Doll's Day, a festival that spread from Chengdu to the Kanto region. On this day, many things are discounted for girls, so girls have burst out terrifying combat power for what they like, and their male companions can only helplessly watch a group of women madly grab discounted items, of course, with exceptions.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you robbing a boy here? Today is Doll's Day, a girl's day, not a boy's day! "

An eldest sister looked at Ash who was holding a piece of fabric a little speechless, but Ash looked at her with indifferent eyes and said: "What do you know, as a family cook, you must seize the opportunity to grab a good thing at this time, don't think I don't know that you also fancy this fabric, although it is very surprising why this piece of fine fabric appears in the special price area, but since I saw it, then I "two three zero" will not let go!" "

“...... Today is Doll's Day! Of course let the girls! "


Xiao Xia, who was competing for other discounted goods, heard Ash call herself to look back, and this glance was instantly attracted. She also discovers the benefits of the fabric that Ash is fighting for.

"I'm coming! Well done Ash! "

As Xiao Xia quickly joins the fray, this cloth battle ends with Ash's side winning. And the eldest sister looked at Ash with tears in her eyes and said; "Why... My boyfriend didn't know to help... Why are young boys like housewives now?"

Ignoring the eldest sister's self-pity, Ash and Xiaoxia had already rushed to the next wave of discount areas together.

Watching his boss and a group of women grabbing discounted items, the security guard helplessly skimmed his head.

'Obviously they are so rich and go to grab discounts... Boss, how calculating this is...'

Of course, these security personnel will not touch the boss's mold, and the boss is still their boss just like a housewife.

And just when everyone was noisily grabbing something, another wave of large troops arrived...

"Mamma Mia!"

When they saw a group of muscle big brothers escorting the two muscle big sisters to arrive, even the girls who had high fighting power because of the discount of goods still took a step back.

And after seeing this gang, Ash said with some surprise: "Doctor Jonol? Sister Melda? Sister Gegran? Are you all on holiday? "

After seeing that it was Ash, Gegran smiled heartily.

"Hahaha, I said who would actually be the same as Aunt when the goods were on sale, sure enough, it's you, Ash."

Melda looked at Ash slightly, and quickly confirmed that Ash did not relax the exercise, so he said with a smile: "It seems that you have not neglected to exercise, this is good, isn't today a doll's day, we and Gegran happen to have a holiday, so come and see." As for Jonoll them, the flower messenger. "

"Ah~ I think I'm afraid of Sister Melda, doctor, you are too good to understand."

When Ash said this, Jonoel, the iron-blooded tough doctor, turned his head and muttered, "Ash, you talk too much." "

"Oh, you really understand, doctor, but you can understand, you can understand."

Patting Dr. Jonol's shoulder, his face was full of treacherous smiles, and seeing Ash, Jonoll could only change the topic and look at Xiaoxia.

"This is your travel partner, I heard Xiao Gang say, it seems that you two."

"Dating for the purpose of marriage, this is Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia, these are the doctors of Taoyuan Fantasy Township, they are all very good people."

Xiao Xia looked at the figures of Melda and Gegranna, and after looking at a group of 'flower' messengers who were slightly stunned, she introduced herself: "That... Hello, my name is Xiaoxia, and I am Ash's girlfriend. "

Melda looked at Xiaoxia a little, and then a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth and said: "Although there are no muscles, it seems that you have exercised well, which is very good, and it seems that you are very good at swimming, so your body recovers so quickly." "


Xiao Xia immediately heard Sister Melda's voiceover, and Ash quickly interrupted: "Ahem! Xiaoxia: Her home is Hualan Daoguan, so it is normal to be able to swim. "

"Oh, I said, so you are the sister of the three crying little girls I trained, although I have heard them talk about it, but this is the first time they have met."

"Hey? Sister Melda, do you know my sisters? "A little unexpectedly looked at Melda Xiaoxia really did not expect that Melda would actually know her three sisters, although she knew that her three sisters were brought out by their parents to ask for special training and came back crying, but she did not expect that it was actually Melda's eldest sister who was responsible for special training.......

Melda, on the other hand, smiled and held Xiaoxia's head, although her hands were calloused but unexpectedly warm.

"That's right, according to your parents' idea, I planned to send you to me for special training, but now it seems that it should not be necessary, travel is also a good exercise, but it is best to take measures when doing aerobic exercise, if you have children..."

"Ahem! Sister Melda, if you like children, just marry the doctor and have one. "

Seeing that Melda's topic was about to deviate again, Ash quickly diverted the topic, and for Ash's divergence, Dr. Jonoll gave Ash a 'good assist' look and said with a smile: "By the way, I forgot to mention that your companion Xiaogang we also brought it, let him rest." "

"Xiao Gang is also here, then his ass..."

"Hmm... There are some reasons, so his butt is not good for the time being, but rest assured, we will treat it as soon as possible, but it is strange why Xiao Gang is silent. "

Just after Dr. Jonoll and Ash looked over together, he found that Xiao Gang was covering his butt and pouting aside, and when he saw this situation, Ash snapped his fingers.


"What's going on?"

5.2 "Mr. Xiao Gang went to pick up a lady who was competing for goods and was kicked in the ass..."


Hearing the subordinate's answer, Ash shook his head helplessly and said to Pikachu on his shoulder: "Actually, I admire Xiao Gang's perseverance, of course, if he is not a pig brother, then he should take it down if he insists a little..."


As soon as Ash finished speaking, a group of muscle men and Meow Meow took out a small book and began to record, and the small book of the muscle men also had strange names written on it.

"The Handbook for Lovers... How boring you guys are! "

Looking at this group of guys who don't do their job, Ash is completely angry, but this group of faceless guys actually shouted shamelessly: "Master! We're going to learn your tips! "*N


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