When the bear stepped on the water to the deck of the submarine, a group of teammates of the water fleet were all open mouths, and the way the appearance of the bear in the bear could really be said to be shocking.

After the bear came to the deck, he first looked around, and then locked the members of the water fleet and slowly walked towards them with heavy steps.

The members of the water fleet felt terrible pressure when they looked at the bear, so they were not going to sit still.

"Come out, Coyote Dog!"


As the Coyote appeared on the deck, the Pokémon, which can almost be said to be the villain's standard, had to face the terrifying dressed mother bear as soon as he appeared, and as the wearing mother bear stepped forward step by step, the coyote dog directly began to snort.

His feelings told him that this one in front of him was an absolute overlord, and his little cub was a product that was beaten by all kinds of hangings in front of others.

"Yi" 31 (Fuck Off)


With the domineering words of the bear mother, the coyote dog directly howled and ran away, and then the bear in the bear looked at the members of the water fleet.

"Yi" (hurry up and solve it)

Saying this, the bear raised his hand and punched the submarine hard. And it was such an ordinary punch that made the entire submarine begin to tremble, and this terrifying vibration was enough to prove how terrifying the terrifying power of wearing a bear was.

And with the terrifying punch of the bear, all the members of the water fleet were so frightened that they ran directly into the submarine and locked the door, they didn't want to let the bear in.

And the water fleet wearing a bear looked at the instant running away and turned its eyes to the submarine's monitor.

The tide in the submarine looked at the bear in such a destructive way and said a little broken: "Hey, hey, hey! This joke is not funny! What the hell is that?! "

"I don't know, Lord Chao, but that bear scared the coyote dog away just by looking at it!"

"Expect you to be on your own!"

Throwing his subordinates aside, Chao ordered the controller: "Now dive, although I don't know what it is, but when we enter the water, he will have nothing to do with us." "



Before the operator could move the submarine, the tremors occurred, and then the operator found that the submarine could not be operated.

"What's wrong again?!"

"My lord! The submarine got entangled in something"

"Huh? Then don't hurry up and see if the design is entangled! "


When the controller looked outside through the monitor, he found that a huge tyrannosaurus and a Menas had dismantled the submarine's propeller.

"It's not good to cut it, but fortunately I was prepared, open the device and my megalodon will help!"


The people of the water fleet also ignited hope when they heard the tide, after all, for them, the tide megalodon is very strong. As the controller turned on the device, the two megalodons that had been used as the back hand of the tide rushed straight to the tyrannosaurus and Menas, but after seeing these two megalodons, the tyrannodon did not take it seriously at all, after all, compared to these two weak poor guys, the megalodon that can really make themselves vigilant is still on Fengyuan's side.

When I thought of the megalodon tyrannosaurus who was super close to the boss like himself, the anger also rose.

"Roar!" (Just take you guys out of the air!) )

Because it is in the sea, the Tyrannosaurus moves extremely quickly, while Menas moves with the Tyrannosaurus, and the two Pokémon also activate the self-created technique created by Ash's idea, the Deep Sea Vortex.

This move can be said to be a terrifying control skill in places with water, not to mention that now Ash's two overlord-level Pokémon have launched together.

When Menas and the tyrannosaurus chose to form a terrifying vortex together, even if the megalodon was a water Pokémon, it could not break free from this terrifying power and was directly controlled in the water and could not move, while the tyrannosaurus and Menas launched a terrifying sea spout after leaving the vortex to form a terrifying sea spout to throw the two megalodons out of the water and then fall down.

When the two megalodons fell, the tyrannosaurus and Menas launched another deep-sea impact at the same time, which is a trick that wraps the water flow around the whole body and then impacts the enemy, specifically used to deal with fire Pokémon, but now it is enough to deal with two megalodons with the bottom of the body.

Along with two figures that rushed out of the water, the two megalodons could only scream and float at sea.

And Chao in the submarine was also surprised to see his two megalodons being killed in seconds, but as the leader, he still had some brains, so he said to his subordinates next to him: "Lock up all 993 mouths, can't let these guys in." "


The bear in the submarine, looking at the submarine and pondering for a while, not knowing whether to dismantle it directly, after all, maybe this submarine is still valuable to Ash.

And just as the bear was meditating, the Jeni turtle ran over and shouted: "Jeni Jeni! (Boss's mother, you open a hole and leave it to me!) )

Looking at the smiling Jeni turtle, the bear immediately thought of what its ghost idea was and nodded.

"Yi!" (Over to you)

Then the bear used his terrifying power to directly punch the submarine out of a hole, and the Jeni turtle also drilled into this hole.

How long does America wear bears to hear screams from the cave road.

"! Why is this Jeni turtle farting so smelly! "

"Let me out! Let me out! "

"Coyote dog! Don't, coyote! Wake up! I shouldn't have let you out!!! "

And this commotion did not last long before it ended, but from the faint stench from the submarine, you can know what the bear child of Jeni turtle did. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations,

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