"My lord is Yuchi Lishang, the cousin of your Princess Huajun. I came here to visit my cousin on this trip. I would like to ask you to be accommodating."

With a swipe, he unfolded the folding fan, and Yuchi Lishang said in a suave manner, not forgetting to throw a look at his entourage.

Chapter 689 Master Yuchi's Glass Heart

"Presumptuous! The borderland of the Qing Kingdom, how can you wait for nonsense, come here, take it down for me!"


Unexpectedly, people didn't even look at the money they sent out. In the next second, dozens of soldiers surrounded them instantly. Yuchi Lishang's eyes sank, and he couldn't help but think highly of Yan Shengrui's ability to govern the army. Because the regular troops haven't been put in place yet, it's Yan Shengrui's personal soldiers who are guarding the city gate at this time. Are they the masters who lack money? Wanting to use money to send them is really a bad move, and, even if it is not the personal soldiers, who would dare to accept their money at such a sensitive time?

"What happened?"

The tall and handsome Yan Er was wearing armor and dignifiedly driving the tall horse near him. The moment he saw him, Yuchi Lishang's eyes lit up, and he quickly raised a smile: "This should be the general defending the city, right? I'm Xiguo Jue. The prince’s cousin, Yuchi, has died and has come to meet his cousin, so please let the general know.”

Few people know that Yuchi Lishang actually has a big problem. He always looks at people first. As long as he looks good, he will always smile. On the contrary, I'm sorry, he can Just like the emperor of the Western Kingdom, he is indifferent and paralyzed, and because he is so good-looking, there are very few people who can really catch his eye, but Yan Er has hit his cute point, so he The smile will be so bright, but? ?

Yan Er gave them a serious look. He didn't let them in because he said he was Sikong Jue's cousin, and it was impossible to be amazed by his appearance. The moment he got off his horse, one of the soldiers whispered in his ear. After a few words, Yan Er's eyes suddenly flashed with slaughter. After raising his head to glance at the man who smiled like a peacock, he said impatiently, "Is there something to prove your identity?"

This tone can be as unfriendly as it is unfriendly. Yuchi Lishang can't help but be dumbfounded, thinking that he has been in the West for more than 20 years. With his handsome appearance and elegant bearing, where is he? To be sought after? In particular, he was still smiling brightly today, but he was disliked by a border guard, which was a big blow to Young Master Yuchi's self-esteem.

Simply put, Young Master Yuchi's glass heart was broken.

"What's your name?"

Without showing anything to prove his identity, Yuchi Lishang sat on the back of a horse and stared at him deeply. His impression of Qingguo was greatly reduced in an instant. Of course, it is only for him, he is not because of this. Regardless of public and private.

"Come on, blast away!"

Yan Er is not a polite master. He gave an indifferent order, turned around and was about to leave. Seeing that the soldiers surrounding them were really rushing up, Yuchi Lishang pulled the jade pendant from his waist down with black lines on his forehead and aimed it at Yan. Er threw the back of his head: "Let me see clearly, that is the jade pendant from Yuchi's family in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Yan Er caught the jade pendant with his backhand without turning his head, glanced at the lingering jade pendant indifferently, dropped a sentence indifferently, then got on his horse and left. Looking at his back, Yuchi was almost gone. So angry that he vomited blood, who did he provoke? Why did Mao Xian meet such a cold-faced warrior as soon as he came to Qingguo?


The attendant next to him tried very hard to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't help but let out a schadenfreude voice. There was no way. He grew up with the young master, and it was the first time he saw such a slump. How should I say it? , it's really interesting, the trip to the Qing Dynasty must be more exciting, he seems to be looking forward to it.

"Shi Lang, believe it or not, the Lord will send you to serve the emperor in the palace?"

Yuchi Lishang narrowed his eyes dangerously, and Shi Lang, who was secretly having fun, suddenly raised his head and pleaded with a sad face: "Don't, young master, there is an 80-year-old mother on the youngest, and a child who is waiting for the afternoon."

"Mother? Child? Shi Lang, do you really want to be an eunuch?"

Before he could finish speaking, Yuchi looked down at him in a threatening manner. His mother was a woolly maid. His mother was his mother's dowry girl. If you don't get married, where will you be waiting for Asr's child? Brat, have you learned to fuck with him, right? It would be strange if he didn't send him to be a eunuch.

"No no no, my lord, is it okay to be a little wrong?"

Shi Lang was really frightened all of a sudden, he hurriedly nodded to him and acknowledged his mistake, Yuchi Lishang, who was high above him, gave a childish snort, turned his head and ignored him, the folding fan in his hand shook slightly, but his mind was waiting to see him. How will Sikong Jue clean up that cold-faced warrior after that, but can he really get his wish? The result doesn't seem to be that plump.

Yan Shengrui's house in the center of Buming City is said to be a three-entry yard, but in fact it covers a very large area. It is like a miniature version of Prince Cheng's mansion. This generation was burned down for some reason, and Yan Shengrui put it here. He bought it and ordered someone to build a house. Every time he went on expeditions, he lived here. The central army tent was also set up here. Because he still had to accommodate his personal soldiers, there were many rooms. Now a large group of them are stationed, basically more than enough. , I am afraid that the only ones who are not very happy are Ling Yun and the others. There is no way. The place is big, and it will be more tiring and troublesome for them to pack up.

"It seems to be pretty good here. You don't always like tranquility, so why would you buy a house in the center of the city?"

Leading the small group into the main courtyard hall that Ling Yun and the others came to clean yesterday, Ling Jingxuan looked around and asked, it was different from ordinary halls.

, There are also screen partitions on both sides of the hall here, and behind the screens are tables and chairs, which should be used for meals or discussions.

"Who dares to quarrel with me?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Shengrui raised his eyebrows domineeringly, but he didn't take his problems to heart at all. There is not only his house nearby, but several generals who have been fighting all year round have houses. Who dares to make a fuss? The most important thing is that the entire city will be evacuated during the war, so who would dare to go to the palace of the Great General King Xuanhua? Even when there is no fighting, ordinary people dare not make trouble casually.

"Haha, I almost forgot the virtues of our prince."

Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing, and pulled the little dumpling to sit down, but the little guy struggled to get out of his grip: "Daddy, I'll go find Brother Xiao Leng and the others, and come back to accompany you later."

After all, the little fat duner ran out with a thud, and his movements were swift and worthy of being the most flexible little fat man in history. "Why do you feel that my father is not as important as his little friends?"

Looking at his chubby little body, Ling Jingxuan pretended to be depressed and said, Chu Yunhan who sat down beside him couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you fool him first? I can hear Tie Wazi and the others saying, you Ask Xiao Tuanzi to appease Xiao Leng and them on the condition of reading and writing, and after a few words, he fooled Xiao Tuanzi to agree to read."

Although this is a good thing, but Jing Xuan is too rude, does he have such a plan for his son?

"Hey? With the personality of a little bastard, if I don't do this, can he study and study obediently?"

He didn't feel that he had done a lot of deceitful things. Ling Jingxuan laughed twice and raised the teapot and poured them a cup of tea. There was no way, Ling Yun and the others were busy settling them down, so I could send them a hot pot of tea. Even if the tea was good, they had to do it themselves.

"Anyway, you have your own crooked reasoning, but that's fine. The little dumpling is almost five years old, and it's time for enlightenment."

Chu Yunhan glared at him angrily, and secretly wondered whether he should enlighten them in person, and he had nothing to do at home. Xiaowen and the others were his students, so Xiaotuanzi couldn't be missed, right?

"Uncle Chu is right, but Daddy, don't always fool the little dumpling in the future, he's still young."

While Ling Wen helped his voice, he didn't forget to protect his younger brother and said a few words to his father. What he didn't like was that his father always complained about the little dumplings. Their little dumplings are so cute. , As far as his various dislikes are concerned, people who don't know may doubt whether he is a biological father.

"Yes, yes, what you said is right, and I'm the only one wrong? Xiaowen, I didn't say you, why are you less cute when you get older?"

Well, although he was not cute when he was a child, he was always talking about him, but at least he was soft and tender when he was a child. Now, no matter how they tweeted, they felt that he seemed to be walking further and further on the road of facial paralysis and seriousness.

"I'm a man, how can I be cute? Daddy, stop being funny."

As if to match what he said, Ling Wen's chest was slightly stiffened symbolically. Ling Jingxuan and the others couldn't help laughing immediately: "You're still a man? Come on, Xiaowen, it's not bad for you to be a teenager now."

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