"Second Master, please."

Mother Qin stepped forward at the right time, Yuchi Lishang patted Sikong Jue on the shoulder before leaving: "Learn more from the princess, you also have to manage the back house, don't always whip the whip and hit people when you are unhappy, just do it directly. It is always the most clumsy way to solve problems, the brain is a good thing, and it can be used more than anything.”

These remarks are a little ridiculed, reminded less bloody, a little admired, but more of a brother's love and concern for his younger brother.

"Well, I will."

Sikongyuan is no longer the Sikongjue he was a few years ago. Maybe he still hasn't changed in the eyes of outsiders, but those who are familiar with him know that he has changed a long time ago, and being able to listen to other people's advice is the best proof.

"You, finally make people feel a little more at ease."

Bending his fingers and flicking his forehead, Yuchi Lishang did not forget to turn around and said to his master, "Prince Sheng, Princess, I'll excuse you now."

"Negative, Yan Si, go and ask Shui Ling'er to prepare some snacks for the second master Yuchi. By the way, let's see if Lingyun needs any help."

Yan Shengrui nodded and called out to Yan Si, who had just returned with Yan Yi. His master had done his due diligence. He even took the initiative to give his subordinates a chance to comfort his daughter-in-law.

Yan Si gratefully clasped his fists, turned around and went into the backyard. Yuchi Lishang, the master and servant, also left under the leadership of Mother Qin, and Yan Yi stepped forward and said, "According to the news from Dongguo, Qilian City has A few years ago, he said that he was sick and no longer went to court. His prince Qi Yunyi was responsible for all state affairs. His subordinates suspected that he might no longer be in Shengjing City. No real news has been received.”

Mature Junyi's face couldn't hide his remorse. If their news network could be more comprehensive and quicker, perhaps today's incident could be avoided.

"It's definitely coming. If Qi Liancheng's body is so ill that he can't even go to the morning, it's impossible to provoke so many things, Yan Shan, I heard that you specialize in assassination?"

Yan Shengrui's four shadow guard commanders, Yan Yi is good at collecting and integrating intelligence, Yan Er is good at using poison, Yan Shan is in charge of assassination, Yan Si is unmatched in tracking and hiding, they all have their own abilities, except for one, two, four. He has seen all the items of Yan Shan, but he has never seen the items of Yan Shan.

"The princess wants her subordinates to assassinate Qilian City?"

The black eyes looked at him calmly, Yan Shan was expressionless, the two armies fought and assassinated the leader of the enemy army. Slowing down the pace of the war doesn't mean anything to them anyway.

"Qilian City is so easy to kill? Do you know where he is?"

Ling Jingxuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, took a sip of the tea handed by Yan Shengrui, and then continued: "I'm afraid even the guards at the border of Dongguo don't know about the border crossing in Qilian City. Since no one dared to provoke the country, the country has not ordered the common people to move. It is not so easy for our people to get in, let alone search for the hidden Qilian city. The plan for now is to get him out first. I heard that Zhou Sheng, the supreme commander of Tianmen Pass, is one of the most powerful generals under Qilian City. If something goes wrong with him, the morale of the Eastern Kingdom's army will definitely drop sharply. In addition, we and the Western Kingdom have frequently mobilized troops recently, so Qilian City must stand up even if he doesn't want to. Take charge."

As long as he was exposed to the sun, he would no longer be able to engage in those shady little tricks.

"What does the princess mean to have her subordinates assassinate Zhou Sheng?"

Now Yan Shan finally understands the trouble, and secretly exhales a breath. Compared with the emperor who is surrounded by shadows and guards like clouds, the general Zhou Sheng is undoubtedly much easier to deal with, but if the princess insists that he assassinate Qilian City, he will not It’s enough to refuse. A person who refuses without completing the order cannot be called a good shadow guard.

"It doesn't have to be killing him, it's just that he can't support the overall situation for the time being."

What's the difference between that and killing him?

Everyone was speechless, but Ling Jingxuan smiled unintelligibly, Yan Shan thought for a while and knelt down on one knee: "Subordinates obey!"


Then he threw him a small red porcelain bottle, Ling Jingxuan motioned him to stand up: "When you are in danger, it may save your life, Shaonong, did that kid Wang Xinyu come over?"

"Back to the master, no, Xinyu and the boss stayed in Yelan City."

An Shaonong, who was named, appeared in front of them like a ghost. Most of the Thunder team stayed in Yelan City this time, and they would come with the Eagles in a few days.

"Go to someone to replace him and let him take care of the good guy. I have a task for him."

Wang Xinyu is also a member of the Thunder Team. The members of the Thunder Team used to be all felons in the Jingshi Heavenly Prison. Before receiving his training, each of them had their own qiáng items, and this Wang Xinyu knew about theft and easy access. Rong, any lock in his hand is like scrap iron, as long as he is given a small embroidery needle, he can easily open it. He pointed him a little bit, his disguise technique would definitely not lose to him Shanzi, or even him, if he cooperated with Yan Shan, things would undoubtedly be more effective with less effort.


An Shaonong took the order to leave, Yan Shan frowned and said, "Princess, I'm used to being alone."

It's not that he doesn't trust the Thunder Team's strength. In fact, all of their brothers admire everyone in the Thunder Team, but it's just that the more people there are to assassinate others, the easier it is to reveal.

"Assassination, I know better than you, don't rush to refuse

Absolutely, Xinyu will be your helper. "

Ling Jingxuan had an inscrutable expression. When it comes to assassinating others, that's what he's doing. If it wasn't for the circumstances, he really wanted to go by himself, and in fact, he really wanted to go to Tianmenguan for a walk. However, thinking about Beiman, he resolutely gave up again. The battle was important, and everything else could be put aside for the time being.

"Jing Xuan will not harm you."

Yan Shan was still a little unhappy. Yan Shengrui made a decision for him in a deep voice. With his order, Yan Shan didn't dare to say anything more. He knew that he still had ideas in his heart, but Ling Jingxuan did not relieve his doubts. , There are some things he needs to understand by himself, Xinyu will never pull him back.

"Get ready, and when Xinyu arrives, you can go."


Even if this matter is settled, Yan Yi thought about it and asked tentatively, "Then our people don't need to inquire about the whereabouts of Qilian City?"

As he said, after Shan and the others succeed, Qilian City will show up, so why do they need to spend time and money to find out?

"No, continue to inquire, but gather all the people and gather them in several cities in the Dongguo border fortress. Pay attention to the mobilization of the Dongguo army at any time. Also, check if anyone in the Dongguo has crossed the border to the Qingguo recently. Jian The details come from Liaocheng, and all the troops stationed in Liaocheng are assigned to General Zeng, remember, make a secret visit to see how they are in contact, don’t be alarmed by the grass, maybe this line will be one of our help in the torture of Dongguo in the future.”

Aside from the blow brought by the appearance of Jian Xiao in the back house, the appearance of Jian Xiao is actually a good thing, at least let them know that Qilian City has come.

"Well, my subordinates know what to do."

Yan Yi is also smart, and it is almost clear at one point, Ling Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction, and then added: "Shaoqing has already gone to General Zeng, I forgot to remind him before that everything must be done in secret, you go and tell him. , I want to live this line."

Since Qiliancheng likes to play shit, then he will give him a plan, maybe he will be able to clean up all the secrets lurking in the Qing Kingdom in the East, and completely cut the grass for him.


Yan Yi clasped his fists and cupped his hands and turned away, Yan Shan also bowed and stepped back, Chu Yunhan said: "After you want to catch that person, make people look like him, and continue to talk to Qilian City or even others. Contact Jian in detail?"

"Well, the only person who can get in touch with Xiaocao is the person who walks in front of the eldest brother. I am afraid they have been lurking in the Qing country for a long time, and it is very likely that they are the leaders of the jian. I am sorry for not using it. Own."

He never takes the initiative to frame anyone, but that doesn't mean he likes to be calculated. Since the fire has already been lit, he doesn't mind letting him burn more and more.

"You asked Shan to assassinate Zhou Sheng, really just to get out of Qilian City?"

Yan Shengrui raised his eyebrows and squinted at him, based on what he knew about him, it was absolutely impossible to be so simple, after he said it, others seemed to have noticed this problem, Ling Jingxuan smiled: "Of course it can't be just for Qilian City. ."

That would be too embarrassing for him. Zhou Sheng has been guarding the border all the year round, and his prestige in the army is indescribable. Once he falls, even if the emperor of Qiliancheng personally stands up and presides over the overall situation, the situation cannot be better. With the assistance of Shangxiguo, they can take this opportunity to send troops to Beiman and darken Chencang.

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