"The last generals all have military orders in their bodies, and they can't easily leave their posts without permission if they haven't seen a tiger talisman."

General Chen disagreed. What if they just sent troops to support and the city they were stationed in was attacked again? Who is responsible for losing the city? They are border generals, and they only recognize the prince himself and the tiger talisman.

"Really? If Yelancheng didn't defend, Beiman went all the way to the capital, and the prince didn't arrive, would you just keep watching?"

The smile on the corner of his mouth faded instantly, his narrow and deep Danfeng eyes firmly locked on General Chen, and he was sweating coldly. General Chen was speechless when he asked him. He wanted to refute, but could not find the right words, neither did Ling Jingxuan. After giving him a chance to refute, he stood up indifferently and swept over all the soldiers present before condensing: "The so-called frontier soldiers are to guard the frontier, maintain the peace of the frontier, and keep the city from being lost. Beiman provokes the massacre of the city. Can you still sit still? This concubine really doesn't know whether to praise you for doing your job well, or to scold you for not being flexible. There is an old saying, you will be outside, and the emperor's orders will not be accepted. You must take extraordinary measures at extraordinary times. You have a heavy army. , even if there are 10,000 soldiers and horses in the four cities on the left and right wings, there are still 40,000 soldiers and horses. These 40,000 soldiers and horses are irrelevant to you, and they will not affect your defense of the city. You didn't do anything, just watched Beiman keep attacking Yelan City, watching Yelan City gradually crumbling, is this the peace you brought to the border?"

He originally thought that Yan Shengrui's men were all capable soldiers, but when he learned about the deployment of troops in the surrounding cities, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Invincible and invincible, he was so brainless and didn’t know how to adapt. He really doubted how they won the battle. Could it be that they only rely on a few generals such as Sheng Rui and General Ye who have won the game? Are these generals and lieutenants eating shit?

All the officers and soldiers were silent when they heard the words. In fact, they had been struggling for a long time about whether to send troops to support them, but they received a death order. I feel like I don't know how to work around it, but in the final analysis, they don't think they are wrong. They just follow the prince's instructions and dutifully stationed in their camp. What's wrong?

"What the princess said is not unreasonable, but everything is just in case. If I rashly send troops to help, how can the emperor and the prince forgive us? Take 10,000 steps back, even if the emperor and the prince don't hold us to leave without authorization, we will leave without permission. Deploying troops, what should we do if there is a problem with the city we are guarding? Ten thousand soldiers and horses are also soldiers and horses, and sometimes the 10,000 soldiers and horses may be lacking. The northern barbarians are aggressive, and there is a precedent for the loss of the city without Mingming. How can we main idea?"

"Final seconded!"

Thinking of this, another lieutenant stood up. With him taking the lead, nearly two dozen lieutenants stood up in a series. In order to sit firmly in front of Zeng Shaorong, General Qin and General Wei carefully glanced at Yan Shengrui's husband, all of them couldn't bear it. With a black face, these idiots say they are brave and they still don't admit it. The princess is obviously going to kill the monkeys. Are they fighting to die?

"The four cities each have fifty thousand horses. If so many people are unable to defend a city even with precautions, then this concubine suggests that you might as well disband on the spot. Soldiers, fight first! The City of Buming is located in the entire city. In the outermost part of the Qing Kingdom, the surprise attack of the enemy army was lost. This concubine and the prince did not find it strange, because none of us thought that Beiman would risk the risk of being frozen for thousands of miles to attack, but we saw the most important fortress, Yelan. The city has been attacked one after another for more than 20 days. You know that General Ye is seriously injured and cannot supervise the battle in person, and none of you have sent troops to support you. Do you have any reason for your feelings?"

Ling Jingxuan became more and more rude, the qiáng aura that he had been suppressing before filled out, and the sharp-edged phoenix eyes locked on them coldly, without giving them a chance to quibble, he continued to rebuke: "This time, if it is the prince who encounters this situation. This kind of predicament, can you make the same decision? This concubine doesn’t like to listen to other people’s arguments, I only look at the results, and the result we saw is that Yelan City was crumbling and almost overturned. You know, when Yelan City was broken, What will happen to Quanzhou City and Mausoleum City in the rear? Quanzhou City is directly connected to Mausoleum City, and the Lingcheng Sea Canal is well-developed. It is an important supply route for our army and supplies. Once it falls into the enemy's control, hundreds of thousands of you don't say If you are defending the city, it is possible to be hungry, under such circumstances, do you still think you are justified?"

In fact, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at first. It was only when he had nothing to study the map yesterday that he found out why Beiman didn't attack Weicheng, Liaocheng, which was horizontally connected to Bumingcheng, but went straight to Yelancheng, although Quanzhou City and Mausoleum City also had large armies stationed, but he dared to bet with Xiang Shang’s head that once Yelan City fell into the hands of Beiman, their army would grow several times and drive straight to Quanzhou City and Mausoleum City. Up to 100,000 soldiers and horses are not enough to resist, and when they cut off the supply line of the Qing Dynasty army, the garrison on the left and right flanks will inevitably be unstable. When they want to fight, I am afraid it will be too late. At this time, Ruodong The country sent troops again, and the hundreds of thousands of horses that the Qing country had hoarded at the border would be paralyzed in an instant. As a result, the Beiman Dongguo would drive straight in, and it would not take long to hit the capital all the way. This consequence can only be said. Seriously terrified! That's one of the reasons why he had an attack on the spot.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. They are all generals. They don't even understand such a simple truth. What qualifications do they have to question him here?

After he said it, many people noticed their negligence. No, to be more precise, they didn't notice it, but remembered it. To be able to climb to the position of the general, they are by no means hopelessly stupid, just , five years of easy life

It made them forget the danger and vigilance, and Yan Shengrui crushed Beiman with a decisive attitude five years ago. In their opinion, as long as Prince Sheng arrives, everything will be solved easily, and they don't have to take risks. They have mobilized the army privately because of the danger of violating the military law. Since there is a way to get the best of both worlds, why do they need to work hard?

Chapter 670 Killing the monkeys, a disaster caused by several battles!

"What the princess said was just an assumption, but in fact, Yelan City was not lost. Besides, if Yelan City was really lost, how could we just sit back and ignore it? How could we just watch Beiman take Quanzhou City directly?"

Vice-General Chen, who was the first to speak out before, said disapprovingly, looking at his appearance, it seems that he has not realized his mistake. When Yelancheng is lost, will they be able to send troops if they want? Perhaps, the soldiers of Beiman or Dongguo had long been waiting for the moment to break Yelan City and seize Weicheng of Liaocheng.

"Hmph, only when the city is destroyed and the people are killed? Vice-General Chen is really a hero and good general of my Daqing Kingdom!"

With a disdainful snort, Ling Jingxuan's icy eyes suddenly sank: "Yan Yi!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Yan Yi, who was named, bowed and stood out. No one knew what Ling Jingxuan was thinking, but he glanced at Lieutenant General Chen coldly and said cruelly: "Drag Lieutenant General Chen down and stick to death! Haosheng took care of his family, It is the compensation of this concubine."


Yan Yi respectfully accepted the order, and the rest of the people couldn't help but widen their eyes in shock. Deputy General Chen immediately walked away: "The last commander refuses to accept, what did the last commander do wrong? You want to kill him with a cane? Ask the prince to be the master of the last commander."

No one thought that Ling Jingxuan would suddenly give such an order. Yan Shengrui, who had never spoken, stood up and fought side by side with Ling Jingxuan, looking at Lieutenant General Chen coldly: "This is not the result of your own request? Why are you dissatisfied? ?"

Since he can make up for the city's destruction, why can't they kill him and then take care of his family?

As soon as he said it, many people turned around and came around. Did Vice General Chen dig a hole for himself and bury himself alive? But... the eyes of everyone looking at Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but change, it seems that most of them are led by him, right? Otherwise, how could Vice-General Chen say such a thing? He had planned to kill the monkey from the very beginning. Everything he said before was just foreshadowing. It doesn't matter whether the dead person is Vice-General Chen or not. Whoever emerges first is doomed to die!


Vice-General Chen also seemed to want to understand, the whole person fell to his knees with a touch, and his eyes no longer had the arrogance and contempt.

"Take it off!"


Yan Shengrui waved his hand, turned around and hugged Ling Jingxuan and walked back. Yan Yi picked up Lieutenant General Chen and walked out. In fact, his death was not wrong. Maybe Ling Jingxuan was suspected of inducing him, but what he said was also true and it was reasonable. Said that all the top generals who commanded the garrison in the four cities on the left and right flanks would die. Now that only one of them is killed, it is already cheap for them.

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