Sweeping away his previous flirting with his daughter-in-law, Sikong Jun said with a heavy face, but any emperor with a little ability will open up new territories, and his ambition to dominate the world is no exception. But unlike Qilian City, he cares more about it. It is the people, not the achievements of the emperor. All the decisions he makes are based on the interests of the country and the people. For now, whether it is Yan Shengrui or Ling Jingxuan, he feels that they are people who can be trusted and willing to go. Putting this trust in the relationship between the two countries, as for what will happen in the end, it depends on God's will. All he can do is to do his best.

"No matter what you think, I trust Jing Xuan, I believe he won't be the kind of person who stabs others in the back, of course, the premise is that we don't provoke him first, Hao, there's something we haven't told you. , you must have heard some of it. In fact, four years ago, Jue was not doing well. Because of Yan Xiaohua's children, they created a lot of misunderstandings. It was Ling Jingxuan's appearance that saved them and saved that child. , you haven't seen the current Jue with your own eyes, he is really happy, not only has a deep relationship with Yan Xiaohua, but his children are filial to him, and even learned to do business. The cheap pharmacy I wanted to introduce in Xiguo was him and Jing Xuan. In partnership with Zeng Shaoqing, Jingxuan and Zeng Shaoqing have to manage other industries on weekdays. Hospitals and pharmacies are operated and managed by Jue. Can you imagine that? At the beginning, that one would only act nonsense. Anyone who provokes him will be killed. The little prince who went to the family is actually in charge of himself, this is all influenced by Jing Xuan, not for anything else, just this point is worth betting once."

Xue Wuyang also swept away the usual indecentness, and said a long list of rare and serious things. The only valuable thing in Xiguo is that the three brothers, Tam, Hao and Jue, don't always make a scene of brother-in-law like others. On the contrary, their feelings It's still very deep. He doesn't want to see Jue cry because of their choice one day. Since both Qingxi and Qingxi are based on the interests of the people and yearn for a peaceful country, why can't they join forces? Why must the world be unified? Is fighting and killing really that interesting?

The words of the two made Sikong Hao fall into silence, especially what Xue Wuyang said. He could not consider anything else, but he had to take into account the situation of his younger brother, which was why they had not had any conflicts with the Qing Army for many years. The fundamental reason is that now the royal brothers and sisters-in-law and Jue believe in husband Yan Shengrui, should he believe them too?

In such a situation, there is usually no room for Yuchi to leave Shang, but the handsome Junrong is moved. As long as the big family and the royal family have some relatives, he and them are also cousins, although The relationship has to go up for several generations, but he was the same year as Sikong Hao, and he has always regarded Sikong Jue as his younger brother. If that Princess Sheng can really influence Jue so deeply, they seem to have to think carefully.

"Your Majesty, can you allow me to visit Jue in Buming City?"

After deliberation, Yuchi Lishang raised his head and said that he was visiting Sikong Jue. Everyone present knew that he was actually going to investigate Yan Sheng, Rui Ling Jingxuan, and Sikong Hao, who originally wanted to agree, swallowed his words decisively. It's good to see it clearly, it's only a matter of a few days, and it's not in a hurry at this moment.

"Go, be careful to avoid Dongguo's eyes and ears, they must have noticed something."

After looking at Xue Wuyang, Sikong Tam nodded and agreed, not forgetting to remind him that before things became clear, they should not publicize their alliance with Qingguo.

"Haha, don't worry, Your Majesty, I'm neither a court official nor a border guard. What if I really let them know? Isn't it right for me to visit my cousin?"

Hearing this, Yuchi Lishang unfolded his folding fan with a swipe, and his face that was so handsome that he did not look like a real person showed a confident and calm smile. He and Sikong Hao were like Yan Shengrui and Zeng Shaoqing. The difference is that Zeng Shaoqing has his own business and business. He has traveled all over the country, and he is a lively playboy, plus he is born with a handsome face that makes countless men and women feel ashamed, and he has eyes above the top. There are quite a few people, let alone marrying a wife. They don't even have a concubine in the house. Their only friend is Sikong Hao, so that many people who know them in Xiguo think they are a couple, so why not Prince Hao? Didn't you marry Zhengfei? Isn't it just to keep him the seat of the Concubine? The two of them are not people who like to explain and clarify. Over time, this has become the default thing for everyone. Even Yuchi Lishang's biological father and the old Prime Minister of Xiguo thought so, but in fact, they are friends, but It is never possible to have a relationship above friends. Yuchi Lishang can't stand Sikong Hao's bào temper, and Sikong Hao can't stand his sarcasm. It's okay to be a bad friend. If you want to be a family, let's forget it.

"It's good that you have your senses. After the war is over, you should also consider entering the dynasty, right?"

Others don't know, Sikong Tam doesn't know? Yuchi Lishang's talent is so high that he is not as playful as others see it. However, for some reason, he is reluctant to become an official in the court and apply his talent to national affairs.

"Your Majesty, don't bully me. Compared with being an official, I prefer idle clouds and wild cranes. In an unfettered day, you and Hao in the West, and my elder brother in the Yuchi family is enough. I'll be an unrestrained and unruly slut. less."

Without exception, Yuchi Lishang refused without thinking again.

"Really? Then what are you doing here?"

With his rhetoric, it's okay to deceive others, want to deceive them? There is no door, if you really only want to be a scumbag, why go to the border to suffer and suffer?

"Isn't that Hao here? I'll follow him wherever he goes. Hasn't the emperor heard the rumors in the capital? Hao and I are a couple in love!"

The bottom of the eyes quickly slid a pierced pierced

Embarrassed, Yuchi Lishang suddenly put away his folding fan and bent over to lie on Sikong Hao's body. He didn't forget to wink at them vaguely as he spoke. There is no one better at using "gossip" than him, and using it so naturally. man, but a

"Get up, this king can't bear your kindness."

But Sikong Hao was unwilling to cooperate, and pushed him away with a face full of disgust. Yuchi Lishang didn't care at all and was still smiling.

"Come on, if you don't want to be an official, I won't push you either. When you want to be an official, just tell me directly." Yuchi Lishang and Sikong Hao have been good friends since they were young, so it's not bad to be with him, he is also true value him.

"no problem."

Seeing that he is no longer holding on to the matter of letting him enter the court, Yuchi Lishang is no longer a fool, and La Sikong Hao is no longer in the water. In the blink of an eye, he returns to the mode of being a handsome young master, and the prince Sikong Qi, who has never spoken, suddenly said. : "Father, my son is going to Buming City with Uncle Yuchi. I miss Uncle Sanling and Xiaowen."

Originally, he wanted to say that he missed Uncle Three Emperors, but thinking that the last time they didn't have any contact at all, Sikong Qi resolutely changed his words. The desire to see him is gone, and I don't know how he is now, whether he is still as cute as he was when he was a child.

"You can't go for now."

Sikong Tam turned his head and rejected his request without even thinking about it.


Sikong Qi stood up and looked at him without giving up. Both father and son have the same temperament. When they are stubborn, no one can do it. Sikong Hao's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Xue Wuyang calmly. Silently got up and left, Yuchi Lishang, who saw this scene, followed silently.

"Okay, can't you tell Qi'er clearly?"

Looking back and forth between their father and son, Xue Wuyang glared at Sikong Tam angrily, pulled Sikong Qi and said gently: "Qi'er, the matter of our training soldiers to distract Dongguo's attention has probably already been discovered, you go now. It's not very suitable, when everything is decided, Father will take you with you."


Looking at him deeply for a while, Sikong Qi had to nod his head, he just couldn't resist the gentleness of his father! Poor Sikong Qi, it's so difficult to see his little white rabbit, it's not too much to describe it with twists and turns, it's really hard for him.

Chapter 689 Settled in Buming City, visitors from the West

After retaking Buming City, Yan Shengrui withdrew the troops stationed on the outskirts of Buming City. General Zeng Wei and General Qin's troops were all deployed to the rear of Buming City to Yelan City, and the left and right flanks extended to Liaocheng and Weicheng, respectively. The three cities at the farthest edge of the country are horizontally connected in a line, and the millions of troops are as closely integrated as male divisions, guarding the three cities and four armies, only General Ye's troops are stationed in Buming City.

After several days of treatment, Buming finally stopped circling the dead air and the strong smell of blood. The soldiers urgently repaired the damaged buildings in the city and arranged for all parties to assist in defense and dispatch. There is a three-entry yard in the center of the city. It was the yard that Yan Shengrui purchased many years ago. He used to live there when he was guarding the border. This time, after discussing with Ling Jingxuan, they plan to live there too. It officially migrated from Yelan City to Buming City.

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