"After Gai Minger returns to the capital, the old man will go to visit Master Ling and his wife, and learn from him, to see how we can raise a son as good as the princess and the third master."

General Wei said in a loud voice, now who doesn't envy Ling Chenglong's couple, three sons are better than each other, so what if they were born in a farm? Going back a few hundred years, who are the ancestors of those big self-righteous families in the capital who are not farmers?

"You really don't say it, I also mean the same, Lao Wei, let's go together?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was up again, Zeng Shaorong also said in cooperation.

"Haha, that's daring."

Between the two of them singing together, the embarrassment disappeared without a trace. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan looked at each other and bowed their heads to eat in tacit understanding. It was rare that they were happy today. Not only did the Eagles have a day off, but the Thunder also had a rest. They sat there. Not far from Ling Jingxuan and the others, Li Ruhong's face sank as he felt someone's hot gaze, "What's the matter with you?"

Qin Muyan next to him suddenly stood up in sweat, pretending to be normal, bending his elbow and bumping against him, there is no way, Lao Li doesn't know what's going on recently, he is afraid of dying because of the frequent convulsions, right? Every time before he was about to get windy, the hairs on his body would automatically stand up to wake him up, so that he wouldn't hold anything.

"None of your business, so many things can't keep your mouth shut?"

He glared at him fiercely, Li Ruhong was covered in thorns. In the past, he and Lao Qin were at odds with each other, but since they started working with Wang Fei, they gradually cooperated seamlessly. No matter what they did, they had a tacit understanding. Things began to ferment. He knew that those things were none of his business, but every time he saw that Shi Lang was pestering him, he would subconsciously want to slap him and fight him fiercely every time. In order to calm down, even he himself despised himself a little.


"What the hell are you making a fuss about? Where did I provoke you again?"

Qin Muyan is a real man. As soon as he loses his chopsticks, he has a seizure. Who the hell can stand him and play with him from time to time?

The members of the Thunder Team who were standing or sitting around stood up and surrounded the table in tacit understanding, so as not to let them affect others, for fear that others would see the abnormality, each of them pretended to be good brothers and had nothing to talk about. Thanks to the excitement today, everyone was shouting, and there were not a few people standing, but they didn't notice anything unusual about them.

"I've been provoked everywhere, get up, I'm full."

Knowing that he was wrong, Li Ruhong had nowhere to vent his resentment, so he could only dump it on him. His personal emotions would affect the lively wedding, so Li Ruhong had to put down the dishes and decided to find a clean place to relax. But Qin Muyan was not as he wished. When he got up and was about to leave, he grabbed his arm.

"Old Li, what happened to you?"

After the tiger's eyes locked firmly on him for a while, Qin Muyan took a few deep breaths before asking with a little worried expression, in his mind, they are brothers, brothers who are closer than brothers, If Lao Li really has something, he absolutely can't stand idly by.

"I- I'm sorry, it's none of your business, I'm just in a bad mood, I'll be fine in a while."

The other party was already like this, Li Ruhong couldn't help him anymore. He gently pushed his hand away and turned to walk into the crowd. Only when his slender and slender figure disappeared from sight did Qin Muyan sat down in a depressed mood. He whispered softly: "What's the matter? Lao Li has become too different from Lao Li recently."

Don't blame him for his slow response. Who made his nickname Mao Long? He is more than impulsive, and his IQ and EQ are worrying.

"Boss, isn't the deputy team jealous?"

An Shaonong tentatively leaned into his ear, although the possibility was very small, he just felt like it.

"I think it's the same. Boss, have you noticed that every time the deputy team goes crazy, it's when that kid Shi Lang is there. You don't think he likes that kid, right?"

Wang Xinyu, who came out to eat, also joined in with interest. Although he did not personally participate in the recent events, his brothers had already told him about such a big event several times. He wanted to talk to the boss for a long time. .

"Well, we think so too."

The rest of the team members nodded in unison, Qin Muyan frowned immediately, Lao Li likes Shi Lang? Just Shi Lang's thin body? Why?

Well, in Uncle Qin's mind, a man should be as strong and well-proportioned as them, dressed to be thin, and undressed to have flesh to be considered a real man. Shi Lang's height is okay, but he is obviously too thin and he is not at all. Within the scope of the classified man, it seems that he seems to have forgotten, how can he care so much about someone who likes him? Besides, isn't his master a slender and slender type? At the beginning, people beat him. If you use his body to judge whether he is a man or not, he will definitely suffer in the future.

"No, Lao Li can't like that kid, I have to talk to him."

After saying that, Qin Muyan turned around and left in a hurry. An Shaonong opened his mouth stupidly, and after a while, he said stutteringly, "Brothers, do you think the boss doesn't like the deputy team?"

Otherwise, what is he against? They are all men in their twenties and thirties, and the deputy team has someone they like. As brothers, shouldn't they try their best to match them? "Not necessarily, anyway, the deputy team likes Shi Lang for sure."


Everyone nodded in unison. Don't blame them for not thinking about other possibilities. For example, Li Ruhong likes Qin Muyan. It's just that they are always stubborn, especially Li Ruhong who is the deputy team and Qin Muyan who is the captain. Whoever goes up and who goes down can become the most

The tricky question is, therefore, they all ignore that possibility subconsciously.

Chapter 706 Wedding Banquet (Part 2) A Dongguo Army


Everyone was happily eating the wedding banquet, and no one noticed the small commotion within the Thunder Team. While talking and laughing, almost everyone was full of food and drink, but when everyone was happy, the direction of the city gate , a soldier roared up holding a pass token, and everyone sank their faces. The soldiers silently gave way. The scene suddenly became quiet, and the soldiers came to Yan Shengrui and others without hindrance.

"Report to the lord, all generals, an army is coming from the direction of the East."


The voice fell, and the scene was silent. General Ye slapped the table with a slap in the face, stood up with a domineering tiger body, and roared with a face full of stubbornness: "I have finally waited for the day when I marry my daughter, he is so arrogant. The country dares to come to find trouble, I can't spare them."

After speaking, General Ye strode to the horse that the groom had ridden before, turned over and rode the horse straight to the city gate. Several lieutenants who were still in the banquet got up and chased after them. Everyone's face was very It's ugly, they all watched Ye Ruyun grow up, and it's a good day for the girl to get married, how can the ambitious Dongguo people come to disrupt the situation?

"His grandma's, the old lady dares to make trouble when she is married, Jingpeng, wait a minute, I'm just going to clean them up"

What kind of father has what kind of daughter, no, Ye Ruyun stared at her beautiful eyes, turned and walked towards another horse, everyone was startled, including the bridegroom official Ling Jingpeng, waited for him to think about it. When she was catching up, she saw a fiery red figure rushing towards the city gate, her long wedding dress galloping along with her horse, and she handsomely drew a splendid tail of light that was as red as liuxia, how could they still catch up? of?

Everyone present couldn't help but look at the black lines all over their foreheads. They all looked at the groom who was standing there watching the bride. Ye Ruyun was worthy of being brought up in the army. All the movements were done in one go. It's just that the bridegroom suffered, and he was abandoned on the day of marriage. I'm afraid that I will often have to stay in the empty room in the future.

"Sorry, I made you see the joke, my wife is so cute, don't mind me!"

After a while, Ling Jingpeng, who was sympathetic to everyone, clasped his fists and hands to the soldiers with a smile on his face. He didn't see any displeasure at being left behind. After many years of ups and downs in the business world, the boy who was always fighting with others had already transformed into a mature and stable man. As a man, even if he is really unwilling, he will not be able to show it. What's more, in his heart, he is more worried than not.

"No way!"

"That girl Ru Yun is always concerned with the important task of defending the city. We are too happy to be happy."

"Yeah yeah."

Zeng Shaorong and other generals quickly apologized and laughed, and Lao Ye's father and daughter were too disrespectful to the groom's family, but - everyone quietly glanced at Prince Cheng's husband, and it seemed that they were not unhappy, together with the town king next to him. The husband and the king of Huajun both had weird sneers on their faces. It was obvious that they were not going to the old Ye father and daughter. Everyone was secretly relieved, but when they thought of the Dongguo army, everyone's eyes couldn't help but sank.

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