"Get off!"

Eunuch Zhao let out a high-pitched shout, and the civil and military officials gave way. Yan Xiaoming, who was sitting on the dragon chariot, chatted and laughed with the little buns and the little dumplings, and a group of people moved in the direction of the imperial city. After a few months' absence, Prince Sheng's family came back with victory and glory.

Chapter 636 Homecoming, family reunion

Prince Sheng's family not only solved the problems in southern Xinjiang that had lasted for hundreds of years, but also eliminated the hidden dangers of the four major families and tribes in southern Xinjiang. Baiyin's income, at the palace banquet, the civil and military officials all circled around their father and son. The palace banquet lasted until the afternoon, and when Ling Jingxuan and the others returned to Jingyun Villa, it was almost time for dinner.

"It's still the best feeling to be home."

Sitting in the hall of his house, Ling Jingxuan took an exaggerated deep breath, Concubine Yun, Ling Chenglong and his wife all looked at him with amusing, Wang Jinyu said with red eyes: "Since the family is good, don't run around with the children in the future, worry about it. dead."

It would be better if they went to a calmer place, but it was the kind of place in the southern border, not to mention her sister and her husband, even she was too worried, she knew that they were all people with important matters, not women like them. , but alas, it's hard to describe in words, now they are living a good life, but the children are outside all year round, and the only ones left at home are Jinghan and Yangzi.

"Hehe, auntie, the southern border is not as scary as the legends of the outside world say. At first, the people were indeed very xenophobic, but that was because they were deceived and feared by outsiders. In addition to the deliberate provocation of the Jiang family, they were extremely unwelcome. Outsiders, most of them will directly use poison if they get angry, but as long as you make them feel your sincerity, they are even friendlier than the common people in many places."

Knowing what they were worried about, Ling Jingxuan leaned against Yan Shengrui and said with a smile.

"So, are the people in the Jiang family really bad?" Hearing this, Wang Jinyu was also interested. That's how people are, they are always curious about places they haven't been to.

"How should I put it, it's not all bad people. There is no standard for the definition of bad people. In the minds of many people, I am also a bad person. Anyway, the matter in the southern border has been solved, and it will not be repeated for at least a few decades. If there is a disaster in the southern border, we can rest easy."

Ling Jingxuan thought about it before saying it as appropriate.

"What about a few decades later?" Ling Wang's brows furrowed when he heard the words. They have worked so hard to manage for decades.


- Seeing his thoughts at a glance, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Mother, what else do you want? Decades of peace have been considered pretty good, there has never been an absolute thing in the world, even if the royal family is corrupt, It may be overthrown, not to mention the remote southern border? As for whether we can maintain this kind of peace in the future, it depends on whether our descendants have the ability. So far, if they are capable, they can naturally extend the time limit indefinitely, on the contrary, if they themselves become corrupt first, they can only wait for someone to overthrow."

Damn him, it's okay to design some gadgets for women's homes, just state affairs or political affairs—but this is also a good thing, so that they will live easier.

"Oh, your things are too complicated, and I don't understand. I hope you don't take any more risks. Look at our little dumplings, are they all thin?"

Unable to understand his son's twists and turns, Mrs. Ling Wang, who was holding the small dumpling, looked over and over, frowning more and more tightly. Everyone in the hall could not help but turn their attention to them. The elders all followed Mr. Ling. , I always felt that the little dumplings lost their flesh, but Yan Shengrui and the others were black lines on their foreheads, where did they lose weight? Is it still a white and tender little chubby duner?

"Mother, what are you looking at?"

The little dumpling tilted his head and looked at her distressedly and said: "The milk is looking to see if you have lost any flesh, sorry, there is nothing delicious in Nanjiang, right? Our little dumplings have lost weight. Circled."

"Mother, what are you talking about, where did the little dumpling lose weight? They are about to become little fat pigs."

Ling Jingxuan was unable to hold his forehead, and now he finally knows what a silly grandma is.

"Daddy, they are not little fat pigs."

"What nonsense, you see it every day, don't you think that our little dumplings are almost skinny."

The protest of the small group and the dissatisfaction of the Ling Wang clan rang out at the same time, Ling Jingxuan suddenly felt powerless, what was his mother's definition of skinny? The little dumplings are almost fattening into balls, where are they skinny?

After thinking about it, Ling Jingxuan didn't dare to refute any more. Don't be afraid of anything else. He's afraid that his mother will say that his little dumplings are all thin in a second. Is it so ridiculous?

"Hehe, why didn't you see Xiao Wu? Xiao Liu and the others didn't come either."

Concubine Yun still felt sorry for her daughter-in-law, she smiled and changed the topic calmly, Ling Jingxuan gave her a grateful look: "Xiao Wulai is in the palace and doesn't want to come back, Xiao Liu and the others just came back, haven't they? Now that they have three children, they have to be arranged, and it is estimated that they will be brought back to the Hou residence to meet their elders tomorrow."

It's not just them, there are just a few of them in the hall. Jinghan and Shaoqi have not seen each other for a long time. After leaving the palace, they were kidnapped by someone halfway. As soon as Xiaowen came home, he took Shang Qing back to his room to talk about the old days, and Tiewazi also followed. Husband Zhao Han stayed in their own room. Even Sikong Jue and the others didn't come. Maybe they didn't want to disturb their family reunion. As for Yang Zi and Xiao Bei, they also stayed in the palace to discuss matters with Xiao Qi.

"Yes, those three children are cute and cute. With them, Yun Han's life will be complete."

Ling Wang's pick up again

After talking about the topic, she really felt sorry for Chu Yunhan, and she really regarded him as her son, even though he was no younger than her at all.

"By the way, concubine mother, father, mother, aunt, you have also seen that little girl, born with red eyes, because of those eyes, the three brothers and sisters lived very hard, even harder than me and the little buns back then, you jiāo On behalf of the next generation, don't open their scars again just because you are afraid, red eyes are just a genetic problem, not some kind of ghost."

He had been busy with many people before, and he almost forgot about it.

"Hey, don't worry about this, we don't have the kind of mindless people in Jingyun Villa, where are there so many monsters in this world? It's just an excuse for someone to bully them."

I don't know if he remembered the time when Ling Jingxuan was scolded as a monster and evildoer, so Ling Wang pouted, his face full of unwillingness.

"Jingyun Villa is fine, will the Hou Mansion?"

Concubine Yun looked at them worriedly. As long as it was the child they accepted, she would also accept it. Besides, those children were really cute, but the Hou residence was not as peaceful as it seemed. As far as he knew, Yun Han married him. Houfu, some people are not very happy.

"Young Qing will take care of things in Hou's mansion, and Aunt Huang won't let anyone mess up, but the mother-in-law reminded me that it is time to ask Xiaoqi for some protection."

How bright is Ling Jingxuan? Even just a reminder was enough for him to think of a lot of things. Chu Yunhan married the Marquis Mansion under the honor of the Empress. Some people are afraid that their hearts are unbalanced, right? What happened during the wedding came to mind again, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but curl his lips. As the family grows, there will always be conflicts. Although Yun Han, who married the Empress Shaoqing, is no longer the Empress Dowager, he is still the father and queen of the emperor, and his identity is no better than that of the emperor's aunt. Low, plus Shaoqing is the youngest, there may be nothing between them brothers, the above are just a few sisters-in-law.

"It's good for you to understand. The emperor is a big deal. It is inevitable that some small details will be ignored. Your emperor should remind him in due course."

Seeing that he already understood what she meant, Concubine Yun also ended the topic as far as she was concerned. In fact, there are many problems between the big family, and it is far less calm than what they see. Even Princess Shang Ming is not as good as the surface in private. What I saw was so graceful, generous and luxurious, otherwise, why would Houfu not have a son? We all understand a lot of things in our hearts, but we just don’t dare to talk about them on the table.

"Yeah." Ling Jingxuan nodded with a deep look. If the mother-in-law didn't say anything, maybe even he ignored it. Since they have so many fears, let them be completely afraid.

"Father, Daddy."

While they were talking, their little bun walked in from outside with Xiao Qi, and Yan Xiaobei and Zhang Yang came back at the same time. Ling Jingxuan looked at them strangely. Did the conversation end so quickly?

"Father, I saw Tie Wazi kneeling in front of Uncle Zhao and the others. What did he do?"

Without waiting for him to ask, Ling Wu stepped forward and whispered in Ling Jingxuan's ear, Xiao Qi silently stopped Ling Wang's and others who wanted to stand up and salute him, sat down with Yan Xiaobei and the others, and entered this place. At home, he is no longer the emperor, he just wants to reunite with them easily.

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