He finally finished speaking with trembling, Eunuch Li crawled down bitterly, wishing he could disappear with the Empress and Crown Prince.

"An old friend?"

Gently chewing on these two words, Sikong Tam elegantly and slowly picked up a recently-received document from the dragon case. It was sent back by his second emperor's brother Sikong Hao from the border. Not long ago, they occupied the border city of Qingguo by surprise. In terms of their speed, they should continue to seize the border city. It is said that Yan Sheng, Rui Ling, and Jingxuan have just settled the matter in the southern border and returned to the capital. At this time, they must have also received a battle report, right? With the two of them as human beings, how could the northern barbarians be in chaos? The war between the Three Kingdoms and Beiman has officially started. It seems that they have to stand on the side as soon as possible and join the battle. As for his queen, since she is an old friend, she must go to the border to see Ling Jingxuan. Hope he doesn't mess with him.

"Your Majesty? Do you want to send someone to retrieve the Queen and Prince?"

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Eunuch Li had to raise his head tremblingly under the "all expectations". Sikong Tam put the Zhezi aside, squinting his eyes and leaning against the back of the chair, his fingers resting on the dragon table gently tapped the beat After a while, Niu Tau asked Ma Zui, "How long has it been since Prince Hao returned to the Imperial City?"

I don't know why he asked this question, ministers, look at me, I look at you, and the aged prime minister stepped forward and said respectfully: "Report to Your Majesty, since His Majesty's enthronement and wedding, Prince Hao has asked himself to be honored. For more than a year, I never came back during this period, and the Prince’s Palace has always been presided over by the princess.”

Prince Hao has always been a master of his own way. Those who can persuade him are not willing to persuade him, and those who cannot persuade him can only watch. It is fortunate that Your Majesty has a deep relationship with Prince Hao, otherwise, the prince's residence will be uncertain. It has long been underestimated. A mansion that has not been in charge of men all the year round, it is clear that it is the prince's mansion. After a long time, some people who don't have long eyes have also bullied them.

"It's been three years? Little Lizi, pack up. This year, I will go to the border to console the soldiers, and by the way, I will gather with the second emperor's younger brother. The Minister of War is with me."

For the sake of his daughter-in-law, he also fought hard to come up with such a high-sounding excuse.

"Your Majesty, the border is in chaos now, and the Beiman invades the border of Qing country again. Prince Qing Guosheng is bound to send troops to defend the enemy. If the two armies fight on a large scale, it will inevitably spread to the border of our western country. Please think twice about your majesty!"

The old prime minister knelt down to object without thinking about it, and the six ministers followed suit: "Chen wait for second opinion!"

"I've made up my mind, no need to say any more, little plum, why don't you hurry up and prepare?"

But how could Sikong Tam be the kind of person who would be easily manipulated by others? For the sake of his daughter-in-law and son who is running away from home, he will go even if it is a sea of ​​swords and flames. Moreover, he also wants to meet Prince Cheng's husband. It is undeniable that over the years, he has paid tribute to the cowpox and grain seeds that Prince Cheng has given them. As a result, there was basically no smallpox outbreak in Xiguo, and the harvest of crops continued to grow. At the same time, his queen also followed their example and opened an academy in Xiguo that was similar to Qingguo Hanling Academy, which was undoubtedly highly praised by the people. I heard that the princess The cheap pharmacy and the sorghum liquor from his mother’s family are also very popular among the people. Many people will go to Qingguo to buy it. If it wasn’t for the fact that they had been in southern Xinjiang in the first half of the year, they might have introduced these two things. The things that benefit the people, he has always been in Wuyang, but... let the hateful Beiman mess up, I don't know when the two countries will be able to resume economic and trade exchanges, or, it will never be able to resume!

Thinking of this, Sikong Tam's eyes quickly flashed a sharpness, everyone is not stupid, Beiman hastily occupied the Qing Kingdom city, there must be a shadow of the East Kingdom, if the East Kingdom moves, they can't stand on the sidelines of the West Kingdom. Whether to annex the Qing country with Beiman of the Dongguo, or assist the Qingguo to fight back together, or even eat the Dongguo and Beiman, he must wait until he sees his husband Yan Shengrui again to decide.

"Your Majesty, why don't you think about it again? The border is now"

Eunuch Li didn't dare to move at all, and after a long while, Xie Ya dared to raise his head, but before he finished speaking, Sikong Tam gave him a cold look: "The queen only said that she couldn't punish the people in the East Palace, but she didn't say that she couldn't. Punish you, little plum, are you looking for death?"

"No, the servant doesn't dare, the servant will go immediately, just go..."

Hearing this, Eunuch Li suddenly trembled like a sieve, and got up and ran outside, as if there were evil spirits chasing him. The emperor, Sikong Tam no longer gave them a chance to speak, stood up and waved: "All Aiqings, come back. Regarding the matter of my going to the border, I will make detailed arrangements tomorrow morning."

After he finished speaking, Sikong Tam strode away, watching the minister who was leaving, look at me, I look at you, all shook their heads helplessly, the emperor is a good emperor, whether it is for their officials or the common people, he takes care of everything. , but it is a bit willful, just like his queen, often people can't figure it out and can't do anything.

Chapter 659 Border crisis, arrived at the border!

The borders of East Country, West Country, Qing Country and Beiman are located in the extreme west of Qing Country. Compared with the developed sea canal transportation in the country, there are basically no rivers on the border. Covered by heavy snow, all that remains is desolation. The city closest to the border is called Buming City. It is said that all the people are screaming, hence the name. On weekdays, most of the troops are stationed in Buming City, but it is twenty miles outside of Buming City. Left and right, the Beiman of the Three Kingdoms has set up a market by default. When there is no war, the merchants of the Three Kingdoms will exchange the goods of their own countries for the goods of other countries at the market, or buy them directly, the merchants said.

There is a city change, but in fact, there is no city at all.

About 20 days ago, Beiman selected a group of women and children to form a caravan and entered Buming City under the leadership of a few two or three men. Rongbian soldiers lowered their vigilance when they saw that most of them were women. Who knows. , that night, those women and children took advantage of the weakest defense of the city gate to kill the city gate, and opened the city gate wide. When General Ye, who had been guarding the border, found out, the iron cavalry of the northern barbarians had already rushed in, and General Ye had nothing to do. , while personally blocking the soldiers, he ordered his daughter Ye Ruyun and his future son-in-law Ling Jingpeng to lead most of the soldiers to assist the escaped people to retreat to Yelan City. The two armies fought in the city for a day and a night. The guards had to take him to retreat as an end, and the city of Buming fell into the hands of Beiman.

Beiman, who occupied Buming City, started a tragic massacre the next day. All the people who were too late to evacuate the city were attacked by Beiman. They even had people transport the bodies of the people to Yelan City. During the demonstration, General Ye, who was seriously injured, immediately passed out with anger. Most of the soldiers were from ordinary people's homes. Seeing the tragic state of the people in Buming City, the general fell again, and the army was in chaos. The people of the city were also in a state of panic, and some even began to question the presence of the soldiers from Rongbian. Under various unfavorable circumstances, Ye Ruyun stood out and swore with blood that he would live and die with Yelan City!

Under her leadership, the rest of the generals also bleed their blood and swore that even if they died, they would die in front of the soldiers and the common people. The commotion subsided, and the scattered army gradually gathered. I wrote a letter to the generals of several nearby cities, hoping that they could send troops to help. Unfortunately, those cities were indeed stationed with serious illnesses, but without Prince Sheng's troop transfer, no one dared to leave the station without authorization. Even if the person who asked for help was the younger brother of Princess Cheng, what if their troops were transferred and the enemy attacked? They also have no way.

"Ru Yun, let's rest for a while. The battle report has been sent back for more than 20 days. I think Brother Rui and eldest brother should be here soon."

Once again, seeing Ye Ruyun hunched over and covered in blood coming in from outside, Ling Jingpeng hurried forward with a hot cloth towel. On the night when Buming City was attacked, they sent an expedited letter to Babaili overnight to the capital. Then, they have been defending against the enemy's attack. From the initial 20,000 people to the current thousands, the city has become more and more broken, and the number of people has become less and less, even some bloody people. They all voluntarily joined the ranks of defending the city, but unfortunately, they were gradually unable to do so. At first, they were able to go out of the city to fight, but now they can only close the city gate and passively block the enemy's attack.

"I'm fine, thank you Jingpeng."

Ye Ruyun fell forward without raising her head, no surprise, the next second her body full of blood was in his warm embrace, Ye Ruyun closed her eyes relaxedly, fortunately he was there, otherwise ...Daddy's injuries have not yet healed, and she may not be able to hold on for a long time.

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