In the world passage, Ash stood on the head of the giant stinger jellyfish with Xiaolan and Nazi in his arms: "The world over there is really dangerous enough, the combat power is so terrifying..."

"yes... And it's crueler than the world over there... Sure enough, it's better in my own world..."

Xiaolan was about to cry thinking about the experience of the past few days, but when she thought that she was going home now, Xiaolan was also relieved.

Nazi remembered the previous masked man and said with a palpitation: "It is indeed very dangerous, to be honest, the ability of that little mountain pig is really terrifying." "

Thinking of the little mountain pig Xiaozhi who can only rely on his own serpentine bear to break the defense, he also has palpitations, the arrangement he made before is very correct, and even in the end, there are three great gods who have not moved, they have been lurking in the shadows of the three people to prepare the yin people, it is really good that they did not use this last.

"Well, don't think about it, it's good to be able to come back safely, go home and have a good rest, and you Xiaolan!" You girl give me a good stay by my side, understand? I don't want to go to that horrible world over there again. "

Hearing Ash say this, and then thinking that Ash crossed the world to save himself, Xiao Lan scratched her face a little embarrassed and said: "That, thank you really this time... Husband, I love you! "

Looking at Xiaolan maliciously selling cute, Xiao Zhi pouted speechlessly and said: "The relationship between the two of us, you maliciously sell cute, I will only be afraid... Are you trying to pit me again? "

Hearing Ash say this, Xiao Lan jumped onto Ash's back, bit Ash's shoulder and said, "Shouldn't you comfort me properly at this time?" But I have been exiled to other worlds, and I am alone and have no relatives, how terrible it is! "

And when Xiaolan vented his fear like this, Xiao Zhi patted Xiaolan's head that bit his shoulder like a pig's trotter and said: "It's okay, I will find you no matter where you go, no matter where you are, I will find you." "

Hearing Ash say this, Xiao Lan, who was nibbling on Ash's shoulder, said silently: "Got it... Thank you Ash..."

After calming Xiaolan, Ash let her hang on his back first, and at the same time turned his head to look at Nazi and asked, "Speaking of Nazi, how did you get replaced?" "

"Me? A voice said I might be able to help you and asked if I wanted to come, and I said yes. "

“...... Nazi, you don't even know if that voice is true..."

Ash was also speechless when he heard Nazi's answer, and Nazi didn't know if it was really agreed?!

However, after hearing Ash's words, Nazi looked at Ash seriously and said, "Because I don't dare to take this risk, if it's true, I won't come to help you, I will regret it for the rest of my life." "

“...... Thank you Nazi..."

Ash knew that what Nazi said was true, but because of this, Ash didn't know what to say, and in the end, all the words seemed pale and weak on his lips, and all Ash could do now was hold Nazi tightly.

"Thank you Nazi... Thank you really...

Nazi, who was held in Ash's arms, smiled slightly and didn't say more. And Pikachu and Meow, who looked at Ash and they spread dog food like this, pouted.

"Boss, this is being provoked?"

"Pikapi..." (almost... Chuchu! Or Little Juer's conductive flying squirrel can too! )


Just when the other Pokémon were a little speechless to Pikachu, the Stinger Jellyfish suddenly raised a tentacle and barked.

"Stinger Stinger!" (By the way, I brought back local products here, can you take a look?) )

And hearing the voice of the stinger jellyfish, Ash looked at Meow Meow and asked: "Meow, what is the stinger jellyfish talking about?" "

Meow, who was curious about what the stinger jellyfish was talking about, was stunned for a moment after hearing Ash's question, but then immediately replied: "He said he brought a native product back, and I was curious." "

"Souvenirs?" *3

Although Ash also brought back a gold badge from another world as a souvenir, but now he is also curious about what the giant stinger jellyfish brought back, ice puppet?

However, when the giant stinger jellyfish lifted the tentacles that were wrapped around the Phoenix King in a fainting state, whether it was Ash, Little Lan Nazi or Pikachu Meow, they were all stunned for a moment, and then shouted together: "Isn't this thing the Phoenix King?!" /Pickup! /Woof! / Nido! "*N

Looking at the Phoenix King Xiaozhi, who was being carried by the giant stinger jellyfish, he frantically patted the head of the stinger jellyfish and shouted: "Are you crazy?!" Are you going to die with me?! You call this thing a souvenir?! Do I beat you to death, believe it or not!! "

"Stinger Stinger..." (However, he seems to be forcibly controlled...) So boss, you should be right to defeat him and then subdue him, right? )

The Stinger Jellyfish looked a little, after all, he had already seen that the Phoenix King was forcibly controlled, and now that Ash defeated the Phoenix King, of course, he had the right to subdue him0...

And after Mew Meow translated the words of the stinger jellyfish, Ash was stunned for a moment, and then patted him on the head even more madly and said: "Isn't it okay to take everything?!" You stupid big brain, Watt?! We must have the most basic respect for this kind of divine beast that represents life! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up when I go back!! Yes! Feed! Arceus! Stop pretending! I know it's definitely you, hurry up and send this thing back! At that time, I don't believe that the Phoenix King of my side world will not find out! "

Hearing Ash's words, Arceus slowly appeared, looked at Ash and said with a smile: "It's really interesting to see your crazy look, rest assured, the Phoenix King will not do anything to you, just let you treat him, after all, the masked man's control of him is the mysteries of ice, plus the world over there originally suppresses the divine beasts, so..."

"Are you sure it's okay to let someone from our side treat it?"

Ash looked at Arceus speechlessly and didn't know what to say, while Arceus smiled and said, "With your ability, it should be okay to gather people and the elf doctor, right?" "

“...... Is that what you planned to do, that's why you didn't stop the stinger jellyfish..."

Arceus 1.5 was obviously stunned by Ash's question, but then he looked into the distance and said, "Who knows?" Maybe I just didn't notice it? "

“...... Never mind... For your sake, I'm sure to take a picture with us. "

"Huh? Group photo? "

Ash's words made Arceus stunned for a moment, and Ash looked at the stunned Arceus and said helplessly: "Just as a reward for the treatment of the Phoenix King, do you know how troublesome it is to summon the top doctors I know and the Joey patriarch to help..."

"And then what? Why am I here for a group photo? "

"Who let you pit me, even if you are a great creation god, I can't work for nothing, it's not too much to take a picture with my family, right?"

Seeing Ash say this, Arceus thought for a moment and said, "... All right. "_

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