When Xiao Ju'er took the three holy beasts to see the Phoenix King, Xiao Zhi and they finally decided on the surgical plan, that is, to do it together!

No, the Phoenix King's ability to heal itself is too strong, if the operation is so time-consuming, the Feng King can not stand it, and the doctors can't stand it, so it's better to go together except for the special positions of others, which can be solved quickly.

After establishing the policy, all the doctors began to act, because this time the hand can be said to be the highest, so the old doctors in charge of the operation cannot be the old, after all, if they start slowly, King Feng's injury will recover.

The people in charge of the operation are Dr. Du, Xiaozhi and several uncle doctors.

"Now it's forbidden to enter the idle people, that's right, it's the three of you! I don't care what you three are, the three holy beasts are now the time for surgery, if you three dare to come in, we will let the auspicious egg beat you out!" "


As the door of the operating room was slammed shut, Shui Junyan Di Lei Gong glanced at each other awkwardly, these doctors are really not polite....

Outside the operating room, a group of Gili Eggs, Happy Eggs, and Wind Speed Dog Katy are responsible for watching these three.

Looking at the serious eyes of these Pokémon, Shui Jun still explained.

"Whoosh!" (We won't bother...) )

"1ucky" (I can't believe the words of a guy with a previous conviction!) )


Hearing the words of the auspicious egg, the three holy beasts were choked up, but they couldn't say anything at all, these Pokémon are all life-saving doctors, and even holy beasts must have respect for this existence, after all, their boss Phoenix King is the messenger of life.

And Meow Meow, who saw the three holy beasts so embarrassed by Ash, came over with a smile and said: "Okay three, it's useless to wait aimlessly here, it's better to go to the house with us first to rest and eat something." "

"Roar!" (But Lord Fengwang)

"You're just making a mess here."

"Roar..." (Okay...) I'm sorry... )

Hearing Meow Meow say this, even Lei Gong, who had the hottest temper, had to admit that Meow Meow was right.

"Whoosh!" (By the way, what about the dark-haired girl just now?) We would like to thank her for her help. )

Just as he was leaving with Meow Meow, Shui Jun remembered Xiao Ju'er who had helped the three of him talk before, so he wanted to thank him. When Meow heard this, he explained with a smile: "Oh, that one, that is actually our eldest lady." If you want to meet, just take you and my eldest ladies to get acquainted, by the way, if there are a bunch of doctors who look at you, please don't overreact, they..."

"Roar..." (Don't worry, we won't overreact to the family of the person who helped Lord Fengwang.) )

Then Emperor Yan paid for his words

"Wow! Legendary Pokémon, it's amazing to be able to see it, let me see! "

"Dr. Ohki... You're going to make it hard for meows..."

Dr. Yew looked at Dr. Ohki with a magnifying glass and kept observing Emperor Yan a little speechless, while there were other doctors.

After these doctors arrived, they saw Dr. Ohki this guy disturbing the divine beasts, and Xiaozhi's family was chatting with the water lord Lei Gong with the help of Meow Meow, and the worst thing was that Emperor Yan had been harassed by Dr. Ohki.

Of course, it seems that Dr. Yamanashi directly pulled over after seeing Arceus, but here Joey grabbed a large handful of Dr. Yamanashi and is now being carried away by Joey for rescue, and the water lord's side is a little embarrassed, but Xiaoxia and Konah's kind of eyes make her a little uncomfortable.

And Lei Gong is the same, who has been staring at him by Xiao Ju'er and does not dare to say more, after all... The big boss is here!

When Shui Jun and they came to Ash's family, they found out...

Nima! Arceus! I'll go! How could this elder who was even more terrifying than Lord Feng be here! And it seems that he has a good relationship with the family of Ash who has been poking him?!

With such thoughts, the three holy beasts really dare not even fart now, what background does Nima have with Ash?!

In fact, they understand the experience of the three holy beasts, Junsha and Joey, they almost didn't frighten when they saw Arceus, but because of the accusation, they looked at it curiously at most and then began to help, of course, they also blessed Junsha Lan and Joy King, who were going to marry into the Ash family.

On the other side, in the operating room, Ash and they encountered a big trouble, the operation was still smooth before, but when the operation of another part was performed, the sacred fire of the Phoenix King suddenly burned, you know, it was the flame of the Phoenix King, and the doctors in the room were all extinguished.

However, neither the doctors nor the auspicious egg as an assistant did not leave, but worked against this fiery burning.

"The crystal is found, my hand has been burned and cannot be operated, Ash, you will take over."

It was obviously a deadly word for a doctor, but it came out of Dr. Du's mouth very calmly.

Xiao Zhi silently took over the work of Dr. Du and began to operate on King Feng, and the feeling of being burned by the divine flame reappeared, but Ash only left a cold sweat for the operation.

Hearing Ash's words, Joy King, who was in charge of assisting, silently wiped the sweat for Ash and did not look at Ash's hand, she knew that Ash's hand was now severely burned like several doctors before him.

"Crystal out, next..."

I wanted to call the next person to help, but because the flame of the Phoenix King took out the penultimate ice crystal, all the doctors' hands, including Ash, were already burned, including those old doctors.

"Well, it really looks like it's going to be done to the end."

Just as Ash was about to continue, Joy King took Ash's scalpel and said, "I'll come." "

"Don't make trouble with (Qian Nuo Zhao), you haven't done it, but if you are... Grab my arm country. "

Hearing Ash say this, Joekin nodded, grabbed Ash's arm, and began to help by controlling Ash's arm as Ash said.

And the Phoenix King, who had been silently observing this operation, slowly closed his eyes after seeing a group of doctors all sacrificing their hands to perform surgery for the Phoenix King of the other world.

'Turns out... Mankind can still be saved...'

Thinking so, the Phoenix King showed his figure and spilled his power on Ash, and under the power of the Phoenix King, Ash's hands began to recover.

However, at this time, there was a roar from Ash in the operating room.

"This side is being treated! Are you making it harder for me to recover from its injuries?! "

And hearing Ash's roar, the Phoenix King, who was already a little tearful, was embarrassed...

It seems that he really helped the other Phoenix King recover from his injuries, and the crystal has not been taken out... _

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