"elder brother……"

The little bun was a little choked up when he opened his mouth. He hasn't called his brother alone for many years. After the eldest brother came to their house, he felt out of place. He always called him the second brother. Consciously blurted out, the two buns hugged tightly, and Tie Wazi, who grew up with them, stepped forward and hugged them: "Xiao Wu, come on!"

The three of them can be said to have grown up wearing the same pair of trousers, and they are together wherever they go. Now that they have grown up, it is time for them to work hard for their dreams. It is hard to say that they are sad, but it is inevitable that they will feel a little uncomfortable.

"Daddy, look at me... Second brother, third brother, birth brother, are you guys?"

The little dumpling who came downstairs with the Long Zhang family with his piggy backpack originally wanted to show off to his father. Seeing his brothers hugging each other, his eyes were still red, and the little dumpling turned his heels decisively. Throwing away the backpack, he stepped forward and pulled the hem of their clothes respectively. The high little face was woven with doubts and... Worry, yes, just worry, because he saw the third brother cry.

"No gān, little dumpling, the third brother has to leave first, you have to listen to daddy's words, don't run around!"

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Xiao Baozi squatted down and pulled his brother to warn him. Originally, they wanted to say that Xiao Tuan would stay in the capital, but he didn't want to, and they couldn't bear it either. They don't know when they will be back.

"Where is the third brother going? The little dumpling doesn't want you to go!"

As soon as he heard that he was leaving, the little bun immediately hugged his neck, and the tears were like a fully automatic faucet. When it said that it came out, it came out. The little bun finally pushed him away and wiped his tears for him. : "Didn't we say we were going to the border before? The third brother has to prepare first, otherwise our little dumplings may not have a place to live in the future, the little dumplings are good, my father and father will take you with you in the morning. Catch up, and we'll see you soon."

The little brother's cheating behavior was undoubtedly very heart-warming. The previous sensational tears disappeared, and a smile appeared on Xiao Baozi's handsome face, which had not yet grown.

"Oh, is that so? Then you slow down, don't go too fast, the little dumpling won't be able to catch up."

The little dumpling was finally comforted when he heard the words, and he did not forget to instruct him tenderly.

"Well, I'll try my best, but if the little dumpling loses weight and has less meat, he will definitely catch up with me soon."

While standing up, the little bun couldn't help making a little joke, but the little dumpling frowned seriously, and after a while, he lifted up his clothes, pinched the fat on his body, and rubbed it round and round. The small belly seems to be thinking about losing weight very seriously. Of course, adults don't even notice it.

On the other side, Shanzi, Song Xiaohu and Long Dashan, who were also saying goodbye to their parents, were also a little emotional. No, to be correct, it should be Lao Wang, Lao Song, Long Zhang and others who were very emotional. It was so dangerous for their son to go to the battlefield. Even if they knew that they were going to chase their dreams and spread their wings, they couldn't help but burst into tears, and the mother was worried, can you not worry?


Shan Zi, who was the first to withdraw, whispered calmly and calmly. Gong Changling, who came to the wedding and did not leave, walked silently beside him, Long Dashan and Song Xiaohu wiped away tears and moved closer. Xiao Baozi turned around and smiled and looked at his family: " Grandma Huang, grandma, don't worry, I didn't learn martial arts for so many years, Daddy, I'll go first, the eldest brother and the second brother Tiewazi, and the little dumpling will ask you."

After he finished speaking, the little bun bowed deeply, and Concubine Yun raised her hand to cover her mouth, trying not to let herself cry, while Ling Wang threw herself into Ling Chenglong's arms, only Ling Jingxuan held the little dumpling and smiled. Qian: "Go, Daddy has given you all the most important things, and I have to help Daddy deliver it to the border intact!"

The outstretched hand stretched out halfway and then retracted, because he found himself trembling, Ling Jingxuan's smile couldn't help but be stained with traces of self-deprecation, this is just the beginning, after the little buns grow up, one by one Will be out of his protection, does he worry so much? When did he become such a mother-in-law?


With a heavy nod, the little bun turned around abruptly, Zhao Shan exchanged glances with Ling Jingxuan and led them to turn away. Ling Wang's and others wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Lao Wang and others. Hold on, their tears and distress at this time are all pressure and burden to the child, just like Ling Jingxuan, he always smiles, isn't he worried? That is absolutely impossible.

"What happened to you all?"

I don't know how long it took, Yan Shengrui, Ling Jinghan and others came in from outside, along with Yan Xiaoming and Zhao An. Seeing that they were all standing in the room like pillars, Yan Shengrui couldn't help but stepped forward. He has received news from Golden State that the army is boarding the ship, and it is expected that Yan Er will lead them to set off directly from Golden State tonight.

"No, I just sent the little buns away."

After returning to his senses, Ling Jingxuan shook his head reluctantly, Yan Shengrui frowned in disgust, but Yan Xiaoming asked before him, "Xiao Wu? Where did he go?"

Shouldn't Uncle Ling let him go to the border first? He is only ten years old!

"I asked him and Shanzi Xiaohuzi to escort the doctor and medicine to the border first..." Before Ling Jingxuan finished speaking, Yan Xiaoming turned around and ran out with Zhao An, looking at the back disappearing in the hazy night, Ling Jingxuan He couldn't help but startled, there was no need to continue the next words, Yan Shengrui opened his arms and hugged him gently: "Even if you don't let him escort the medicine, I plan to let him go to Jinzhou overnight."

It means that he did nothing wrong. To cultivate a new generation of God of War in Daqing, the benevolence of women is the last thing you need. Maybe now, they are just as ruthless as stepfathers. When he becomes famous in the future, they will You will know that they are all for his own good. The more dangerous the experience, the more it can stimulate a person's potential. What Little Bun needs is not gentle care. Under the condition that he guarantees his life safety, they should let go of the dangerous experience.

"Ok, I know."

Ling Jingxuan nodded, he didn't feel any guilt, when he was in the southern border, he was so ruthless to forge them, and now it's the same, just... As a father, how can he really not worry at all?

"It's cold outside, go ahead and sit down and talk about it."

Yan Xiaoming shouldn't be worried, Ling Jinghan sighed lightly, and walked inside with the help of his mother who was obviously crying. Yuan Shaoqi had followed Yan Er to the Golden State Camp as early as the day he set off. Anxious, but he can't be in a hurry. It's still like when they went to the southern border. Big brother and the others are not in the capital. He is the only one who can help Xiaoqi stabilize the court. No matter how anxious or worried, he can only bear it.

"How is the situation in the courtroom?"

Seeing that Ling Chenggui and Zhang Yang also came together, Ling Jingxuan blinked away the messy emotions in his heart, and sat down with Yan Shengrui. On the other side, Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan also brought the children over, chūn Xia Qiudong was still holding The children's packages, from tomorrow onwards, Xiaoshu and the others will be temporarily staying at Ling Jingxuan's place. Seeing that their eyes are all red and swollen, it is estimated that they have had a lot of trouble.

"Battle! Departing early tomorrow morning, Xiao Qihui will lead the civil and military officials to practice it for us at Dongcheng Gate in person!"

Yan Shengrui's answer is not simple, but it also expounds the determination of the monarchs and ministers of the court. What have they been preparing for for so many years? Isn't it just to eradicate those ambitious people one day?

"Well, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, you are also tired, you all go down to rest, little dumplings, help Daddy and Brother Shu to go to your room to sleep, okay? Daddy still has very important things to tell the father and the others. "

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ling Wang's family and others, Ling Jingxuan had to stop temporarily and let Concubine Yun and the others go to rest first. It's better not to let them know about some things.

"Alright, don't go to bed too late, you have to lead troops to go out tomorrow morning."

Concubine Yun stood up first, and Ling Chenglong also left with his uneasy wife. Upon seeing this, the old Wang and his wife knew that they could not help, so they could only leave silently, but the little dumpling raised his head and pouted. : "But people want to accompany you."

Just now, his father coaxed him to pack something, and the third brother left, so he didn't want to leave.

"It's done with the father and the king. In the future, Xiaoshu and the others will live with us. Shouldn't you, the master, accompany them instead of the father and father?"

Ling Jingxuan had nothing to do, Yan Shengrui hugged him directly, the little dumpling tilted his head and thought for a while, then slipped off his legs and said reluctantly, "Okay, father and father are not allowed to leave quietly!"

"Why are you so arrogant, little bastard?"

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