"Whew! Give it a try. Blowing the camera, Meow handed Archer the camera that had been modified, and Archer felt it after taking it.

"Oooooh! Sure enough, it's the same feel, I'll try it! Saying that, Archer took a few pictures with his camera, and the more he sent it, the more the corners of his mouth rose.

"The sharpness has increased, the shutter speed is almost synchronized, and it is easier to use than those so-called new cameras, and Ash's craftsmanship with Meow is really amazing!" Constantly pressing the shutter, Archer became more and more excited.

And Meow Meow held his chest and said of course: "Isn't this for sure, don't look at who helped you repair and upgrade, I'm a mechanical specialist." "

"It's great, it should be clearer next time I shoot the legendary Pokémon." Looking at his camera with satisfaction, Archer said with a smile.

And Ash, they were a little surprised after hearing Archer's words, Archer took the legendary Pokémon? With such doubts, Xiao Xia asked Archer: "That, Archer, have you photographed the legendary Pokémon?" "

"That's right, I'm known as a genius photographer for taking almost impossible footage of fossil pterosaurs fighting another Pokémon, so wait a minute." Nodding proudly, Archer quickly took out his photo album and flipped to the place where he was most satisfied with the photo.

"You see, 153 This is a precious picture of a fossil pterosaur fighting another Pokémon, although the other Pokémon's body shape is very blurry, but the fossil pterosaur is very clear!"

Looking at the fossil pterosaur who was obviously beaten on Archer's photo, a weird smile appeared on Ash's face.

"Fossil pterosaur, come and see the pictures that others have taken for you."

Ash then threw a luxury ball, and a Pokémon that Archer was very familiar with appeared.


“...... This one is... Fossil pterosaur?! Looking at Ash's fossil pterosaur, Archer was completely shocked, and the fossil pterosaur did not pay attention to Archer but looked at the photo in Ash's mouth. When he saw how he was beaten, the fossil pterosaur slowly turned his head to look at Archer.

"That... Is there something going on? Looking at the fossil pterosaur, Archer knew he was going to be miserable.


With the roar of the fossil pterosaur, Archer felt that his face was full of fossil pterosaur saliva, while Ash patted him after the fossil pterosaur roared for a long time and said, "Okay, let's do it first." We've beaten this photographer who captured your embarrassment before, so let him go for now. "

Hearing Ash say this, the temperless fossil pterosaur who had been beaten by Ash nodded, but his eyes were still full of resentment when he looked at Archer, and it seemed that he would not mind giving Archer a bite whenever he had the opportunity.

And Archer is also snorting now, he can't imagine that the legendary Pokémon he photographed will actually appear in front of him, but looking at the fossil pterosaur and then looking at his mother, Archer suddenly realized: "It turns out that the Pokémon that defeated the fossil pterosaur is the bear!" "


With Ash's wrench, Archer lay on the ground, and Ash said unpleasantly: "Do you know if you want to hand over the bear mother?" This is my other mother, you give me respect! "

"I'm sorry," Archer said, lying on the ground.

When Archer got up again and listened to Ash's introduction, he realized that the bear was Ash's mother, and the bear was the one who defeated the fossil pterosaur.

After knowing this relationship, Archer looked at the bear with some admiration and said: "Is the bear mother so strong?" "

"Of course, my bear mother is very powerful, of course, the most powerful thing is to take care of people!" Saying that, Ash threw himself into Mama Xiong's arms and said with a comfortable face: "Mama Xiong's arms are super comfortable..."

“... It's really hard to imagine..." Looking at Ash and Mother Bear, Archer couldn't imagine that the bear-clad bear in front of him, who had a kind face for Ash to hold, would be a strong man who hung a fossil pterosaur.

And looking at Archer's photo, Xiaoxia thought for a while and said: "It turns out that in everyone's definition, the fossil pterosaur is the legendary Pokémon?" Saying that, Xiaoxia looked at the (ccdj) fossil pterosaur again, and the fossil pterosaur shrugged.

"It seems that maybe I have experienced too much..." Looking at Archer's photo, thinking that everyone else was lamenting for seeing the fossil pterosaur, when he met the legendary Pokémon, he had...

Taking out the group photo of the two using the Phoenix King as the background when he and Xiaozhi just met, Xiaoxia's face showed a smile. Who would have thought that they would meet their significant other just after traveling?

And Archer looked at the smile on Xiaoxia's face and looked at the photo in her hand with some curiosity, and was stunned when he saw it.

"This! This is the Phoenix King! Archer didn't expect that Xiaoxia and Ash's photo would actually have King Feng as the background, and Xiaoxia said with a smile: "Yes, at that time, Ash and I had just met, I really didn't expect it... We actually came together. "

“???" Looking at the ring on Xiaoxia's finger, Archer was really stunned, although he had heard about the marriage of his partner on the trip, but he didn't expect to meet here.

"Congratulations, it's nice to meet your other half when you travel." For Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia Archer still said his blessings, and Xiao Xia also smiled and said: "Thank you, but Archer has always asked why you want to shoot us?" "

Archer was slightly stunned when he heard this question, but then said, "Actually, someone asked me to take a picture of Pikachu, and they said they liked Ash your Pikachu so let me help." "

"Oh? Love my Pikachu? Can you tell me about it? Hearing Archer's words, Ash was instantly interested, it was better to say that Ash had already guessed who it would be, after all, wasn't it only those three who were interested in his Pikachu.

"It's two old men with a meow, and they showed me pictures of you and Pikachu up to a duck serpentine bear and said they liked your Pikachu." Archer answered Ash's question while handing Ash a few photos, and the photo was the photo of Ash carrying the snake-striped bear on the top of the duck's head with Pikachu standing on the shoulder, because it was taken from behind, the eyes of the duck who saw through everything can be said to be very clear from the photo.

Looking at this photo, Ash said silently: "Hmm... Large needle bee. "


With Ash's call, the big needle bee himself appeared from the baby ball and looked at Ash.

"Go settle our old friend." Showing the photo to the needle bee, the needle bee nodded and flew out of Archer's house.

Then it didn't take long for the screams of rockets to be heard.

"Ahhh! Big needle bee! "

"Mom, it hurts!"


"What a nasty feeling~"*3_

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