"Without Jiang Patriarch and Jiang Yuyang's direct son?"

Yan Xiaobei on the opposite side asked suspiciously when he heard the words, can Jiang Yuyang give up if he doesn't bring a change?

"Hehe, Patriarch Jiang, let's take his son-in-law with him. As for whether to change it or not, we'll talk about the situation at that time."

Ling Jingxuan smiled and picked up the bowls and chopsticks. He ate at lunch, and was basically not full. In the afternoon, he played a game of fighting with a certain bird for a long time. Now he is so hungry that his chest is on his back, child. When they saw this, they didn't say much anymore. It wasn't their turn to intervene in Daddy's affairs. They just had to do what they should do.

Chapter 630 Meeting with Jiang Yuyang

Early the next morning, according to Ling Jingxuan's instructions, Yan Si took Jiang Yuyang's eldest son out of the prison, and arranged for a number of shadow guards to accompany him. As soon as it was dawn, the two carriages passed through the east gate of Ernan City one after the other. Off to Liushui Town.

"Shut up!"

I don't know how long the carriage has been running, and suddenly there was a sound of the driver urgently stopping the horse. Then, the carriage that was advancing also stopped. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan, who were sitting in the carriage, looked at each other: "What's going on?"

"Report to the lord, the road ahead is blocked by a big tree, please wait a moment, the lord and the princess, we can move forward by moving the tree."

Yan Si's voice came in from the outside, and at the same time they heard the shadow guards appearing to move away from the big tree that was on the road.

How can a good tree be on the road again?

"Where have we been?"

Ling Jingxuan opened the window of the carriage and waited for a while before hearing Yan Si's voice again: "Breaking Soul Valley!"

"Broken Soul Valley?"

Raising his eyebrows, Ling Jingxuan glanced at Yan Shengrui. Obviously, they thought of going together. Yan Shengrui kidnapped Ling Jingxuan in Broken Soul Valley. Does Jiang Yuyang want to imitate it again?

Thinking of this, the husband and wife quickly got out of the carriage, and seeing them appear, Yan Si hurriedly leaned over: "My lord, why did you come down?"

"It's alright, this concubine is in a hurry to urinate, is the lord willing to accompany me to solve it?"

Without intending to explain anything to them in detail, Ling Jingxuan turned his head and looked at their prince with a smile. Jiang Yuyang did not say in the letter that he wanted to meet in Liushui Town, but now people have made it very clear, knowing that his prince Ling Jingxuan didn't dare to leave him alone because he cared about Jiang Yuyang's liking for him.


Yan Shengrui, who had guessed something long ago, had deep eyes, and Yan Si seemed to have sensed something was wrong, so he stepped forward and bowed: "This place is inaccessible, there are often wild shòu hauntings, and there are several tribes nearby, please hurry up and return. , if something is wrong, please send a signal immediately."

"It's hard work, bring Jiang Yuyang's eldest son."

Ling Jingxuan nodded with a smile, Yan Si looked at him hesitantly, seeing that none of their princes objected, he couldn't say anything more, so he had to turn around and walked towards the second carriage, where Jiang Yuyang's eldest son, Jiang Shanglian, was bound. He was brought here, perhaps because he had been detained for too long. The ten-year-old Jiang Shanglian was not as squeamish as he used to be, and his eyes flashed with a little fear.

"Follow up."

Glancing at him lightly, Ling Jingxuan, who was clasped with Yan Shengrui's ten fingers, turned around, Jiang Shanglian's eyes narrowed, and his body trembled a little.

Yan Shengrui and his wife took Jiang Shanglian to the depths of the forest. Don't ask them why they knew which forest to choose. Back then, Ling Jingxuan escaped from the forest on the right. They always had only one choice. The two of them listened to the six roads, looked in all directions, and watched carefully. When they entered a few hundred meters, there was a relatively open terrain in front of them. At a glance, the two saw Jiang Yuyang who was standing there with his back to them.


Jiang Shanglian also saw his father, and he was instantly excited. He ran over without thinking. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan did not stop him. Jiang Yuyang, with black hair and fluttering clothes, slowly turned around. Jiang Yuyang's eyes were still domineering, with a little evil at the bottom. He caught his son who ran over. Jiang Yuyang's eyes were fixed on Ling Jingxuan for a moment. Various complex emotions flashed through his eyes, especially when he saw the When holding hands, the murderous aura in his eyes was so obvious, but soon, everything settled down.

Noticing the focus of his eyes, Yan Shengrui instantly tightened his body, staring at him as if he was going to eat him alive, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing, and patted his hand before saying, "Let's go."

Yan Shengrui nodded with a stiff neck. The husband and wife walked over together, and Jiang Yuyang, who possessed something to tell his son, untied the rope for him. Jiang Shanglian turned around and ran deeper into the forest, while Jiang Yuyang, seeing Ling Jingxuan approaching step by step, A smile slowly appeared on his face, and his falcon-like eyes locked onto him almost greedily.

"Have you seen enough?"

Standing less than a meter away from him, Ling Jingxuan also smiled. Until now, he did not feel any murderous aura from him, which was one of the reasons why he didn't stop Jiang Shanglian from running towards him just now.

"No, what should I do if I can't see enough? Your man's eyes are about to eat me alive."

No matter how far the distance is, there will be an end. Jiang Yuyang, who was intoxicated and recovered, glanced at Yan Shengrui next to him, his attitude was still so lawless and full of ruffians.

"Don't worry, my man doesn't have such a good appetite and won't swallow you raw."

It will only tear you to pieces! Ling Jingxuan didn't say the rest of the sentence, but everyone present was tacit.

"I didn't expect our goodbye to be under such circumstances, Ling Jingxuan, you didn't come back that day, I thought you had an accident, and I always wanted to go back to find you in person, but"

You have become Princess Sheng! Jiang Yuyang's mouth was full of bitterness, and he finally found an interesting baby. It was still hot, but in a blink of an eye, he was told that the baby has long been owned, and he was a man he couldn't afford to offend. For this reason, he didn't struggle, and even thought about stealing him back until he saw him on the street that day. When he was with Yan Shengrui, the smile on his face was so natural and happy. At that moment, he suddenly He found that he was reluctant to destroy, reluctant to let his smile disappear from his face, falling in love with someone was only a momentary thing, but at that moment he was also destined to forget him for a lifetime.

"Nothing is impossible, Jiang Yuyang, I told you very clearly from the beginning, I have a family to say that Ling Jingxuan is heartless, that is really heartless, even in the face of this obvious love for him. He had no intention of comforting him, let alone guilt, just like in his previous life, before he died, he knew that Yas liked him and invited him to escape with him, but he abruptly ignored it and refused. It is stipulated that whoever loves him must love whoever, love that is destined to be impossible to respond to, it is better not to respond to anything in the first place.”

Hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Yan Shengrui, who had been mad at the jealousy, finally felt a little more comfortable, and the hand he held with him couldn't help but tighten. At this moment, he suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Yuyang, and was sincerely grateful, what is he? Luckily, he can get the favor of his daughter-in-law. He has always regretted that he used him to detoxify and ignored it, and he has suffered for so many years, but at this time, the regret has turned into a blessing. Two lovely children, surely Jing Xuan would not accept him easily, would he? No, let alone accept it, they probably won't even have a jiāo gathering.

"Yeah, you've made it clear long ago, it's me who thinks too much."

He was still so direct, Jiang Yuyang suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh. At first, he didn't dare to say anything because he saw him. It was very different from those who would only obey him, but now he hates him so much. Dare to say, "Young Master Jiang did not hesitate to bào revealing himself to come to us specially, so he shouldn't just want to say this."

Ling Jingxuan leaned against Yan Shengrui gently, and looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes, they were not here to catch up.

"You're still so ruthless, forget it, I didn't want to ask for anything, if it wasn't for the Jiang family to let you guys ruin it, maybe I would still have some ideas. Now, I can't give you anything, even if I really get it. You are just wronging you, it's better to let you follow Yan Shengrui to enjoy the happiness."

After sweeping away the previous discomfort, Jiang Yuyang suddenly clasped his hands behind his head and said arrogantly, but his eyes never left his face for a moment. More and more looking at him.

"Speak as if everything was yours to this king. Don't forget, he is the princess that this king is marrying!"

Hearing this, Yan Shengrui was resolutely impatient. From the beginning to the end, Jing Xuan belonged to him alone. It was not bad that he did not hold him accountable for coveting his daughter-in-law. What right does he have to say those words?

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