"Well, almost, why didn't you see Shang Qing?"

Not wanting to talk nonsense about the Hou Mansion, Ling Jingxuan calmly changed the subject, Sikong Jue shrugged: "I went with your family Xiaowen Xiaowu to find Xiaoqing and the others to play with, it's been half a year since we left, and the children also have children. For their entertainment, I'm not worried about Xiaowen and the others."

During the half year that Xiaowen and the others left, Shang Qing occasionally went out. Every time he was worried that he would be bullied, but he obviously underestimated his son, and basically no one dared to provoke him. Yes, he also taught him a lesson in twos and threes. He followed Xiaowen and the others to learn martial arts in vain over the years.

"Hehe, I got it, I heard that Shang Qing beat up the eldest grandson of the Xinyi Marquis Mansion a few months ago, and Mrs. Renhou personally went to Prince Subaru's mansion, and after you know, she brought someone to smash the Xinyi Marquis Mansion. "It's a big deal, isn't it?"

Ling Jingxuan turned his head and looked at him with a funny look. He had followed him to learn business in the past few years. He thought he was more mature, but he didn't expect to be so messy, but he liked his true temperament! Some people just need to knock-down every now and then.

"Don't mention that pitiful Xinyi Hou, he doesn't have any skills, he has a great ability to make troubles, and he threatened to sue me at Xiaoqi, relying on the shadow of his ancestors to make a fortune, and let the children in the family bully the weak, I didn't help them It's good to teach children a lesson."

Hearing this, Sikong Ting curled his lips in disdain. It really has nothing to do with Shang Qing. Originally, the children of Xinyi Hou family were bullying a three-year-old baby from a minister's family. The child actually scolded Shang Qing Liu Shu again, saying that he was born by a mother and not raised by a mother. The three words Liu Shu decisively angered Shang Qing, he and Xiao Qing beat each other hard, who knew that the Marquis of Xinyi The wife was bullied and afraid of evil, so she didn't dare to seek justice from the old emperor, so she made trouble with Prince Subaru's mansion. With his bào temper, he immediately led someone to smash the mansion. Just bullying?

"Haha, you seem to be the least qualified to say that people rely on their ancestors for shelter, right?"

On the other side, Han Fei snickered and complained about him. He dared to make trouble so unscrupulously because of his status as the third prince of the Western Kingdom. No, he is not the third prince now. After Sikong Tam ascended the throne, he was named a prince. .

"Brother Han!"

Sikong Jue reluctantly stopped and stared at him, looking like a frog, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing: "It doesn't matter if it's the shade of my ancestors, it's better to have shade than nothing, I heard that Xiaoqi almost came after Picked up the title of Marquis of Xinyi?"

While joking, they had already entered the hall, the Ling Wang family and the others were no longer in the hall, not even Concubine Yun, thinking that they should have arranged for Ling Yun Shui Ling'er's marriage, and he did not ask.

"Isn't it? Before he could sue Xiao Qi, the mother-in-law's elder brother of Shang Qing handed a complaint to Xiao Qi, accusing Xinyi Hou of teaching his son to be helpless and condoning his eldest grandson to slander Princess Yuan Wang of Hua County. Xiao Qi got angry because of this. Order the Xinyi Hou couple to personally take the child to apologize to Shang Qing, and this is the end of the matter."

The situation at the time was actually quite funny. Now, when he recalled the stinky faces of the Xinyi Hou couple, he couldn't help laughing. A foreign surnamed Hou Ye dared to challenge the royal prince and the county king.

"It's good that Shang Qing wasn't bullied."

In the end, Ling Jingxuan only ended with a sentence that could not be heard. Sikong Jue shrugged and looked like he didn't care anymore, not to mention Han Fei. He was not interested in those things. said.

Chapter 641 The back house of Hou's mansion is unruly

The Marquis of Weiyuan was as majestic and broad as ever. Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan's carriage stopped directly at the second gate. The husband and wife asked the three children to hold hands. Greeting from the front, looking at the children with undisguised love, the children of the big family are squeamish since they were young, but this kind of child from a commoner makes him feel kind.

"This is Uncle Lin."

Uncle Lin was a very kind elder, and Chu Yunhan also respected him very much, and hurriedly asked the children to call.

"Hello Uncle Lin!"

The three children are sensible and feel each other's kindness. They also smiled sweetly and brilliantly. Zeng Shaoqing looked at them dotingly: "Uncle Lin, I'll take them to see their parents first, and we'll talk about it later."

"Go, Lord Hou and the princess are waiting, as well as your brothers and sisters-in-law."

Uncle Lin nodded. He has always regarded Zeng Shaoqing as his own son, and he is especially fond of him. Now that he has also started a family and is a father, he is happier than Ye Hou and the others.

"Really? They've got everything together."

Zeng Shaoqing pursed his lips, leading the children to the hall of the main courtyard. Chu Yunhan looked at him worriedly. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. What I can feel is that he disdains fighting with those women. They don't live together anyway. If the parents are gone in the future, the brothers will be separated from each other, and there will be fewer opportunities to meet. There is really no need for that. The exclusion of children makes the elderly parents sad.

In the hall of the main courtyard of the Hou Mansion, Zeng Hou and his wife were sitting high on the main seat. The five sons and brothers were seated in order on the left, and their first-class wives were sitting on the opposite side. Those concubines were not eligible to appear. In front of them, when they saw a family of five come in, everyone's eyes turned to them. When they saw the three children, especially the red eyes of the youngest Liu Er, many people were surprised. He frowned, and the only ones who were calm and calm were probably the couple who were in the main seat.

"Father, mother!"

In front of his parents, Zeng Shaoqing has always been more casual

, In the past, he would say hello to a few older brothers, but today he decisively ignored it. Chu Yunhan brought the children forward to salute the Zeng Hou couple: "Father, mother, let's come back."

"Come on, daughter, call me grandpa and grandma, and you will be the direct son and direct daughter of the sixth master of my Houfu from now on."

Before Zeng was waiting for them to speak, Zeng Shaoqing picked up Liu'er, and did not forget to wink at Xiaoshu and the others. The two brothers were also sensible, so they stepped forward and lifted the hem of their clothes and knelt down: "Xiaoshu (Xiaohuai) see you. Pass your grandma and grandpa, and say goodbye to grandpa and grandma."

I don't know if Ling Jingxuan's remarks before leaving had an effect. The two little guys were not afraid. Although their voices were a little trembling, they were perfectly saluted.

"Hello grandparents, I'm Liu'er."

Liu'er, who was held in Zeng Shaoqing's arms, looked at them with a blushing face and shyness. Her bright red eyes reflected the brilliance of a rosy glow. As Ling Jingxuan said, her eyes were the most beautiful in the world.

"Okay, come here, bring up the meeting ceremony that Ben Hou and the princess have prepared."

Under normal circumstances, when meeting the elders of the younger generation for the first time, no matter how close they are, they should give them a greeting. The so-called elders don’t dare to say no, but Chu Yunhan did not refuse. The four girls who just settled down came in. Chu Yun Han signaled them to accept the elders' greetings instead of the children. Then it was the turn of the prince and his wife. The prince prepared a small golden lock for Xiaoshu Xiaohuai and a set of rubies for Liu'er. On the face of it, Mrs. Shizi did not move, not only Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan, but everyone looked at her with thin and angry eyes. Regarding the matter of Zeng Shaoqing and the others adopting a few unrelated children, Mrs. Shizi has objected more than once. After that, what would you say would mess up the ancestral patriarchal law? It doesn't fit the rationale, and Xiao Liu can't be allowed to mess around, etc. But this matter was discussed by the family in a joking manner before Chu Yunhan and the others came back. one

The Zeng Hou couple, who had always been quite satisfied with her, suddenly sank their faces, and the prince's face was also very ugly. He didn't look at the monk's face and looked at the Buddha's face. On weekdays, she was in front of Xiaoliu's face, even if she was a sister-in-law, Yun Han was the one she could suppress. one head? Although he is indeed the daughter-in-law of the Hou residence, he is also the father of the emperor. Although this emperor is young, he is a very assertive emperor. If he were to know that his father had been wronged in the Hou residence, Not to mention the title of her prince's wife, don't even think about living in the Hou Mansion.

"My sister-in-law may have been too busy to prepare a welcome gift for the children. Xiao Liu, don't take it to heart. Come, this is given to you by the second uncle. I hope you can grow up safely in the Hou residence."

Seeing that the atmosphere became more and more dull and terrifying, the second child, Zeng Shaoming, squatted on the ground and hung the safety locks he prepared on the necks of the children, and rubbed their heads dotingly. is very loving.

"Oh, what a cute little girl, those girls in our family can't compare with Xiaoliu's daughter, it makes me want to have another daughter."

The first lady frowned and just opened her mouth, the second lady stood up extremely exaggeratedly. When she reached out to hug Liu Er, she quietly gave Zeng Shaoqing a wink. She was grateful. With the help of Ling Jingxuan, she finally gave birth to her wish last year. Being the eldest son, she can finally stand up and raise her eyebrows in this family. The good things between Ling Jingxuan and Chu Yunhan are known to the world, so she will not just watch some people in this family break down. .

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