topic. She shook her fist, pressed her temper, and turned away.

It didn't take long for her to leave, Xia Xiaoman finished. He vomited and asked the servant standing opposite him: "So?"

The servant named Yu Yu, who was a few years old in the summer, his eyes were shrewd and he was deceitful. He was the last eyeliner of Li Qin's stay in Jingwang. When Li Qin was robbing Azer, they had the heart of recruiting Jun Jiuchen. They arranged this person and now it just came in handy. Yu Wei originally wanted to find Mang Zhong, and he conveyed the cooperation heart of Li Qin through Mang Zhong. However, when Xia Xiaoman came back, he would find Xia Xiaoman. After all, Xia Xiaoman had a festival with Lonely Fly, and had a very good relationship with the Little Emperor. To persuade Jun Jiuchen, Xia Xiaoman has practiced three times and he is still not satisfied.

Yu Yu impatiently said: "You know your home master best. If you feel that he can listen to it, then look for an opportunity to persuade! I only remind you that if it fails, it will cause your master to be wary. It’s hard to do! You want to see your biological mother, the best obedient, and do your best, don’t play with me, otherwise... Oh, you won’t know who your mother is in this life!”

Xia Xiaoman hated his teeth and whispered: "I tell you, you can't think of threatening me! If your old demon can count on my master, I will not let you go if I die!"

Yu Hao laughed, "Is it by you? Oh, save it!"

Xia Xiaoqi was so angry that he picked up his fist. Yu Yu was not in a hurry and took his wrist. He said: "I have just said it very clearly. Your family will only be able to cooperate with my family. Xuankong mainland, can even control the sky! If he sinks in the gentle township, willing to be a dog of the Xuanyuan royal family, keep the one-no-one Yan Princess, he can only be a dog!" Xia Xiao is full of anger Feet: "Enough, mouth to clean me!"

Yu Yu avoided, and smiled: "You are willing to spend with me, do not expose me, my heart is actually endorsing what I said, isn't it?"

Yu Hao put down Xia Xiaoman’s hand and patted his heart. He said: “Is there something that you are afraid of? Do you know if you are planning to work for 10 years, you will be able to control the Xuankong continent, but It was just that they recognized their Princess Yan, and they only handed over Jiangshan. They gave Princess Yan, but it was not your master!"

Xia Xiaoman has nothing to say.

Yu Yu leaned close to his ear and whispered: "You should think about it again. Why did your family give the throne to the gentleman, not his own successor? Is he really not wanting to fight?"

Xia Xiaoman has nothing to say.

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry. How to persuade your master, you should think about it. Of course, you can also expose me, but you have to pay the price! Right, almost forget the most important In fact, there is no such thing as a combination of swords and swords. The swordsmanship is finally destroyed by the fire. The power of dryness is the real power. No one can really control the power of dryness. You are good. Think about it!"

After Yu Yu said, he left, leaving Xia Xiaoman alone in the same place. He remembered what Li Qin said to His Highness in the tomb! The power of dryness is impossible to be controlled by mortal people. If you ask the help of the solitary swallow to rescue her father and mother, he will be ruined and killed!

Did Li Qin not lie?

Xia Xiaoman wants to panic, he didn't stay for a long time, and he escaped.

Lonely swallows have already arrived at the door of the house, but the more they think, the more they feel wrong. She recalled the servant's face and only felt that her eyes were very strong. She quickly turned back, but did not see Xia Xiaoman and Yu Yu. As she walked back and thought, she quickly found Qin Mo and confessed: "When the departure time of Minger is postponed, I will check both the government and the accompanying guards."

Qin ink nodded, "Yes."

Lonely swallows screwed his brow and was about to push the door. Qin Mo said calmly: "The Lord, your Highness went to the palace. You, what happened?"

Lonely Flying Yan quieted for a moment and asked: "How, what did you pick up?"

Qin Modao said: "You have been sad for a long time."

Lonely swallow did not look back, faintly said: "Azer is tattooed, can I not feel bad? I worked hard to control the power of Feng, but I was trapped. I am like a waste, I can't do anything, I Can you not be sad? I want to save my father and mother, not to hurt anyone, but the power to save them can only be controlled by the nine Li people, I can never control, can I not be sad? They... they found I have been around for so many years, but I can't do anything in the end. I can't help it. Nothing is wrong! Can I not be sad?"

Lonely swallow did not say further, she was taking a deep breath, trying very hard to calm her emotions, fearing that she was out of control.

When Qin Mo stepped forward, his hands went out, but he still took it back. In his calm tone, there was a touch of tenderness that was hard to detect. He said: "They are not looking for the master to do what the master does, what to help, but just to find the master. The master is not nothing, even if it is really nothing, there are still people who are willing to wait for the master unconditionally. The master is the princess of Daqin, born and honored. Why do you want to be arrogant? If the father of the master today is next to him, the master will meet again..."

Lonely flying swallows quickly looked up and stopped Qin Mo, she did not speak, only waved her hand to let Qin Mo retreat. She pushed in the door, and as soon as she closed the door and leaned against the door, she couldn't help but squint, but when she was full, she immediately wiped it off!

Qin Mo has not seen it, she has been sad for a long time.

Really sad!

However, can't cry! At this time, she is not qualified to be sad, and she is not qualified to cry!

She personally wrote a pen and wrote a long letter to Mrs. Shangguan, so that Mrs. Shangguan laid a map around the Chaping Mountain, and asked Mrs. Shangguan to ask for a map of the Pingyuan Mountain. After writing the letter, she washed a cold face and made herself more awake. She personally packed up and took out the red spirits that were originally stored in Jingwangfu. The people who arranged the confidants were sent to the Xuankong Chamber of Commerce overnight and kept by Mrs. Shangguan. She is very clear that these red stones will be her last road. She had planned it for a long time, and saved Azerne to use them. The plan has not changed.

After the busy day, the sky was bright, she did not rest, let Qin ink help her cover, took all the guards to go to a dungeon.

When she came back, it was already morning. Her eyes were red, her face was pale, her expression was very quiet. Qin Mo squinted and asked: "Master, what are you going to in Dungeon?"

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