The wedding came in a hurry. Rao has a lot of family members, so there will inevitably be some omissions. After setting up the room in the morning, when the two little buns climbed to the wedding room and rolled around, Ling Wang noticed that there was no preparation for them. Clothes, it doesn't matter to other people, the newcomer and the two children must all wear wedding clothes. No, Ling Jingpeng drove the carriage to the town to buy them for them without sleeping.

"Okay, we'll be right there."

He raised his voice and agreed, Ling Wen was about to go to the bathroom to see his brother, but saw that he had come out in a state of excitement. The two brothers smiled at each other and held hands to open the door. Ling Yun, who was standing outside, saw them smiling softly. Now, like a big sister, holding their hands to the main room.

In the main room, all the family got up, Zhao Hanfu also came, and Tiewazi, who was one step ahead of them, had already changed into a little red brocade robe, and he looked even cuter.

"Xiaowen Xiaowu, come and change into the new clothes that the third uncle bought. The red ones look good."

Seeing them coming, Tie Wazi ran over happily, because he was Ling Jingxuan's son, so he also had a part in convincing him, "Tie Wazi, you are so beautiful!"

Looking at his outfit, Xiao Baozi praised him without hesitation, and imitated the appearance of an adult, reaching out and pinching his face, but there is a saying that a tiger is not an anti-dog, this action is done by him When he came out, not only did he not have the natural indulgence of adults, but on the contrary, he had a sense of disobedience like a little ruffian molesting a good family woman and man.

"By the way, who was arguing about marrying his brother Yan as his daughter-in-law last time, why are you eating your own brother's tofu now?"

The family couldn't help laughing again and again. Ling Jingpeng, who always likes to complain about them, smiled deliberately. Xiao Baozi blushed. He glanced at Chu Yan, who was lying on the gun for no reason. Tell me, when did I eat Tiewazi tofu? I just praised him for his good looks, wouldn't it work?"

After he was done, the little bun was sticking out his tongue at him and making a face, expressing his dissatisfaction fiercely.

"Okay, why not? As long as your brother Yan doesn't misunderstand."

Ling Jingpeng smiled even brighter, there is nothing more fun than making fun of little buns.

"Brother Yan, you won't get it wrong, right?"

Rushing in front of Chu Yan, the little bun grabbed his hand and asked, his eyes were full of grievances, bad uncle, he just imitated his father and pinched Tiewazi's face, why did he talk nonsense ?

"Yes, Xiao Wu is a good brother who loves his younger brother, I am very happy."

Sweeping away the previous embarrassment, Chu Yan touched his face and said softly, he couldn't bear to be wronged by his younger brother, even if he was joking.

"Well, Brother Yan is the best."

Hearing this, the little bun happily jumped up and hugged him, not forgetting to grin at Ling Jingpeng, making Ling Jingpeng laugh again, Ling Wen, who had not spoken from the beginning to the end, walked in front of Ling Wang. Picking up the clothes on her lap: "Ma, is this for us?"

They had already said in the morning that when fathers get married, their sons also have to wear wedding dresses, so he not only has no opinion on buying such gorgeous new clothes, but is very happy, no matter how much money there is no family. Happiness is important.

"Well, try it out to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, let Shui Linger help you change it. Your father is also true. He said that if you get married, you will get married. There is no preparation at home. In case you forget something important tomorrow. What's up?"

Speaking of this matter, Ling Wang's can't help but feel resentment again and again. It's such a big thing to get married, so Jing Xuan and Sheng Rui don't take it seriously at all.

"Because daddy knows that both daddy and grandma will help to fix it, so don't think about it. It's a happy thing for dad to get married. We must be happy."

Resolutely his own son, Ling Wen is helping Ling Jingxuan with good words inside and outside, and at the same time comforting Ling Wangshi, she is happy to praise him for being sensible and considerate.

"Xiao Wu, let's change clothes."

Picking up their clothes and shoes, Ling Wen walked over and held his brother's hand, Chu Yan also stood up: "I'll help you, you don't usually tie your hair, I'll help you wear the golden crown."

"Woman." The two buns agreed in unison, Chu Yan turned around and nodded with the others, led them out of the main room, looked at their backs, Ling Wang couldn't help laughing: "If Xiao Wu can really follow Yan in the future Brother Yan is not bad together, you see, how much brother Yan loves our children."

"Well, you're right, nothing is as important as the happiness of the child."

Ling Chenglong couldn't help nodding his head happily. Ling Jinghan's eyes flashed on the other side, and he slowly put down the book in his hand: "How old is Xiao Wu, parents, you think too much."

If he guessed correctly, Brother Yan and Xiao Wu are probably related by blood, right? Chu Ci's father and son's knowledge, conversation and temperament are not common to ordinary people. In addition, Yan Ge'er's awe of Rui's brother, and his doubts about Rui's identity, maybe they all come from the royal family, and they are all from the royal family. I'm afraid he also knows about it. The reason why he doesn't tell them is that he doesn't want them to be afraid, right? After all, they are from Zhuang families, and on weekdays they would tremble for a long time when they saw the county master. If they knew that there were several real members of the royal family in the family, they would be scared to wet their pants.

"Look at me, I only care about being happy, and I forget that our little Wu is only five years old next month."

After speaking, Ling Wangshi couldn't help but sigh with a sigh in his eyes. It's been five years in the blink of an eye, and now the good days have passed, and they almost forgot the sadness they used to have.

"Well, sister, brother-in-law, you are too anxious."

Wang Jinyu

I couldn't help but agree, the sisters looked at each other and smiled, I guess they were too busy, they always thought about the good side of everything, so much that they even ignored the age of the children.

"By the way, brother, why haven't they come back? It's almost time to apply."

Afraid that their mother would think about the past again, Ling Jingpeng calmly changed the subject, and the family's eyes turned to the door one after another. Unfortunately, the direction of the door was still silent, and there was no sign of Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan. shadows.

"There may be a delay, mother, think about it and see if there are any invitations that you forgot to send, although the eldest brother said that it can be simple and simple, and people who have a good relationship with our family still have to invite them, let's at least Let the big brother get married happily."

Ling Jinghan took the conversation lightly. The invitations from Manager Zhang and Liu Baoren were sent by him and Jing Peng in person, while the Wang family and Lao Wang's family asked Lao Zhou and Lao Song to send them. At present, there are only a few relatives and friends in their family. .

"There's no one else left. When Jing Xuan comes back, you can ask him if you want to hire the foreman who helped us build the house. If it weren't for them, how could our family live in a new house so quickly?"

Basically, she is not worried about inviting people. There are only a few people who are going to count. What she is worried about is those things that symbolize festivity.

"Well, Sister Song, tomorrow's banquet is going to trouble you. Try to make it better."

Nodding, Ling Jinghan turned to Sister Song again. This time the eldest brother got married, they discussed it with Brother Zhao and the others, and they used the money from selling jam. It was the gift they gave him. I don't care, I just hope that the wedding will go smoothly. "Hey, second master, don't worry, wrap it on me."

After staying in this house for a long time, Sister Song has also become quick and confident. As long as they don't go too far, the master usually doesn't care about it. Many times they are like family, not servants.

"Milk, milk, do you take a look at it?"

During the conversation, the little bun who had changed his clothes rolled in like a red whirlwind. His hair, which was usually tied in a high ponytail like his father's, was wearing a golden crown for the first time. How cute is it, the red clothes look even more dashing on his body, although the hem of the robe is a little wrinkled because of his rude manly running.

"Hey, it looks good, our little Wu looks good in anything."

Ling Wangshi's eyes lit up, and she nodded her head with joy. Ling Wen, who came in behind, also obediently walked in front of her. Ling Wangshi touched and pinched the other. She couldn't say how much she liked them. They looked exactly the same. The little buns, usually it is difficult to distinguish who is who, now it is more like printed out of the same mold, if it is not for them being lively and active, and the more knowledgeable and reasonable, even Ling Wang's may be wrong.

"Yo, who are these mobile little red envelopes? It looks so festive."

Ling Jingxuan's voice suddenly sounded at the door. Everyone turned around and saw that he and Yan Shengrui walked in side by side. They both had a large bundle in their hands. Seeing this, the two buns hurriedly turned around and rushed over to hug his leg: "Dad, you are back, Xiao Wu is worried to death."

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