Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 607: Son...

Ning Cheng will certainly stop!

He did not bring Gu Beiyue into the woods, it was to give the dragon a night.

He seems to have won the battle of the three armed forces. In fact, he did not win anything. This time, the Chu family chose him. He did win the dragon and the night and won the Chu family.

He received a letter from Chu Yunzhen and he was in a good mood. However, when he met the dragon and the night, he immediately did not have the joy of the winner, because he could not see the loss and despair of the loser in the dragon night. He can't even see the emotions of the dragon and the night.

This guy, like a glacier, is tall and can't move. He even shattered his next Mawei without saying a word, letting General Chu go to bring people.

Proud Ning Cheng will be willing?

He did not directly stop the generals, but he held his glasses in a lazy manner and said with a chuckle, "Come to the king and unload the elbow and shoulder joints of Gu Beiyue."

As soon as this was said, General Chu did not dare to stop. After all, they had already lowered Ning Cheng.

Han Yu’s heartbeat slammed, but she did not show it. She is in a hurry and is still in a mess.

They are in exchange for hostages. They are arbitrarily hiding people, and they are obviously in a difficult rhythm. If they make concessions and let Ning Cheng take the upper hand, they will lose.

Han Han bit his teeth and endured.

Of course, the dragon is not aware of the intention of Ning Cheng. He is cold-hearted. "Without sincerity, why waste time."

When he finished, he took Han Han and turned away. Tang left Chu Tianyin to keep up.

Ning Cheng did not agree, while drinking, while watching the long night of their long shadows. The dragon is not at night, their feet are not in a hurry or slow, walking and walking, they are far away, and Ning Cheng has not left them.

"Would you like to go back?" The dragon whispered in the night.

This is a game. The gambling is that Long Feiye and Ning Cheng who make concessions first, and each other’s bets are Gu Beiyue and Chu Tianyin.

Han Xin’s heartbeat is very fast. If she is herself, she can lose, but the bet is Gu Beiyue, she can’t afford to lose. However, she is still very determined, "No!"

She knows that once they return, once they make concessions, they may not be able to take Gu Beiyue smoothly. She also firmly believes that she and the dragon are not judged by the night, and Ning Cheng will not give up Chu Tianyin.

Step by step, step by step away from the forest where Gu Beiyue is located, and do not know if Gu Beiyue knows that they are coming.

Gu Dafu, forgive me for taking a gamble!

Han Han not only did not stop, but pulled the dragon's hands beyond the night and stepped forward.

Upon seeing it, Ning Cheng, who had been very calm, suddenly stood up. He walked out of the pavilion several times and looked at it carefully to make sure he was not mistaken.

Han Hao actually took the dragon to leave at night, and it seemed that he didn't want to stay for a moment.

How could this be?

Chu Qingge told him with great certainty that Han Yu and Gu Beiyue have a very good relationship, and Han Han will not see death. It’s good now, it’s not that the dragon wants to go, but the woman wants to go.

Therefore, Gu Beiyue is very important in her heart, but is it far from important?

In the eyes of Ning Cheng, Gu Beiyue is a doctor. After he took Gu Beiyue from Chu Yunqi, he kept Gu Beiyue in prison and did not look at it. If Han Han wants to give up Gu Beiyue, then Gu Beiyue will have no value at all.

Han Hao went too fast, even if Ning Cheng chased a few steps, now they can't see their backs.

What is the use of a doctor? You can control Chu Chujun with Chu Tianyin!

Finally, Ning Cheng opened his mouth and said coldly, "Chu Yunhao, still squatting to do it? Go call someone back!"

General Chu went faster than Chu Yun, and he personally went to Linzhong to take Gu Beiyue. Ning Cheng used the word "call", but Chu Yun had to admit it!

"Qin Wang, Wang Hao Niangniang, just Ning Wang is just a joke, the two don't mind, Gu Beiyue is already in the pavilion, please ask two."

The head of a family, Chu Yunzhen can be described as respecting the sweeping of the earth, Chu Tian hidden in the eyes, although no voice, but disappointed in the heart, angry in the heart.

He was only closed for a long time, and the Chu family was no longer in his eyes. The family of the sorrows in the heart, surrendered to people, slaves and knees, what is this?

Han Han looked up and looked at the dragon night, showing a bright smile. "Dragon is not night, I gambled!"

The dragon didn't talk at night, but she turned her face. When they turned around and faced Chu Yunxi, they were very tacit and expressionless, and the mood was not in color.

Back in the pavilion, Gu Beiyue has been brought over.

Han Hao looked distressed when he saw it. He especially wanted to rush to the past and hug him. He had nothing to do with the wind and the moon. He had nothing to do with it. He just wanted to hug him. Just, she can't.

She secretly summoned the little things from the storage space. The small things were still faint when they were out of the storage space, but unlike the previous one, this time it immediately smelled the most familiar atmosphere in the air. A sense of familiarity will not be as good as it is.

It is awake in an instant.

"The son!"

It was shocked in the heart, hurriedly pulled out from the sleeves of the ramie, and immediately saw its heart and thoughts, missing the son of a long time.


When I saw the moment of familiarity, the little things cried. Not screaming, but all of a sudden tears.

The little things don't remember how many years they have lived, but it is clear that they never shed tears. It does not know that he will cry.

It madly jumped to the ground, and couldn't take care of the occasion here, and suddenly it was at the foot of the son. If it used to be, it would have jumped up and climbed the clothes of the son, or climbed from his back or from his side. It most likes to sit on the shoulders of the son, snuggling on his neck and spoiling. The son never rushed to it, and used a finger to gently rub his small head and scratch its small tail. The son is warm with one finger.

However, this little thing did not dare to move, it was sitting at the feet of the son, looking up at him, tears have been falling.

The son is too weak, and the weak body can be dumped at any time. He is almost in a coma, and the station is not stable. He must stand by two people to stand on it.

These are just superficial. The little things just smell the blood, and when they get close, they find that the son’s breath is not right.

It knows that on the legs of the son, there are serious injuries on the shoulders, and the dantian of the son is bloody, with no internal strength and extremely serious internal injuries.

What happened to the son?

The little things look so stupidly, the little claws have been wiping tears, and the visible line is always blurred. I hope that the son can open his eyes and look at it...

Son, what happened to you?

From the last time, the archers of the Chu family attacked Han Han in the Tianning Emperor. After the small things came out to protect Gu Beiyue, the Chu family noticed its existence, and Ning Cheng also knew it.

Ning Chengzheng looked at the little things with great interest, and laughed coldly. "This is the mouse that is raised, so there is no rule."

Han Hao just can bear it, but

It is such a Gu Beiyue that she can't stand it! They did not succumb to Chu Tian’s imprisonment. They were all stunned before they were sent, and what did the gang do for Gu Beiyue?

She looked coldly at Ning Cheng, and said calmly, "The squirrels don't know? It doesn't matter if you don't have common sense. Go back to find your mother and let her teach you again."

When this was said, Ning Cheng’s face was dark.

Han Han’s taunting tone is like calmly stating the facts and making Ning Cheng feel more humiliated. He wants to fight back, but he has no words to refute.

Aside, Tang couldn't help but watch the dragon look at the night. Fortunately, his cousin who has always used small things as a mouse is still very calm.

Ning Cheng finally had a second impression of Han Yu. Is this woman's mouth much more powerful than Chu Qingge? It is enough for the sharp-eyed, but unfortunately, he hates the woman with sharp eyes.

"Come, come and drive the thing away!" He ordered coldly.

A few waiters immediately came over, and the little things immediately noticed the hostility. It couldn’t understand the words, but it was obvious that the son was hijacked by the gang, and he was escorted to exchange the hostages!

This gang, bad guys!

It stared at the entourage surrounded by it, and licked his mouth and revealed his fangs. Dare to bully the son, sin is not forgiven!

The attendant was grabbing it, and the little thing leaps and bounds, jumps to one of the faces, and the claws are smashed, and the whole face is pulled down. Little things, angry!


The man was screaming and screaming, his face was full of blood, and he was shocked. He saw all the people around him scared and subconsciously retreated.

Everyone hasn't slowed down yet. The speed of the little things is extremely fast. The figure is a illusion. The people who surround it are stepping on them one by one. They all step on the face, and the claws pierce the eyes with great precision, but they are stabbed by it. They are all eyes!

Mourning, Ning Cheng was shocked to get up, looking at the little things incredibly.

Even the two guards who helped the North Moon, the little things have not let go. When the two guards let go, Gu Beiyue went down and Han Han was going to pass, but he saw the figure of the little things linger. It was so small, it was just a big slap, but it was hard to use the two claws to support Gu Beiyue's chest, bearing all the weight, did not let him hit the ground.

For fear that he was hurt and hurt, the sharp claws of the little things were squatting.

If you love someone, it is a little pain that you can't bear. But...but the son, how can you hurt so much?

The little things stayed like this, tears streaming, the blood on the claws dripping down, mixing in its tears, wetting its face.


Ning Cheng cold sound, how can it be challenged by a mouse? The Chu family’s archery skills are all out, and the sharp arrows aim at small things.

The little things are full of blood, looking around, revealing a savage, murderous, it is so horrible, it is so distressing, sad. Those archers are also somewhat retired and dare not rely too close.

Han Hao saw his heart broken, and he had to rush over. The dragon didn’t let go, but he asked coldly, "Ning Cheng, what is it? Change people!"

"I have hurt so many people, are you going to forget this?" Ning Cheng asked.

"So many people can't even catch the squirrels, do you want to mention them?" Han Yu sneered and asked.

"You..." Ning Cheng has spoken again.


To the reader's words: Mo has a lot of things over the years, so 4-11 No. 1 and No. 12 resumed two more, please let us know, I wish you all a happy New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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