
"Auntie, you hide in it and eat fruit alone!"

"Bump Bump"

When everyone reacted, the little dumpling had already opened the sedan door, but what everyone saw was the bride nibbling on the apple in her hand, and the little dumpling who didn't understand anything immediately pointed to his dissatisfied protest. , The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard around, and more than half of the people were declared dead. She ate it. She actually ate the apple, which symbolized good luck, for a day. Thunder rolling is not enough to describe their state of mind at this moment, the bride. The son is too a fork!

"My third lady, why did you eat the apple?"

Ye Ruyun, who was the first to return to God, suddenly had a black line on his forehead, and Ye Ruyun, who was still unaware of what he had done, took another bite before raising his apple and said, "Didn't you give me something to eat? After tossing all morning. , I'm hungry."

Well, this answer is sincere. Except for Ling Jingpeng and some other nerdy old men, everyone else put on an expression of complaining and powerless. Ling Wen and Ling Wu were funny and hurried forward to arrest the little dumpling who made trouble. When he came back, he was still screaming when he saw him, Xiao Wu decisively covered his mouth, and knew that it was not good to bring him here. It was impossible for Daddy to not know. According to them, Daddy must have done it on purpose.

"Forget it, eat as much as you want. Come on, get a few more. There is nothing more auspicious than eating into the stomach."

It was Yuan Shaoqi who responded quickly, and raised his voice to resolve the embarrassment at the scene. After seeing this, Chun Xiang and the others could not say anything else. They quickly took a few apples and stuffed them into Ye Ruyun. When they finally set off, it was almost another ten minutes. What happened after that, it seems that all the weddings will be finished with some trouble, and Ling Jingpeng seems to be no exception!

Chapter 704 Simple and Lively Wedding

Marriage is a major event in a lifetime, and the picture is a lively celebration. No matter how simple it is, the liveliness is necessary. Although it is not necessary for all the millions of soldiers to come to congratulate, but basically all who can come, Ling Jingxuan brothers are also domineering. , abandoned the Yan family mansion, and set up a running water table directly on the whole street outside the house. The head army under General Ye's command was in charge. Not to mention that every dish was delicious, it was definitely enough duck and fish meat. When the groom went out to meet the bride, the gang of gangs were sweaty and busy.

Since the wedding banquet is held outside, the auditorium is naturally located outside. Anyway, everyone is not particular, and there are no elders of the Ling family. Young people can make trouble as they like, as long as Ling Jingxuan nods and agrees. Therefore, the auditorium was built at the door of the Yan family's mansion. Since the same generation could not preside over the marriage, Ling Jingxuan invited General Wei as the man's presidency. Needless to say, the woman was General Ye himself.

The chuīchuī fighting team turned away from the corner of the street far away, whipping pào all the way, Ling Jingpeng riding on a tall horse was full of chūn wind, dozens of dowries were incomparable to Chu Yunhan or Yan Si getting married, but There are so many of them. The few hundred skinny monkeys from the Young Eagles team went to greet the relatives, and together with the soldiers under Ye Ruyun who came to see the relatives, the whole team added up to at least one thousand people. Now, except for the royal family, I am afraid that no one can have such a large wedding team when they are married.

"Come on, come on, Sanmaozi quickly pào the female whip!"

Seeing him approaching from a distance, Ling Jingxuan, who had put on new clothes, shouted happily, it was rare that he was also excited today.

"That's awesome!"

"clap clap"

Sanmaozi responded excitedly and resolutely lit the whip pào spread on the ground. After two months of cultivation, under the care of Ling Jingxuan's various good medicines and Zhao Shan's sincere treatment, his arm has almost recovered, and he is currently doing In terms of strength and flexibility, he heard that Ye Ruyun was going to get married, and the little friends wanted to help. He couldn't sit still, which would affect his hand recovery. Ling Jingxuan gave him the task of whipping.

"clap clap"

With the deafening sound of whip pào, the welcoming team gradually approached. All the soldiers who came to attend the wedding stood on both sides of the street to watch. The smile never stopped, the advancing team stopped in front of the Yan family mansion, Ling Jingpeng got off his horse, turned around and strode towards the sedan chair behind.

"The groom kicks the sedan door and welcomes the bride off the sedan chair!"

In the absence of Xi Niang, Yan Xiaohua resolutely played the role of Xi Niang, Yuan Shaoqi followed Ling Jingpeng, the whipping, gongs and drums all stopped, and the little buns looked at them eagerly, especially It was the little dumpling who always let Ling Wen and Ling Wu drag him. Ling Jingpeng walked to the front of the sedan chair, lifted the hem of his clothes, and kicked the sedan door symbolically. When he was about to bend over to pull out the bride, Ling Yun, chūnxiang and Xia Xiang blocked him. In front of the sedan chair, the three beauties smiled brighter than the other.

"It's convenient for the two sisters, but don't delay the good times of our uncle and aunt."

Seeing this, Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing, who are responsible for sending red envelopes, both stepped forward, and one of them put a bulging red envelope in their hands. Ling Yun and the others were satisfied. They moved away from everyone's laughter, and Ling Jingpeng leaned forward again. , opened the sedan door and reached in, Ye Ruyun's hand lightly rested on his, Ling Jingpeng exerted a little force, and Ye Ruyun, who had already lifted the red hood by himself, was pulled out.


"Clap clap clap?"

Seeing the condition of the bride, Ling Jingpeng felt powerless. It seemed that his daughter-in-law had deprived him of his right to be the bridegroom, but there were whistles and slaps at the scene. Most people probably didn't think that they were heroic The same can be said of General Ye Xiao of the bīs

Beautiful, Ling Jingpeng reluctantly pulled her into his arms and took her to the auditorium not far away.

In the auditorium, General Wei, who was especially dressed up, was not ambiguous at all. He grabbed ahead of them and sat down directly in the man's place as the officiant of the wedding. General Ye, who came on horseback, also sat down, and waited until Yan Shengrui and the others followed Sitting down in the auditorium, the groom also came in with the bride. Ye Ruyun didn't put down the red hijab anymore. As she walked around, the red hijab swayed gently like a veil. There was no flavor. Five flower girls, Ling Wen and Ling Wu. He led the small group and walked in front of the seat, Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing followed behind. Yuan Shaoqi and Yan Xiaohua, who were originally following on both sides, came in and went to the relatives and friends seat respectively and sat down.

"cough cough"

"Ha ha"

This time, the etiquette officer was replaced by Ling Wen and Ling Wu. The brothers are worthy of being twins. They both coughed and cleared their throats, which immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter, but they were thick-skinned and didn't care at all. He shouted: "The bride and the bride kneel!"

Yan Shangqing had already brought two futons, the bride and groom knelt down straight, and General Wei and General Ye, who were the officiants, looked at each other and smiled, all looking at the newlyweds with blessings on their faces.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

With the singing of the two buns, the wedding proceeded in an orderly manner. In the end, only Jiāo was left to change the ring. The brothers looked at each other and shouted, "Jiāo changed the wedding ring!"

There was no such thing in previous weddings. Since the wedding of Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan, this one and wedding rings have become popular at the same time, and quickly swept the country. Now it has become a necessary process for weddings, just? ?

"jiāo change a wedding ring!"

They both shouted for a long time before they saw a chubby boy holding a wedding ring. The brothers couldn't help shouting again, but at the same time, they saw that the flannel box that was supposed to be the wedding ring was placed on the ground. On the sidelines not far away, a meat dumpling was researching over and over with two jade rings. The two steamed buns suddenly felt that hundreds of millions of tons of black threads were hitting their forehead. coming.

At the same time, Ling Jingxuan and others and everyone present noticed that Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan were both unable to hold their foreheads. They didn't know that little pervert, absolutely didn't, and the reactions of others were not much better. Interested in stuff? But today, he started to study with great interest, and deliberately wanted to make a wedding of his uncle, didn't he?

"Little dumpling, that's the wedding ring of my uncle and aunt. What are you taking out?"

Tie Wazi, who had reacted, hurried over and squatted in front of him to remind him, the little dumpling holding the two rings raised his head blankly: "I'll just see why my uncle and aunt's rings are different from daddy's and theirs. Look, brother, it's made of stone, Daddy and theirs are all shiny."

Saying that, Xiao Tuanzi also brought two emerald jade rings to him. They were two very delicate jade rings. When Ling Jingpeng was doing business abroad, he accidentally got a rough stone with good water color and gave it to the master of Baiyun Pavilion. I got these two rings after making them. Now they can be used as wedding rings, but the jade ring that looks good at first glance turns into a stone in the mouth of the little dumpling. Ling Jingpeng suddenly wanted to find a piece of tofu and hit him to death. I knew why he had to Ready for a jade ring? Just pick a pair of golden rings and forget it.

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