"What! You're going to study with your mother?! "

When Xiao Xue told Ash that she was going to study with Ash's mother Hanako, Ash was stunned, after all, although Ash knew that his mother was also a relatively famous breeder before, but he didn't expect to be Xiao Xue's idol...

"I didn't expect Hanako's mother to be my idol, but wouldn't that be better?" I used to study very well with Hanako's mother. "

"Well... It's a bit of an accident, but if that's the case, it's good to learn from your mother..."

Xiao Xue said that Xiao Zhi couldn't say anything more, after all, if his fiancée wanted to study with her mother before, it was impossible to block it, right?

And Lin, a colleague who Xiaoxue is leaving, also needs to leave the team.

"Xiaozhi, the season of harvesting medicinal herbs is coming, and I need to go back and watch it here."

Although I really want to continue the trip with Ash, but it is about to harvest the medicinal herbs, Lin can't leave it alone, after all, although it can be said that she is Ash's wife, but Rin does not want to eat white rice, she still has to help with the work, which is also her little willfulness.

And for Lin's decision, Xiao Zhi, who had long been familiar with Lin, certainly understood that he couldn't stop Lin, so he could only helplessly instruct: "You and Tomiko don't be too busy, don't tire yourself, the temperature difference in the grassland is large, remember to get dressed if you go out..."

After Ash chattered for a long time, Rin and Tomiko finally went back.

"Tomiko, you too, be careful when grazing. Although the Flying Mantis Rada and the Flame Horse can help you, you still need to pay attention to safety, by the way, if that Kentairo is disobedient, I will help you make him into roast beef. "

Hearing Ash say this, Tomiko smiled helplessly and said, "Don't be so scary... But thank you, then Quartz is going to refuel~. "

When everyone was almost gone, Ash had to finally tell his mother Xiaozi Xiaoxue and Nanami: "There is now more Feng King near the house, it may be more troublesome, but this is no way, you yourself should pay more attention to safety, and Nana Mei, you need to pay attention to Dr. Ohki, don't let him get old and harass the Phoenix King." "

After being reminded by Ash, Nanami found that her grandfather seemed to be looking at King Feng with wolf-like eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll watch Grandpa, Ash, you should be careful yourself, pay more attention to safety."

"Don't worry, Xiaozi is waiting for me at home, and we'll go together to pick Lucario back when we find some time."

Hearing Ash say this, Xiao Zi nodded.

"Don't worry."

Then Hanako and her team also left, and with them were Kiyomi and Ayao, and the two of them wanted to talk with Hanako, the mother-in-law...

Nazi, on the other hand, had already teleported home, and she said that today's short trip with Ash was already very happy.

And Xiaolan is going to go back with Sakaki. And Xiaohuang will go with Xiaolan and Sakaki.

"Brother Xiaozhi, I have agreed to call me when I travel to Chengdu."

Seeing that Xiao Huang still remembered the agreement with herself, she touched her head and said: "Don't worry, you won't forget it, and Xiao Lan don't let her father... Forget it, now it is difficult to call the father-in-law. "

Xiao Lan shook his head unpleasantly when Xiao Zhi said this: "I won't, don't compare me to a naïve guy." "

"Okay, then pay more attention to yourself, and daddy, you better take this opportunity to have a good chat with Xiaolan."

"Well, thank you so much for this time, Ash, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd have to look for a while to see Xiaolan."

The mood of being able to find his daughter Sakaki is also much better, although the relationship between his daughter and his godson makes him a little speechless.

After Sakaki left with Xiaolan and Xiaohuang, Ash was also relieved. It's really exciting that the godfather suddenly becomes an old man...

After seeing that Ash was almost fine, Dr. Du put his hand on Ash's shoulder and said, "Okay, since you've almost finished your side, can you come and talk to us?" And bring your family Karunai, the old doctors here have a lot to talk to you about, about the strange doctor Black Jack. "

“... miserable..."

Afterwards, Ash and Karunai and Serena, who had not yet left, were miserably lectured by a group of doctors, and the purpose was to explain some details of the operation.

"The one over there called Serena! Don't look at your ring! Listen to the lecture well! "

Serena was also stunned after being criticized by the old doctor, but then looked at the ring on her hand with a soft face.

And looking at an old doctor like Serena, he looked at Ash a little speechless and said, "Can't you kid not be so careful?" Good girls have been robbed by you..."

"No, good girls never let go, this is my rule, and if you finish talking we will withdraw, to be honest, there are still things here."

"Don't worry! There are still some points on my side that you need to pay attention to yourself, and that Karunai, you and Ash pay attention to when making a movie, although you know that you are husband and wife, but if you shoot, you will shoot the knowledge! "

Although the lectures of these old doctors were a little boring, but in the idea of respecting the seniors, Karunai could only nod and said helplessly: "Okay, you continue..."

Later, under the ravages of a group of old doctors' lectures, Ash Karunai and Serena finally ended this terrifying lecture hall (Nohao) committee.

And after this, Ash finally wants to say goodbye to Karunai and Serena.

"My side has already prepared a special plane for you to return to Carlos, just take a break, Kalu is your own filming more attention to rest."

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention myself."

"That's good, don't know what work is like Xiaoju'er, it's good to rest more."


After that, Karunai Ash looked at Serena again and said: "Aunt's side, I can pick up relatives at any time, remember to notify me when you want to travel, I will be there immediately." "

“!!! Are you sure?! "

The sudden surprise surprised Serena a little, while Ash nodded and said seriously: "Of course, it's agreed." "

"Good! It's agreed, Ash you must come when I travel! "_

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