"But Xiao Que really said he was uncomfortable!"

It had better be able to talk, Ling Jingxuan qiáng endured the twitching corner of his mouth and said tirelessly: "Then you can't walk the bird either. You can't wear open-crotch pants all your life, can you? You always need to get used to it."

The little sword brows were tightly wrinkled into a ball, and the little dumpling held his breath for a while before tilting his head and asking, "Why can't you wear open-crotch pants all your life? Who rules?" With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, many people have died heroically on the front line. Emotionally, does he really plan to wear open-crotch pants for the rest of his life? Who else made it, grandma's, whoever has a good heart, hurry up and take this little pervert, they can't stand it anymore.

"Cough-cough-? That little dumpling, no one has rules about this, but Xiao Que Que is your most important treasure, right?" After some time, he asked his son to give Ling Jingxuan a clean cough. Said as quietly as possible.

"Of course, there is a mole on the little bird?"

"Please, stop talking!"

Xiao Tuanzi was so proud when he heard the words, just when he was about to show off the legendary mole again, Ling Jingxuan quickly covered his mouth, he didn't want him to show off his mole all over the capital again, that kind of experience, once enough.

"Well, I hate it, Daddy, you were almost suffocated to death."

After finally breaking away from his hand, the small group protested with dissatisfaction, Ling Jingxuan kept ordering himself to calm down, took a few deep breaths before saying again: "Since it is the most important thing, shouldn't we hide it? Look at it, Xiaoqueque has been exposed outside, and it will inevitably be exposed to wind and rain. What if it breaks? Can a small dumpling without Xiaoqueque be considered a small dumpling?"

Well, the reasoning doesn't make sense, Ling Jingxuan decisively used tricks of abduction and deception, who made his little dumplings so difficult?

"Will it really break?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tuanzi looked horrified, covered his little bird with both hands, and glared at Sikong Jue and the others who were almost spewing out, Ling Jingxuan nodded, resisting the urge to laugh, "Of course it will be broken. Well, otherwise, look at my brother, why did they hide Xiao Que Que?"

Except for Ling Jingxuan, I am afraid that no one can tell a lie that can only lie to a three-year-old child in such a serious manner.

"That won't work, people's little birds can't rot, I have to go back and change my pants."

However, people really believed it, and seeing his terrified face, he was not sure how scared he was.

"Wait, it's useless for you to go back now. Those pants are all open-crotch pants. It's not too late for me to have the embroidery room seal them all for you later."

Holding his small body that was wriggling and trying to slide down, Ling Jingxuan finally realized that he seemed to have gone too far, but it would not be in vain to make his little dumpling wear crotch pants from now on.

"But, what if the little bird breaks?"

The little dumpling raised his head nervously, tears flashing in his eyes, which shows how powerful Ling Jingxuan's lies are.

"It's just a while, how can it be broken so easily?"

Ling Jingxuan qiáng endured the distress, and ordered himself over and over again not to be soft-hearted. This is a rare good opportunity. If he misses it, it will be difficult for him to wear crotch pants next time.

"is that so?"

The little dumpling obviously didn't quite believe it, and clasped his little Queque with both hands, afraid that the little Queque would really rot in the next second.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask your father."

It was really unbearable, Ling Jingxuan decisively kicked the ball to Yan Shengrui, he didn't know how to describe his stupid son.


The little dumpling carefully covered his crotch and turned around, Yan Shengrui's mouth twitched, his eyes fixed on his precious daughter-in-law sadly, and he did not forget to reply: "Well, what your father said must be right, so Xiaodanzi I can't wear open-crotch pants anymore."

God knows how hard it took him to say it. He would rather lead the army to fight against the northern barbarians in the Eastern Kingdom than deal with his family's little perverts.

"Then what if Xiao Que Que says she's not feeling well again?"

After getting the exact answer, the little dumpling who should have no problem thought about it and asked stupidly. The muscles at the corner of Yan Shengrui's mouth suddenly lost control and jumped wildly. After a long time of depression, he said as calmly as possible: " Just tell him to be patient, you will get used to it in a few days."

"Well then, I will tell Xiao Que Que every day."

The little dumpling nodded 'beautifully', and suddenly it was a big shock. Even Zeng Shaoqing and others who were watching the fun started to be in a mess. Grandma's, he'd better be able to chat with his little bird.

"Aren't you angry, little boy?"

Seeing that they seemed to be almost talking, Xiaoshu walked over and pulled his hand again. Xiao Tuan blinked his eyes and tilted his head and said, "I'm not angry."

"Uh?" Everyone was speechless and black lines, and just now I didn't know who was yelling that they were angry.

"Great, the little dumpling is not angry anymore, let's go play."

Xiaoshu cheered happily, and Xiaohuai also came over, but Xiao Tuanzi covered his crotch and shook his head: "No, no, the pants are not ready, people don't play, what if the little bird rots ?"

Well, it seems that he is really afraid, this time he should be able to say goodbye to his open-crotch pants smoothly.

"Okay, Xiaoshu Xiaohuai, don't pay attention to him, you can go play by yourself, the brothers and sisters of the Zhao family are just here, you should be responsible for greeting them!"

take a small group?

Zhe, Ling Jingxuan had no choice but to say to Xiaoshu and the others with a smile.

"Then? Well, Uncle Ling quickly has the trousers made for the little dumplings, it wouldn't be fun without the little dumplings." Xiaoshu hesitantly looked at him with one hand holding him, the other covering his crotch comically After the little dumpling, he nodded, turned around and pulled his younger brother out. Xiao Liuer, who was nestled in Zeng Shaoqing's arms, looked at them back and forth, pulled Zeng Shaoqing's neck close to his ear, and asked in a low voice, "Father, why do you want to Fear?"

She was still young, really very young, and she didn't understand what they were talking about after listening to it for a long time.

"Daughter, don't be curious, your danzi brother is deliberately afraid."

How could Zeng Shaoqing explain this kind of thing to him? Rao is a eloquent man, but he can only be like He Xianni, "Why do you deliberately pretend to be afraid? It's the same as being a spoiled child with your father?"

The little girl blinked her eyes and played the traditional virtue of not being ashamed to ask questions. Zeng Shaoqing nodded casually: "Yes, it's almost like that."


Now the little girl finally understood, Zeng Shaoqing exhaled exaggeratedly, not forgetting to glance at the little pervert, secretly thinking about whether to separate them, what if his innocent and lovely Xiaoliuer infected him?

Chapter 648 New Year's Ceremony from the Western Country

The question about Xiao Tuanzi's open-crotch pants is a small episode, and it finally solved the problem of his four-year-old always bare buttocks as a bird man. The calendar entered the coldest December, and every household began to prepare New Year's goods. People with a little relationship will also start sending New Year gifts. Jingyun Villa is not exempt from the custom. This year is a bit special. In addition to the New Year's gift to the Huajun Wangfu, Xiguo also gave Jingyun Villa a special gift.

"I remember you said before that the New Year's Eve is in charge of the Prince of the Western Kingdom, right?"

After receiving the long list, Ling Jingxuan asked suspiciously, now that Sikong Tam has become the emperor, and Xue Wuyang is also the queen, at least on the bright side, they can no longer communicate as before, they both need to be concerned about their own Because of his identity, they usually don't give New Year's gifts. Anyway, he and Xue Wuyang usually send enough things to each other. It doesn't matter whether there are New Year's gifts or not, but I didn't expect that he would receive Xiguo's New Year's gifts this year. .

"Well, the Prince's Palace is usually responsible for drafting the list and the gift list, and the Prince personally examines and approves it. Now that Qi'er has become the Prince, he should be responsible for everything."

Sikong Jue was also full of doubts. Even he knew that the royal family of the Western Kingdom and the Prince Cheng of the Qing Kingdom should not go beyond the emperor to follow this kind of etiquette. Qi'er has always been sensible, so how could such a mistake be made?

"Forget it, I can't return the things I have sent. I'm afraid someone will impeach my prince again in the early morning tomorrow."

Glancing at Tie Wazi next to him, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of the golden bracelet in his hand. Ling Jingxuan's eyes flashed, and he pretended to be helpless and threw away the gift list. It seemed that the Crown Prince of the Western Kingdom was really trying to beat Tie Wazi's idea. , Do you want to talk to Brother Zhao and the others about this?

"Impression is just impeachment. Is this kind of thing rare on weekdays? Let those who are good at impeaching others go to war next time. I still don't believe that they can use a brush to slash each other with other people's steel knives!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Sikong Jue's face was full of ridicule. He was most disliked by those censors who listened to the wind. It's just a matter of hearing the news, never taking responsibility for his own actions, even he and the prince have watched it a little bit, and it's a good thing that Xiaoqi sits on the dragon chair every day and listens to his nonsense.

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